

Design, Synthesis, Characterization and Cell-Imaging of Fluorescence Magnetic Nanoparticles and Fluorescence Probe for Metal Ions

【作者】 席聘贤

【导师】 曾正志;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 无机化学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,随着生命科学的不断发展,人们对细胞内的活性物种、细胞信号传导及细胞凋亡等方面的研究越来越深入。荧光成像分析是目前广泛应用于活细胞分析的一种高灵敏的可视化分析技术。目前用于活细胞成像分析的荧光探针多为有机荧光染料分子,它们为活细胞分析提供了有效的探测手段。在实际应用中,这些有机荧光染料分子存在着荧光寿命较短、容易淬灭及不稳定的缺点。所以,实现长时间的实时动态连续测定,提高可视化分析的选择性和精度是目前迫切需要解决的问题。金属配合物荧光探针具有荧光寿命长、发射峰窄和Stokes位移大等发光性质,引起了人们的重视与关注。但是由于作为荧光探针的金属配合物溶解性一般都比较差,功能化比较单一,并且略有毒性等缺点,极大的限制了它在细胞中的应用。为了解决上述问题,本论文设计合成了以具有独特磁学和化学性质的磁性纳米四氧化三铁作为载体和以罗丹明为分子骨架的两类新型荧光传感器,获得了在细胞中长时间稳定荧光成像及核磁共振成像的新型荧光探针。本论文主要包括以下四个方面:1、综述了各种荧光探针的研究现状及作为荧光探针载体的纳米颗粒的制备和应用。2、当钌配合物直接和Fe3O4纳米颗粒结合时,Fe3O4会淬灭它的荧光。为了阻止消除Fe3O4对荧光物质的影响,我们采用不同分子量的水溶性高分子来包覆Fe3O4纳米颗粒,研究了高分子链的长度对淬灭程度的影响,发现当高分子的分子量为1900时是最佳的长度。所合成的基于磁性Fe3O4载体的过渡金属钌配合物的纳米颗粒,有很好的水溶性,钌配合物的溶解度从10.6μg/ml提高到.23.6μg/ml,溶解度几乎增加了1倍;根据溶解度计算出了每个Fe3O4纳米颗粒上大约结合36个钌配合物分子。与传统的荧光探针对比,所合成的这种磁性纳米荧光稳定性高好,不容易淬灭,磁性较强,磁饱和强度达到39.8 emu/g。并且能够顺利穿透细胞膜,进入细胞内,且能在细胞内保持长时间高强度的荧光,从而为活细胞荧光成像分析和研究细胞的微结构提供了有效的研究方法和手段。在实验过程中还发现基于磁性Fe3O4载体的过渡金属钌配合物的纳米颗粒与H2O2作用时,荧光显著增强且发生紫移,这不仅能够作为H2O2检测的荧光探针,而且是一种潜在的抗氧化剂。这对开发和寻找新型抗氧化剂提供了一个新的思路,特别在利用新型磁性荧光纳米颗粒捕捉过氧化氢及氧化自由基方面的研究具有着重要的指导意义。3、在上述思路的指引下,又合成了基于磁性Fe3O4载体的稀土金属铕配合物的纳米颗粒,并开发出“一步法”制备高分子包覆的Fe3O4磁性纳米颗粒的实验方法,包覆效率高、官能团引入位置准确、纳米颗粒在水相中分散程度高。这对于Fe3O4纳米颗粒的改性有着非常重要的意义。与传统的荧光探针对比,所合成的这种磁性纳米荧光颗粒稳定性高,不容易淬灭,磁性较强,磁饱和强度达到42.1 emu/g。所合成的磁性纳米颗粒有很好的水溶性,纳米的尺寸使它能够顺利穿透细胞膜,对细胞进行很好的荧光成像,且能在细胞内保持长时间高强度的荧光,3D的激光共聚焦显微镜实验观察进一步证实了这个结果。从而为活细胞荧光成像分析和研究细胞的微结构提供了有效的研究方法和手段。并且这种纳米材料核磁成像的横向驰豫时间(T2)达到了150 s-1mM-1,证明所得的纳米材料具有良好的核磁成像能力。上述结果表明,所合成的磁性荧光纳米颗粒是一种很好的多功能化成像试剂。4、利用荧光分子开关原理,设计和合成了几个结构迥异的基于罗丹明骨架的荧光探针1,2和3。分析测试结果表明,1和3分别能高选择的识别汞离子,而2能够选择性的识别铜离子。并且通过计算和质谱的方法得到了1与Hg2+,2与Cu2+的结合比分别为2和1。荧光探针1和2分别对Hg2+和Cu2+的检测限都能达到1-2 ppb级,实现了对这两种金属离子的裸眼检测,这将在实际的生产和生活中产生很广泛的应用;同时,激光共聚焦显微镜对细胞的检测证实了荧光探针1能很好的标记成像HeLa细胞里的Hg2+,荧光探针2能很好的标记成像SPC-A-1细胞里的Cu2+离子。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the continuous development of life science, people active species within cells, cell signal transduction and apoptosis and other aspects of more and more depth. Fluorescence imaging analysis is now widely used in the analysis of living cells is an effective visual analysis techniques. Currently used for live cell imaging analysis of fluorescent probes and more for the organic fluorescent dye molecules, which for the analysis of living cells provides an effective fluorescent probe. In practice, the existence of organic fluorescent dye molecule fluorescence lifetime is shorter, easier and instability quenching defects. Therefore, to achieve long continuous measurement and real-time dynamic visual analysis to improve the selectivity and accuracy is an urgent need to address the problem. Metal complexes with a fluorescence lifetime of fluorescent probes as long, narrow emission peaks and Luminescence Stokes shift and large, has aroused attention and concern. However, due to metal complexes as fluorescent probes less than the general solubility, functional relatively