

System Construction and the Optimization of Lacal Government Policy-making Mechanism in China

【作者】 钱玉英

【导师】 靳辉明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 政治学理论, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 当代中国的发展,在过去的三十多年里曾创造了令世界瞩目的“奇迹”,而在当下,正面临严峻挑战。中国的新一轮发展能否再获“奇迹”,关键在政府。从世界范围来看,政府对于发展来说是极为重要的,但是更重要的是有一个良好的政府。发展需要良好的政府及其治理体系的支持。良好政府治理的前提是良好的决策机制。20世纪80年代以后的地方分权化改革,使地方政府的决策空间逐步扩大,在中国发展中的作用愈益增强。从实现经济社会持续发展,在区域发展中全面贯彻落实科学发展观这一目标出发,必须改革和完善地方政府决策机制,以促进良好的地方政府及其治理体系的构建和有效运行。改革开放以来,随着中国政治体制和地方政府体制改革的逐步推进,地方政府决策机制发生了一系列以科学化民主化为取向的变革,但是,中国地方政府决策机制至今仍然存在着许多难以解决的问题,即使在江苏这样的经济发达地区,地方政府决策过程中也存在着决策权力过分集中、决策透明度不高、公众参与和专家咨询的作用发挥不够、监控和防错纠错机制不完善等问题。中国地方政府决策机制存在问题的根源在于制度,在于制度的不健全和既有的制度没有得到很好的落实。因此,有效的制度建设是实现中国地方政府决策机制优化的基本路径。江苏是中国发展的一个典型。改革开放以来,江苏探索出了一条具有特色的率先发展、协调发展、科学发展之路。江苏也是中国地方政府治理研究和地方政府决策机制研究的一个典型。研究中国地方政府决策机制优化问题,以江苏为例,可以分析发展与地方政府作用及地方政府治理间的内在联系,分析良好的地方治理与政府决策机制优化间的内在联系,探索地方政府决策机制改革实践中的经验和问题。因此,本文首先考察江苏这个典型地区比较成功的地方政府决策实践,揭示其决策机制存在的问题,在此基础上提出加强制度建设,进一步改革和完善地方政府决策机制,实现地方政府决策机制优化的必要性和基本路径,转而阐明为实现地方政府决策机制优化需要建设的具体制度,这些制度的意义,以及制度供给状况、既有制度的实际运行及存在问题,由此提出进一步完善相关制度和保障制度有效运行的对策建议。本文的这些研究是分六章逐步展开的。第1章“导论”,旨在提出问题,阐明研究中国地方政府决策机制的背景、意义、基本思路和方法。第2章“核心概念与理论基础”,重点对政府决策机制、政府决策体制、政府决策制度和政府决策模式等核心概念进行辨析,并阐明作为中国地方政府决策机制优化之理论基础的马克思主义民主理论、公共选择理论、制度变迁的国家理论、治理理论和社会资本理论的基本观点及其应用价值。第3章“中国地方政府决策机制的现状与问题——基于江苏实践的考察”,以江苏为个案,考察中国地方政府决策机制的现实运行状况及存在问题,为优化中国地方政府决策机制提供实际依据,并进一步提出了需要研究的问题。第4章“制度建设:地方政府决策机制优化的基础”,阐明促进和“强制”中国地方政府决策机制优化的制度建设的重要性和具体内容。制度很重要,制度建设是政府决策机制优化的前提、基础和核心任务。改革和完善中国地方政府决策机制,实现决策机制优化目标,必须设计和建立促进中国地方政府决策机制优化的制度体系。这些制度主要包括公众参与制度、专家咨询和专家论证制度、重大事项集体决策制度和决策责任制度等。第5章“中国地方政府决策制度的现实供给”,系统梳理和考察地方政府决策制度供给的现状与运行绩效。主要从理论、法律和实践三个层面分析重大决策程序制度、社情民意反映制度、听证制度、信息公开制度、专家咨询论证制度和决策责任制度的供给状况及其运行绩效。第6章“中国地方政府决策制度发展”,探讨在既有制度的基础上持续、渐进地改革和完善决策制度,以推进地方政府决策机制的不断优化。推进中国地方政府决策机制优化所需要的制度发展,包括完善政府重大决策程序制度、公众参与制度、信息公开制度、专家咨询和论证制度、决策责任追究制度。有效地发展这些制度,需要克服制度惯性和相互依赖性。经验和理论研究都表明,中国地方政府决策机制的优化,制度是基础,制度建设和制度发展是关键。建立制度,并根据实践的发展不断完善制度,是实现地方政府决策机制优化的基本前提和必要条件。事实上,制度是有的,而且在某些时期和某些方面还是比较多的。包括江苏在内的许多地方,为了促进地方政府决策机制的优化,都在不断地探索建立和逐步完善相关的制度。但中国地方政府决策机制仍然存在问题的现实表明,.实现地方政府决策机制的优化,仅有必要的制度安排是不够的,必须在建立健全制度的同时,营造尊重制度、以制度作为最高行动准则的文化氛围,发展制度精神,提高制度执行力。以制度精神的发展,制度执行的强化,而不仅仅是制度的完备,保障民主科学的政府决策机制有效地运行,从而促进地方政府决策质量的提升,促进地方治理走向“善治”,是中国发展再获“奇迹”的必然要求。在让正式的制度安排充分完善,制度建设不断加强之外,究竟如何培育与可以“强制”地方政府决策机制优化的那些制度相适应的、保障这些制度有效运行的制度精神,是有待于进一步深入探讨的问题。

