

Trauma Narrative and Writing Therapy

【作者】 孙菊霞

【导师】 徐光兴;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 每个人在成长过程中都可能会遭遇各种问题或创伤,地震、泥石流等自然灾害给灾区孩子带来身心的毁灭性创伤;信息高速发展、物欲横流的都市使很多少年迷失方向。如何教会学生成功应对生活创伤,勇敢承受各种挫折,从中得以锻炼,提升心理素质,是每一位教师的责任,更是我国素质教育的重要课题之一。在语文等学科教育中开展心理健康辅导是当代教育改革的必然趋势,对于发展学生心理素质、预防心理问题的产生具有重要意义。学科教师实施心理辅导成为一个重要的研究课题,在我国当前文化背景下,语文教师实施心理辅导具有天时、地利、人和的优势。本研究目的在于分析创伤叙事、写作疗法等相关心理辅导方法与语文教育之间的联系,论述汉语文教育促进学生心理健康成长的作用机制,探讨语文教师应该如何在语文教育过程中实施心理辅导。从理论角度探讨心理辅导和语文教育之间的关系,阐述语文教师实施心理辅导的可行性及优势;从实践层面,调查语文教师对于在语文教学中实施心理辅导的看法和态度,深入一线了解他们的想法和具体做法,与他们共同探讨和改善在语文教育中实施心理辅导的途径和方法等,分别采用问卷调查、质性访谈、行动研究以及案例分析等研究方法。问卷调查以沪、甘两地38所学校的语文教师为研究对象,采用自编问卷《语文教师与心理辅导相关问题的现状调查》了解语文教师对心理辅导相关问题认识和理解的大概情况。经检验,该问卷具有较好的信效度,量表总的内在一致性系数为0.856,各因子的内部一致性系数分别是0.765、0.678、0.696、0.713。调查结果显示,语文教师对于在语文教学中实施心理辅导普遍持有积极、肯定的态度。他们一致认为在语文教育中实施心理辅导具有可行性,认为语文教学与心理辅导之间存在密切关系,肯定心理辅导可以促进学生发展的观点,对成绩和心理健康之间的关系表示中立,认为开展心理辅导工作一定要多方配合、广泛参与。大多数老师认为自己缺乏心理咨询方法、心理辅导的技术和能力。根据学生外在行为判断、直接找学生谈话、鼓励是他们较常使用的辅导方法。质性研究涉及语文教师、心理教师、校长、学生等共二十三位受访者。根据对资料的编码、整理、归纳和分析发现,老师们对语文教学中实施心理辅导普遍持肯定和支持态度,认为语文教育与心理辅导关系密切并相互影响;多数语文教师被动而无意识地应对学生问题,通过讲道理、谈心等传统方法建构师生关系;部分语文老师还是能有意识地主动利用课文内容和丰富的语文课程资源实施心理辅导,常用方法包括:充分利用课文内容、讲故事、运用音乐创设情景、领悟与言语鼓励、谈心日记、课本剧与角色扮演等。实施心理辅导需要语文教师具备无条件接受学生、关爱学生、自我反省、领悟探索等基本素养。在实施过程中,老师们往往存在任务不清、缺乏系统性等困惑,家庭、社会等外界环境因素影响较大,因此他们需要接受相应的培训,提升心理辅导能力。行动研究部分,从个案角度切入,采用创伤叙事等心理辅导方法,将课文内容讲解和写作等语文实践活动相结合,借鉴现场实验设计思路,有目的地从不同学校选取四位语文教师进行培训和引导,使其根据教学进度借助字词联想、看图说话、作文等方式了解学生,使用创伤叙事、情绪日记、诵读经典等方法实施心理辅导。有192名学生参与了本研究,他们完成了中小学生心理健康量表,社交焦虑量表,自尊量表,儿童自我意识量表等测试。三个月后,不同学校的实验组和对照组之间都产生不同程度、不同项目的改变,主要体现在情绪、焦虑等个别项目上的变化。L、H、M校实验组学生在情绪等项目上的变化较对照组有一定改善,但Q校效果不太明显,师生评定存在差异。定性研究结果表明,语文教师在有意识挖掘教材资源、使用叙事作文等相关方法、主动探索等条件下,改善学生心理状况具有可行性。得出结论,语文教师可以利用作文等语文活动及时发现学生受创伤情绪、不良认知等情况、了解学生心理,利用课文调节认知,配合写作宣泄情绪,在语文教育过程中实施心理辅导,从而预防和减少心理问题发生,促进学生身心和谐发展。对几位语文教师所撰写案例进行分析后发现,她们对学生的基本情况和家庭背景都有更为深入、细致、全面地了解。她们饱含情感,能够设身处地替学生着想,在课堂教学过程中就可以了解学生特点,通过讲解课文、及时沟通、创伤叙事、同学互助等形式,有针对性地进行隐性心理辅导,从而巧妙地避免阻抗,借助班级团队氛围,利用家长和其他教师多方力量,及时、有效地实施干预。得出结论,语文教师实施心理辅导的前提在于充分深入了解学生,以课堂阅读和作文教学为主渠道,以课外语文活动为辅助手段,提升教学中的评估和心理辅导能力、反思研究,培养教师心理辅导能力是成功的关键。

