

Multi-cultures Identity in Translingual Literatural Practice

【作者】 黄芳

【导师】 陈子善;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文学与传媒, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本文将民国时期中国知识分子创办的英文期刊The China Critic(《中国评论周报》1928—1946)、T’ien Hsia Monthly(《天下月刊》1935—1941)确定为研究对象,依托史料考证的方法,运用传播学、翻译学及文化研究等相关理论,全面考察《中国评论周报》、《天下月刊》在创刊背景、刊物性质及内容、编辑作者群体等方面的不同点与相似性。《中国评论周报》于1928年5月在上海创办,依靠政府资助及广告收入作为刊物资金来源;刊物内容以时政评论为主,同时也注重对中国文学及文化的研究。《天下月刊》于1935年8月在上海创刊,其编辑多来源于《中国评论周报》,由中山文化教育馆资助创办,属于机关刊物,奉行独立的办刊理念,内容以文化评论为主,同时兼及时政评论。两刊依托上海发达的出版业,倚重聚合在上海的中外知识分子,倡导中西文化交流的理念,促进中国文学及文化向外传播。以林语堂、吴经熊、温源宁、钱锺书、姚克等为代表的中国现代知识分子,通过创办英文期刊《中国评论周报》与《天下月刊》构建中西文化交流的“国际平台”,寻求对西方现代文化与民族文化的多元认同。本文重点研究中国现代知识分子以《中国评论周报》、《天下月刊》为媒介所进行的跨语际文学实践与文化传播活动。林语堂、温源宁、吴经熊等人在"TheLittle Critic"(“小评论”)、"Imperfect Understanding"(“知交剪影”)专栏上发表了大量英文小品文,丰富了中国现代知识分子的文学创作实绩,成为中国现代文学的重要补充。林语堂的“小评论’、温源宁的英文人物小品、吴经熊的日记随笔等中国现代英文小品,将英国小品文文体培植进入中国现代文学土壤,在一定程度上促动了中国现代小品文的发展与繁荣。中国现代知识分子在移植引入西方文化的过程中,寻求对西方现代文化的认同。此外,两刊编辑作者以"Translations"(“翻译”)、"Special Articles"(“专论”)、"Book Review"(“新书介绍”)等专栏为载体,对中国文学作品展开全面译介,推动了中国文学在英语世界的传播,体现出强烈的民族文化认同倾向。这种认同倾向一方面表现在对中国现代文学的关注,中国现代知识分子对外译介带有现代主义文学色彩的文学作品,体现出对作为现代历史进程中自我文化身份的建构;随着政治矛盾激化、民族危机加剧,中国现代知识分子对外译介左翼及抗战题材文学作品,表现出通过文学翻译来寻求政治认同与民族认同的倾向。同时,中国现代知识分子对民族文化的认同倾向还表现在对传统文化的重视与研究,两刊的编辑作者对传统文化(本文研究的内容主要是古代文学)进行了文本译介与文化阐发,其中既包含对古代文学经典如《诗经》、唐诗、宋词的译介,还包括对元杂剧、昆曲及话本小说的文化阐发,表现出中国现代知识分子对传统文化的认同倾向。在传统文化认同基础上,两刊的编辑作者以现代思想对传统文化进行“再解读”,寻求中国传统文化的现代性转型。作为中国知识分子创办的英文期刊,《中国评论周报》、《天下月刊》在中国现代文学史及文化史发展过程中具有重要的价值和意义。两刊不仅展现出了中国现代知识分子多元文化认同的倾向,两刊所刊载的跨语际文学文本还将进一步拓展中国现代文学史研究视域。两刊所刊载的中国现代作家英文作品,有助于丰富对中国现代作家文学创作的解读;两刊对中国古代及现代文学作品的译介,有助于拓展中国与世界文学关系的研究向度;此外,两刊为中国近现代期刊研究提供了新的研究视角,有待于更深入的研究。论文后附三个目录,为研究者提供《中国评论周报》、《天下月刊》上中国现代作家英文作品的目录资料,以备检索利用。前两个目录为林语堂、钱锺书、温源宁、姚克在《中国评论周报》上发表的英文作品目录中译,附录三为全份《天下月刊》目录中译。

