

The Afghanistan War: the Research on the Soviet High-level Decision-making (1979-1989)

【作者】 李晓亮

【导师】 沈志华;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 国际冷战史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 阿富汗作为苏联南部邻国,与苏联有着长达2400余公里边境线,其特殊的地理位置对于苏联的南部边疆的安全和中亚五国的稳定有着极为重要的意义。特别是美苏全球争夺的冷战期间,阿富汗作为战略资源和战略位置极其重要的中东边缘地区,成为苏联大规模渗透的对象。1978年4月27日,阿富汗人民民主党突然发动政变,达乌德被推翻,这一被阿富汗人民民主党自称为“四月革命”的事件,不仅把阿富汗带入了国内政局的大动荡时期,而且开启了苏阿关系的新局面。莫斯科视阿富汗为自己的准卫星国,开始全方位、大规模地援助阿富汗。阿富汗革命被苏维埃化,国内改革没有考虑到阿富汗自身的文化价值及传统,不仅不被人民所理解,而且逐渐丧失了人民的支持。1979年9月,阿明在与塔拉基的权力斗争中胜出,对内展开了新一轮清洗,旗帜派、塔拉基派、伊斯兰派、保皇派均遭受打击,国内政局动荡不安。对外则采取了疏远苏联、接近美国的政策,而这是莫斯科所不能容忍的,在各种原因的促动下,苏共高层做出了出兵阿富汗推翻阿明政权,扶植卡尔迈勒傀儡政府的决策。苏联出兵阿富汗后,世界舆论为之哗然。国际社会对莫斯科黩武主义的担心,没想到如此迅速地变为现实。苏联出兵后,非但没有实现巩固阿富汗亲苏政权的政治目的,反倒因自己“入侵者”的角色,激起阿富汗伊斯兰抵抗力量的扩大与联合,加上美国、巴基斯坦、伊朗和沙特等国的介入,战争不断升级,而各方又缺乏政治解决的诚意,导致战争陷入长期化,打碎了莫斯科2-3个星期结束战事的妄想。1985年是阿富汗战争的转折点。这一年,由于戈尔巴乔夫的上台,以及苏联国内进行改革的需要,莫斯科调整了对外政策。在阿富汗问题上,谋求体面撤军。为此,苏联一方面加大了对阿富汗抵抗力量的军事打击力度,另一方面积极与阿富汗问题相关各方接触,3年内连续进行了七轮日内瓦间接会谈,为政治解决阿富汗问题做出有限度妥协。苏联态度的转变,促动了喀布尔政策的变化。纳吉布拉取代卡尔迈勒上台后,推出“民族和解”政策,摆出与反对派和解分权的姿态,并采取了一定的措施,但由于阿富汗主要抵抗力量的反对,效果不佳。1988年,苏联国内局势急剧恶化,莫斯科急于摆脱在阿富汗的困境,政治解决阿富汗问题的步伐明显加快。相关各方频繁接触,协调立场,终于达成日内瓦协议。1989年,在日内瓦协议规定的期限内,驻阿苏军全部撤出。1989年12月24日,苏联人民代表大会通过了关于苏军进驻阿富汗的政治评价,认为“该决定理应受到道义上和政治上的谴责”。苏军撤出后,阿富汗由于日内瓦协议的不完整性、模糊性陷入内战,美苏为了各自的地缘政治利益,继续援助各派。直到1992年1月1日,美苏才按照达成的协议同时停止了对圣战者和纳吉布拉政权的军事援助。4月,纳吉布拉交出政权,但抵抗力量各派基于民族和教派分歧基础上的争权夺利的斗争并未停止。国家和平、民族和解、难民返回等旧有问题还没解决,毒品、恐怖主义等新问题随之而来。可以说,在阿富汗的长期战乱中,大国干涉是促使阿富汗国内问题国际化、长期化、复杂化的一个重要原因,同时,这种干涉又演变为“回力棒”,不仅给予解体前的苏联最后一击,而且使“9·11”后的美国长期陷入在阿富汗的“反恐”战争中。

【Abstract】 As the southern neighboring country of the Soviet Union, Afghanistan shares more than 2,400km border with the Soviet Union. Its special geographical location has a very important significance to the Soviet Union’s southern border security and the stability of five countries in Central Asia. Especially during the Cold War, as a vital edge in the Middle East region with strategic resources and strategic location, Afghanistan was the object of massive penetration of the Soviet Union.The coup in April 27,1978, not only took Afghanistan into a period of internal political upheaval, but also opened a new situation in relations between the Soviet Union and Afghanistan. Moscow regarded Afghanistan as its quasi-satellite and began the comprehensive and large-scale assistance. The revolution in Afghanistan was of Soviet, it didn’t take into account Afghanistan’s own culture values and traditions, and lost the support of the people gradually. Amin got the power in the struggle with Taraki, and launched a new round of cleansing. The Taraki School, Islamic School and royalists were hit, and domestic political situation was instable. Amin took the foreign policy of alienating the Soviet Union and closing to U.S, which was intolerable to Moscow. Driven by a variety of reasons, the Soviet high-level political decision was made-invading Afghanistan, overthrowing Amin and supporting Caramel Puppet government.After the Soviet Union sent its army to Afghanistan, the world public opinion was in uproar. The international community feared of the militarism in Moscow, and it became the reality so quickly and unexpectedly. The Soviet army in Afghanistan didn’t consolidate the pro-Soviet regime, but provoked the expansion and joint of Afghan Islamic resistance forces. With the involvement of the United States, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other countries, the war escalated. The lack of sincerity of resolving the problems by political means, leaded the war protracted, broking the Soviet Union’s delusion of ending the war in two or three weeks.1985 was the turning point of Afghanistan war. In this year, Gorbachev came to power, and the Soviet need to reform, Moscow adjusted its foreign policy. In Afghanistan, it seek to retreat decently. On the one hand, it increased the military crackdown to the resistance in Afghanistan. On the other hand, it contacted actively with relevant parties in Afghanistan and had seven rounds indirect talks in Geneva in 3years, making limited compromise for resolving Afghanistan problem politically. The change of Soviet attitude leaded to the policy change in Kabul. Najibullah introduced the policy of "national reconciliation" and took some measures. Because of the opposition of the main resistance forces, the effect was poor.In 1988, the Soviet domestic situation deteriorated sharply. Moscow was eager to get rid of the difficulties in Afghanistan, so it mended the pace of solving the Afghanistan problem. The relevant parties contacted frequently and coordinated position, the Geneva Accord was signed finally. In 1989, the Soviet troops in Afghanistan withdraw according to the Geneva Accord. The Soviet People’s Congress made a political assessment on the Soviet troops’presence in Afghanistan In December 24,1989, that "the decision should be condemned morally and politically". After the Soviet withdrawal, Afghanistan got into a civil war because of the incompleteness of the Geneva Accord. The Soviet Union and the United Stated continued to assist two rivalries for their own geopolitical interests. Until January 1, 1992, the Soviet Union and the United Stated stopped their military aid at the same time according to the agreement. Najibullah handed over the power in April, but the resistance parties’ struggle, which based on the ethnic and sectarian divisions, didn’t stop. The new problems of drugs and terrorism followed when the problems of national peace, national reconciliation and the return of refugees have not been solved. We can say that the powers’intervention was an important reason for the internal issue in Afghanistan became international, long-term and completed. At the same time, this intervention not only gave the Soviet Union a final blow before disintegrating, but also made the United States fall into a long-term anti-terrorism war after "9·11".

  • 【分类号】K153
  • 【下载频次】966

