

Study on Mining Circular Economy Development of Fujian

【作者】 姜宏汝

【导师】 张洪涛; 陈仁义;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 资源产业经济, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 福建省的矿业不仅为本省的经济发展做出了重大贡献,也对全国经济增长产生了极大的推动作用。然而,福建粗放的矿产资源开发利用方式,导致全省主要矿产的储量逐年下降,远低于产量的增长。矿产资源储量不断下降和需求急剧增长的矛盾,严重制约了福建省经济的可持续发展。循环经济强调能源资源在经济体系内的重复利用,力求在不影响经济社会保持稳步增长的前提下,进行清洁生产和废弃物的循环再利用,尽量减少对自然资源的消耗,以达到节约资源、保护生态环境的目的,从而产生显著的经济、社会和环境效益。现在,我国正在推进加快海峡西岸经济区的建设,而福建省是海西经济区的主体,为了保持经济持续稳定快速地增长,必然会增加对矿产资源的开采和利用。但是如果机械式地沿袭传统的发展模式,以矿产资源的大量消耗为代价保证经济的发展,工业化和现代化建设将难以为继。因此,开展福建省矿业循环经济发展的研究,能为海峡西岸经济区整个区域的发展提供基础支持,是福建省改造传统资源产业、解决环境问题、转变经济增长方式的需要,是实现可持续发展的必由之路,同时也是建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和坚持贯彻科学发展观的必然要求。本文通过对循环经济、矿业循环经济理论的研究和总结,将理论与福建省矿产资源综合利用和矿业循环经济发展的具体实践相结合,探索适合福建省矿业循环经济发展的的运作模式。该模式可以简单归纳为“1+3+1”:前一个“1”指整个福建省经济社会层面的大循环,“3”指矿产资源产业与相关产业间的循环、矿产资源产业内部的循环、矿产企业内部循环,后一个“1”则指静脉矿业。并在该模式的基础上形成市场、社会、政府三方联动机制,以及积极开展与周边省市合作,共同构建福建省矿业循环经济体系。同时,在对福建省矿业循环经济评价指标的选取上,采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法。参考其他循环经济评价指标体系的相关研究和成果,结合矿产经济自身的特点,构建一套矿业循环经济的评价指标,在实地调查的基础上,通过统计数据与统计分析结果,对福建省矿业循环经济发展进行评价,探索具有福建特色的矿业循环经济发展对策。在此基础上,选择福建马坑矿业为例,以实例分析探讨矿业如何以科学发展观为指导,坚持内涵发展方式,把优化品种结构、抓好节能减排、综合利用废弃物作为企业经济发展的主攻方向,加快用高新技术和先进适用技术改造传统产业,迈上循环经济发展的良性循环之路。

【Abstract】 Mining industry of Fujian Province not only contribute greatly to the economic growth of the province, but also has an important impulse in the process of whole country’s economic growth. However, it has caused natural resources exhausting and mining reserves declining in the process of extensive economic growth in Fujian. With fast growth of our economy, the conflict between mining demand growth and resources shortage has become escalating noticeable and the resources sufficiency has been restraining sustainable development of Fujian economy. The circular economy emphasize that energy resources can be recycled through the economic system without effecting the stable growth of economy, which advocate Clean production and waste circulation to use again, reducing the depletion to the resources and the breakage to the natural, aiming at environmental protection and energy saving, leading to significance benefit on the side of economy, society and environmental protection. Nowadays, Fujian province is speeding up construction on the west side of the Straits, which would be bound to raise the exploitation and use of mineral resources. However, if we still follow traditional pattern of economic development, which ensure stable and fast growth of economy at the expense of consuming a great deal of mining resources, it is hard carry on industrialization and modernization Construction. Therefore, the research of mining recycling economy and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources is adapt to promote traditional recourses industry and change economic growth mode, meanwhile, it leads to sustainable development , resource-saving and environment-friendly society, which has theoretical and practical significance.Based on the research of circular economy and mining Circular Economy, this paper combine the theory of utilization of Fujian mineral resources with the practice of cyclic economy in the mining industry, putting forward a suitable circulating pattern of mining industry in Fujian province. This pattern can be summarized as“1+3+1”, the former“1”refer to macro-economics of Fujian province;“3”refer to the circle of Mineral resources industry and other related industries、internal cycles of mineral industries and minerals enterprises; the latter“1”refer to venous mining industries. On this basis, constructed the joint mechanism of market、society and government , composed Fujian mining circular economy with neighboring provinces.Furthermore, a combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis methodology has been employed in evaluating indicator selection of Fujian mining recycling economy. This paper refers to research results of related circular economy evaluation system, then establish a new index system of mining recycling economy according to mining economic’s own features. Besides, the evaluation of Fujian mining recycling industry is analyzed with field investigations and statistic data in this paper, objective to explore strategies of mining recycling economy with Fujian distinguishing feature.Considering Ma’eng Mine as the example, this paper analyzed how could mining industries apply the scientific development view to guide a healthy development of mining enterprise, putting forward some improvement suggestions to refine products construction. In addition, Focus on energy reduction, environmental protection and ecological construction of key projects, discussing how to embarked on the path of virtuous circle of economic development.

【关键词】 福建省矿业循环经济
【Key words】 Fujian ProvinceMining IndustryThe Circular Economy
  • 【分类号】F426.1;F205
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】721

