

The Study of Subtle Reservoir Prediction Technology of Baiyinchagan Basin

【作者】 梁国胜

【导师】 陈开远;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学(北京) , 能源地质工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 在白音查干凹陷构造油藏勘探举步维艰、隐蔽油藏勘探展露曙光的背景下,本论文针对该区构造破碎、储层变化快等复杂的地震地质条件,在层序地层学思想和地震沉积学原理指导下,展开了以隐蔽油藏预测技术为研究内容的科技攻关,主要从提高地震资料解决地质问题能力出发,结合单井的地球物理特征分析,运用地震属性分析、非线性约束反演等多种地球物理手段综合识别隐蔽油藏,建立了一套与隐蔽油藏勘探相适应的技术和手段,并在该区的油气勘探中取得了良好的效果。通过论文研究取得以下成果:1、结合测井资料、地震资料进行了高精度层序地层对比及研究,建立了井-震统一的层序格架;运用地震地层学和测井地质学等理论与方法,深入研究了凹陷不同时期沉积相类型、沉积体系展布和重点地区沉积微相,确定了有利沉积相带的时空分布。2、应用三维可视化、相干体分析、空间速度场、平衡剖面等综合解释技术,对凹陷800km2三维连片地震资料进行整体解释与成图,剖析了构造发育演化特征、古构造背景对沉积体系发育的控制关系,以及与隐蔽油藏分布的关系,为隐蔽油藏勘探靶区优选奠定了良好基础。3、采用小波分频处理新方法,对叠后地震资料作频带拓宽处理,纵向分辨率大大提高,有利于对薄层的识别,实际资料处理主频提高了10Hz,频带拓宽了45Hz,效果明显;在地震反演中,将“模型法”中的构造层位控制思想同“井约束反演”中的井约束外推算法结合,吸收了宽带约束反演、测井约束反演和模型法反演等线性反演的优势,在进行非线性反演运算的同时,采用了构造—测井共同约束下的井外推反演,形成了“构造-测井约束非线性高精度地震反演技术”。实际资料处理表明该方法稳定性强,反演结果具有视分辨率高、信噪比高的特点,对两个重点目标区进行储层预测,能分辨厚度3-5m以上储层,与井吻合率达85%。4、形成了具有白音查干凹陷特色的隐蔽油藏预测技术系列,对勘探具有很强的指导性,实现了白音查干凹陷隐蔽油藏勘探的新发现和持续发展。应用该套技术发现了锡林好来斜坡带岩性、构造+岩性稀油富集区,落实探明储量约300万吨;初步落实锡林好来超覆带地层稠油油藏具有千万吨级储量规模;明确了白音查干凹陷存在地层、岩性、构造+岩性等多种类型隐蔽油藏;共识别出隐蔽圈闭圈闭13个,经钻探证实,这套技术方法是可行的。

【Abstract】 Under the background of difficult situation in structure reservoir exploration and initial success in subtle reservoir exploration in Baiyinchagan Depression, the research in subtle reservoir prediction was conducted in this dissertation, facing the complicated seismic and geological conditions, such as breakage structure and fast changing reservoir, and guided by sequence stratigraphy and seismic sedimentology, the research in this dissertation focuses on the seismic data’s ability to solve the geological problems and was based on the geophysical characteristic analysis for the single well, the seismic attribute analysis, the non-linear constraint inversion and several other geophysical means were used to integratedly identified the subtle reservoir, a set of techniques and means which fit the subtle reservoir exploration was established, excellent results were achieved by applying the techniques and means in oil&gas exploration in Baiyinchagan Depression. The following conclusions were obtained in this dissertation:(1). By jointly using well logging data and seismic data, the high precision sequence stratigraphyic correlation and studies were conducted, the united well-seismic sequence framework was established, based on the theories and methods in seismic stratigraphy and logging geology, the types of sedimentary facies for different periods, the distribution of the sediment system and the sedimentary microfacies in the key areas for the Depression were studied in detail, the temporal and spatial distribution of the favorite sedimentary facies belt was determined.(2). By utilizing some integrated interpretation techniques, such as 3d visualization, coherent volume analysis, spatial velocity field and balanced section, the integral interpretation and mapping for the 800 square Km merged seismic data were conducted, the controlling relation of the structure development evolution characteristics and the palaeotectonic setting to the development of the sedimentary system, their relationship with the distribution of the subtle reservoir were analyzed, laying a solid foundation for the potential targets for the subtle reservoir exploration.(3). The new wavelet frequency splitting processing method was used to conduct frequency expanding processing for the post-stack data, the vertical resolution was then greatly raised, which was conducive to the thin-layer’s identification, the dominant frequency of the field seismic data was raised 10 Hz, the frequency band was expanded 45 Hz, excellent results were achieved. In seismic inversion, the structure&horizon controlling thought in the modeling method and the well constraint extrapolation algorithm were jointly utilized, the advantages in the linear inversions, such as the broadband constraint inversion, the logging constraint inversion and the modeling method inversion were absorbed, at the same time while conducting non-linear inversion, the structure-well constraint well extrapolation inversion was utilized, as a result the structure-well constraint non-linear high precision seismic inversion technique was formed. The processing results for the field seismic data show that the method is stable, the inversion results have high apparent resolution and high signal to noise ratio, the reservoir predictions for the key areas were conducted by using the method, it can resolve 3 - 5 meter thick reservoir, the matching rate with the drilled wells reached 85%.(4). The technical series for subtle reservoir prediction for the Baiyinchagan Depression was formed in this dissertation, which could guide the oil&gas exploration in the Depression, the new discoveries and sustainable developments for the subtle reservoir exploration in the Baiyinchagan Depression were realized. By applying the technical series the lithology- structure light oil enriched zone in slope zone of Xilinhaolai were identified with proved reserves of 3 million tons, the 10 million tons reserves of heavy oil in overlap zone of Xilinhaolai were initially implemented, it was found out in the research of the dissertation that the several types of subtle reservoir, such as the stratigraphic reservoir, the lithology, reservoir and the structure-lithology reservoir exist in the Baiyinchagan Depression. 13 subtle traps were identified altogether, it was proven by the drilling that the technical series was feasible.

  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】339