【Abstract】 Everyone is likely to encounter all kinds of problems or traumas in the process of growth. Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, landslides, etc, had brought people a huge physical and psychological trauma. In the social environment of rapid development of information, many young people lost their mind in the materialistic city. One important issue of quality education is to teach students to successfully deal with life trauma and suffered various setbacks to enhance the psychological quality. One of the inevitable trends of modern education reform is intergrated psychological counseling in Chinese education. In our current cultural context, subject teachers implement psychological counseling had been become an important research topic what have many advantages.The purpose of this research, was analysis the relationship between Chinese language education and writing therapy and trauma narratives, discussed the Chinese language education was conducive to the psychological health of the mechanisms and it’s influencing factors. In the theory part, explained the Chinese language education for the psychological health of the mechanisms and unique function, while teachers exert the key influences in the permeability of psychological counseling; from a practical point of view, designed a questionnaire to investigate language teachers views on the infiltration of psychological counseling, into the different schools in-depth interviews to understand the teacher’s ideas and specific practices, and discussed methods of Chinese education on the integration of psychological counseling. Empirical study was consisted of four parts, using different research methods, including questionnaire survey, qualitative interviews, action research, case studies and other research methods.In questionnaire section, using self designed questionnaire "language teachers and psychological issues related to the status of the investigation" to find Chinese teachers’ awareness and understanding on the issues related to psychological. The subjects are many Shanghai and Gansu Chinese teachers in 38 schools. After the testing, the questionnaire had good reliability and validity. The scale’s Cronbach’s a was 0.856, and Cronbach’s a of all factors were 0.765、0.678、0.696 and 0.713. It could be seen from the questionnaire survey that the teachers are mostly sure of the relationship between psychological consultation and study, and positive toward the combination of Chinese Teaching and psychological consultation. They certainly believed that counseling could promote development of students, etc. Besides, they thought that they are lack of psychological consultation knowledge and skills; the most important traits are teaching ability of practice and healthy personality. In the daily time, they often judge students by their behavior, communicate with them and encourage them to deal with several things.In qualitative interviews section, it is involved 23 interviewees. The interviews indicated that teachers hold a positive and supportive attitude to integration. They thought that there was a close relationship between Chinese language education and mental counseling. Most language teachers were passively and unconsciously to resolve the students’problem, and to construct the teacher-student relationship through reason, talk, communication, etc. Some Chinese language teachers were able to consciously and proactively to take advantage of rich text content and the language curriculum resources to provide counseling for students.They commonly used methods are using of text content, storytelling, the creation of scenarios with music, insight and verbal encouragement, talk diary, Textbook Plays and Role Playing. It requires teachers to unconditionally accept the students, love students, self-reflection, in-depth understanding and active exploration to integrating. In this process, these teachers often confusing the task is unclear, the lack of systematic and so on, family, social and other external environment factors, therefore they need to receive appropriate training, to enhance counseling capacity. This process will be affected by many external factors, such as family, society, etc. Therefore, they need appropriate training to enhance the ability of psychological counseling.In action research, it is conducted from the viewpoint of cases, referenced field experiment design ideas, purposefully selected from different schools in four language teachers for training and guidance. Under the guidance of the researcher, the four teachers have a deep understanding of the students by using word association, figure speaking and writing, and interfere in the results flexibly through various developmental teaching methods, such as emotional diary and Chinese classics. The quantitative results show that there are different changes before and after research in different schools respectively and differences among teachers’interventions, but no significant effect of Q School. There are a few changes among several experimental and control classes in L、H and M schools, especially in the emotion item. There were significant differences between the results of evaluation of teachers and students. It can be seen from the above that Chinese teacher acts a key role in the combination of psychological consultation and teaching. The qualitative results show that it is feasible that under the conscious ability to enhance counseling and actively participate in the experiment conditions, the language teachers to counsel students. It is concluded that Chinese language teachers can understand students better by use writing and other language activities to discover their emotional trauma, cognitive, etc. In the course of the implementation of Chinese language education permeability of psychological counseling to prevent and reduce psychological problems, and promote the harmonious development of physical and mental.In the case study section, we can found that Language teachers could be more thorough, detailed and comprehensive understanding of students, including their basic information and family background. They could put themselves in for the sake of the students that full of emotion; they could understand the characteristics of students in the process of teaching in the classroom; they could provide counseling for student by the content of the text, etc. All in all, the Chinese language teacher should fully understand the students, to classroom teaching as the main channel, to extra-curricular activities as assistance, to give the students a deep love that is a guarantee of teaching success, to enhance their own quality and continue to reflect themselves. So, training of teachers in counseling ability is an important task for the key to success in education.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】2429