simple, and slightly toxic and other shortcomings. In this paper we use has a unique magnetic and chemical properties of the magnetic iron oxide as the carrier of a new fluorescent probe, designed and synthesized a number of metal complexes based on nano-magnetic fluorescent probe, both long and stable fluorescence imaging, but also magnetic resonance imaging.To this end the paper includes the following four areas:1. Reviewed a variety of fluorescent probes and research status and as a fluorescent probe vector preparation and application of nano-particles of the situation.2. When the ruthenium complex combination of direct and when Fe3O4 nanoparticles, Fe3O4 will quench its fluorescence. Therefore, Fe3O4 coated with a water-soluble polymer to nanoparticles. At the same time the length of the polymer chain of the degree of quenching. Found that when the polymer molecular weight of 1900 is the best length. Synthetic vectors based on the transition magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles of ruthenium metal, the solubility of the ruthenium complex from 10.6μg Ru/ml to 23.6 Ru/ml, the solubility increased by almost 1-fold, while the solubility calculated based on each of Fe3O4 nanoparticles Approximately 36 ruthenium complexes with molecules. This synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles and fluorescence relative stability of traditional fluorescence probe, is not easy to quench, for the analysis of living cells provides an effective method and means of fluorescence.3. Under the guidance of the above ideas are synthetic vector based on Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles rare earth metal Eu. Also developed a "one pot" to quickly and accurately coated magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles. By IR, UV, fluorescence, electron microscopy, magnetic measurements, dynamic light scattering nanoparticles were characterized. The magnetic nanoparticles can all be well on the cell fluorescence imaging, and by 3D laser scanning confocal microscopy has been confirmed. At the same time by magnetic resonance imaging of the nano-materials can be a good T2 imaging. Therefore, the synthesis of the work of fluorescent magnetic nanoparticles is a good multi-functional imaging reagents.4. Use of "on-off"fluorescent molecular switch principle, structure design and synthesis of the two different rhodamine-based fluorescent probes 1,2 and 3. UV absorption and fluorescence spectra of the test results show that 1 and 2 to select the identification of high mercury ions and copper ions. And binding ratio of 1 and Hg2+, 2 and Cu2+were 2 and 1, respectively. Fluorescent probes 1 and 2, respectively, Hg2+ and Cu2+on the detection limit can reach ppb levels, and these two metal ions to the naked eye detection. This will be in the actual production and life has a very wide range of applications. Also confirmed by laser confocal fluorescence microscope probes 1 and 2 have good ability for imaging Hg2+and Cu2+

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