【Abstract】 The research object of this dissertation is modern famous English periodicals The China Critic (1928-1946) and T’ien Hsia Monthly (1935-1941), which published and edited by Chinese intellectuals during The Republic of china era. Relying on the theories and approaches of historical research, comparative literature,translation and sociology study, This dissertation has studied the commons and differences between The China Critic and T’ien Hsia Monthly, existing in their backgrounds, contexts, editors and writers. The China Critic was established in 1928 in Shanghai, edited by teachers and students from Tsinghua University, who were returned students from Europe and America. It depended on the government subsidization and the advertizing revenue, which early run individually by the editors and influenced by the government latterly. Its content mainly focused on current events and politic comments, as well as concerning literature and culture criticism. T’ien Hsia Monthly was published in 1935 in Shanghai, with the auspices of the Sun Yat-sen Institute for the Advancement of culture and Education. Its editors mostly come from The China Critic, who persued an independent editing idea. Its contents mainly focused on literature and culture research, simultaneously also paying attention to the Current events and politic comments. Relying on well-developed publishing industry,foreign and Chinese intellectuals groups in Shanghai, These two famous English periodicals advocated the idea of cultural interchange, promoted Chinese literature and culture disseminates outward.Modern chinese intellectuals represented by Lin Yutang, John C.H.Wu, Wen Yuan-ning,Yao shen-nong,tried to build cultural communication platform and to seek multi-culture identity of west modern and national culture,by publishing The China Critic and T’ien Hsia Monthly.This dissertation mainly researchs modern chinese intellectuals various Translingual Literatural Practices basing on The China Critic and T’ien Hsia Monthly. The English essays, written by Lin Yu-tang, Wen Yuan-ning, Quan Zeng-gu and John C.H.Wu, published on the column of "The Little Critic" and "Imperfect Understanding", has enriched modern Chinese intellectuals literary composition, which has become the beneficial complement to Chinese modern literature. Relying on the column of "Translations", "Special Articles" and "Book Review", the editors and authors had carried on the comprehensive translations and criticism about Chinese literature, promoted it spreading quickly in the English-speaking world,which enbodied strong national cultural identity trend. On the one hand, modern chinese intellectuals had translated chinese modernism literature to found self cultural identity. With political conflict intensifing and national crisis aggravating, they had translated modern literature reflecting lefh-wing politics and national war of resistancing Japan, and tried to seek political and national identity by literature translation. On the other hand, modern chinese intellectuals had paid much attention to traditional culture. The editors and authors of The China Critic and T’ien Hsia Monthly had translated much traditional lterature works such as Shih Ching, poems of Tang and Song, also had written many research papers about Chinese traditional culture. They tried to seek traditional culture identity through translations and culture research. Basing on traditional culture identity, modern chinese intellectuals also tried to promote chinese culture development by explaining traditional culture in modern methods.Being as the English periodicals edited and published by modern Chinese intellectuals, The China Critic and T’ien Hsia Monthly possess great value and significance in modern Chinese literature and culture history. They had provided an effective media for modern Chinese intellectuals to seek multi-cultures Identity, as well as for Chinese modern writers to publish many English compositions, and promoted Chinese literature and culture disseminates outward. At the same time, they had provided international cultural communication platform, which pushed the culture communication between china and the west in 1920s-30s to develop deeply. The literary and cultural practices conducted by the editors and writers will powerfully expand modern Chinese literature and media research field, and deepen modern Chinese intellectuals’thoughts research.There are three appendices after this dissertation, offering the directories of the English writings of Chinese modern writers, publishing on The China Critic and T’ien Hsia Monthly. The first two are the English writings directories of Lin Yu-tang, Q’ien Zhong-shu, Wen Yuan-ning and Yao shen-nong on The China Critic. The third one is the whole directories of T’ien Hsia Monthly.

  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【下载频次】1143

