

Evolution of the Hun’s State Pattern in 3rd Century BC-4th Century AD

【作者】 冯世明

【导师】 章义和;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 匈奴由蒙古草原上的游牧民族,到迁徙内地与汉人杂居,再到重新建立匈奴国家,中间经历了深刻而巨大的变化。在汉族国家体制的影响下,匈奴国家形态的演变有自己独特的道路。论文以时间为线索,将匈奴历史分为前国家时期、秦汉、魏晋、汉赵四个阶段,依次对匈奴国家形成及原因、血缘向地缘的转变、国家结构的演变、国家政治特征的演变进行了探讨,从而试图勾勒匈奴国家形态演变的轨迹。在匈奴国家形成之前,经历了部落联盟和部落联盟共主制两个阶段。论文从外部因素和内部因素两个方面,考察了匈奴国家形成的动因,并且将其与学术界提出的有关国家形成动因进行比较。从秦汉时期匈奴帝国建立,到十六国时期汉赵国家灭亡,部落一直是匈奴的基本社会组织。不过,这中间并非一成不变。论文探讨了匈奴社会组织中血缘与地缘的关系、血缘向地缘的转化的过程,以及部落维持的原因。通过这方面的考察,可以将匈奴国家纳入早期国家的范畴。国家结构的演变是国家形态演变的一个重要方面。秦汉时期,匈奴的国家结构带有浓厚的游牧少数民族色彩,南匈奴内附后,开始受到汉族国家的影响,在其强制的改造和示范作用下,匈奴国家结构一步步向着成熟国家结构演变。国家政治特征是国家形态的重要组成部分。秦汉时期,匈奴的国家政治特征带有原始性,汉赵国家时,很大程度上已经汉化了。论文从意识形态、职官系统、税收和贸易、军事制度、法律等方面,探讨这一变化过程。本文通过考察匈奴国家形态演变的轨迹,揭示出匈奴国家形态演变的独特规律,并且对其在中国古代国家发展过程中的地位进行定位。同时,也可以为早期国家理论的修补和完善提供一个视角。

【Abstract】 The Hun goes through a deep and large change from a nomadic nation in the Mongolia grasslands to living together with Chinese by moving into inland to rebulid the Hun’s state. Under the affece of China’s structure, The evolution of Hun’s state pattern has its special way.This paper makes the time clue and studies through the period.It divides the Hun’s history into four stages:before the country,QinHan,WeiJin,HanZhao. One by one in order studying the formation of state and the reasons,the change from the blood relationship to geotropic relationship,the evolution of the state structure, the state political character, then analyses the path of state pattern’s evolution.Before the state formation of Hun, it goes through two stages:the tribe alliance and the tribe alliance comaster.The paper studies the reason of state formation from the external cause and the internal cause.It also compares the reason with the agent about state formation raised by academic circle.From the state builds in QinHan dynasties, until HanZhao state dies out in sixteen counties period, the Hun always makes tribe the basic society organization. But it has change in the process.The paper discusses the relationship between blood and geography in the society organization,the transformation process from the blood to the geographicl relationship.It also studies the reason why the tribe existes from beginning to end. At the same time,the Hun’s state can be fit into the category of early state through the study.The evolution of the state structure is an important aspect of the state pattern. In QinHan Dynasties, the state structure has an strong nomadic national minority color. After the south Hun enters into China,under the forced transformation and demonstration of the Chinese Central Goverment,the Hun evolves to matural state structure gradually.The state political character is an important part of the state pattern. In QinHan dynasties, the Hun state’s political character is original.After the Hanzhao has been founded, it forms the character of chinese system in an large level.The paper will also study the change process from the aspects such as ideology,officials system, taxation and trade,militrary and law.Studying of evolution about Hun’s state pattern,it can reveal the special way of the Hun’s state and locate the position of it in acient Chiese state’s development.Meanwhile, the theory of early state can also be amended and improved.

  • 【分类号】K289
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】934