【Abstract】 In the past three decades, the development of contemporary China has been a compelling achievement. However, nowadays, China is facing severe challenges. As of whether China can retain its achievement, the key is.the government. From the perspective of the world, the government is important for the development of a nation. Yet the point is a good government. Development needs the support of a good government and its governing system, and the premise of a good governing system is a well-structured policy-making mechanism. Since 1980s, the reform of decentralization has broadened the policy-making space of local governments and enlarged their influence in the development of China. Aiming to realize a sustainable development of economy and a scientific regional development, local governments must reform and perfect their policy-making mechanism to promote their management system and thus achieve an effective operation of that system.Since the era of reform and opening-up, along with the gradual promotion of the reform of Chinese political structure and local governing system, the policy-making mechanism of local government has experienced a series of science- and democracy-oriented changes. However, there are still many thorny problems with Chinese local government policy-making mechanism Even in Jiangsu province and many other economically highly developed regions in China, in the policy-making process of local governments, power is greatly centered, transparency is not satisfied, public participation and expert advising is lacked, and monitoring mechanism is still imperfect. The core of those issues of Chinese local government policy-making system is the institutions, which are always imperfect and managed badly. Therefore, effective system construction is the base for the optimization of Chinese local government policy-making mechanism. Jiangsu province typifies the development of China. Since the era of reform and opening-up, Jiangsu has discovered a characteristic path to develop ahead, harmoniously and scientifically. Jiangsu also typifies the governing and policy-making mechanism of Chinese local government. To investigate the issue of the optimization of local government policy-making mechanism, taking Jiangsu as the example, we can analyze the inner relationships between development and local government, among local governments themselves and between local governing and the optimization of local government policy-making mechanism, and explore the lessons and problems within the practice and reform of such mechanism. In this paper, we. will first investigate Jiangsu province as a typical example that has succeeded in practicing local government policy-making, and reveal the problems with its policy-making mechanism. Then, we will figure out the necessity and path of enhancing system construction, further reforming and perfecting local government policy-making mechanism and realizing the optimization of such a mechanism. In turn, we will enunciate the specific systems needed to realize the optimization of local government policy-making mechanism, the significance of these systems, their supply, the functioning of already-existed systems and their problems. Therefrom we can find the solution to perfecting related systems and guarantee their effective functioning. This paper is developed in six chapters.Chapter One—Introduction. It addresses the problems and enunciates the background, significance, basic ideas and methods of studying Chinese local government policy-making mechanism.Chapter Two—Core Concepts and Theoretical Foundation. It focuses on differentiating and analyzing several core concepts as the mechanism, frame, systems and mode of government policy-making.Chapter Three—Current Situation and Problems with Chinese Local Government Policy-Making Mechanism-Based on the Investigation of the Practice of Jiangsu Province. It takes Jiangsu Province as the example to investigate the current situation and problems with Chinese local government policy-making mechanism. It provides practical bases to optimize such a mechanism and further raises questions that need to be studied.Chapter Four—System Construction:The Foundation to Optimize Local Government Policy-Making Mechanism. It enunciates the significance and specific content of enhancing and forcing the optimization of Chinese local government policy-making mechanism. Systems themselves are important and system construction is the premise, foundation and core task of government policy-making mechanism. To reform and perfect this mechanism and realize the optimization of it, we should plan and build up systems to foster such optimization. Such systems mainly consist of systems for public participation, expert consultation and demonstration system, collective policy-making of major issues and policy-making responsibilities, etc.Chapter Five—Practical Supply for Chinese Local Government Policy-Making System. It systematically collates and investigates the current situation and achievements of the supply for Chinese local government policy-making system. It mainly addresses on three aspects—theory, law and practice—to analyze the supply and achievements of the systems for policy-making pattern for major issues, reflection of public ideology, public hearing, information publication, expert consultation and demonstration and policy-making responsibilities.Chapter Six—Development of Chinese Local Government Policy-Making System. It investigates how to continuously and gradually reform and perfect the policy-making system based on the already-existed systems in order to foster the optimization of local government policy-making mechanism and the development needed for such optimization, including perfecting the systems for policy-making pattern for major issues, public participation, information publication, expert consultation and demonstration and investigation of policy-making responsibilities. To develop those systems effectively, we need to overcome the institutional inertia in systems and mutual dependence.Experiences and theories both show that, for the optimization of Chinese local government policy-making mechanism, systems are the foundation, and the construction and development of systems are the key point. Building up the systems and perfecting them basing on the development of practice are the premise and constitute a necessary condition. In fact, systems do exist, and in a certain degree they are abundant in certain periods and from certain aspects. Many regions, including Jiangsu, are continuously exploring to construct and perfect related systems to enhance the optimization of local government policy-making mechanism. However, the fact that such a mechanism is still problematic shows that to realize the optimization, it is not enough to only have necessary arrangement of systems. While building up well-structured systems, we should also create a cultural atmosphere that respects systems and regards systems as the priority. We should obey the spirit of systems and enhance the administration of systems. Based on the development of the spirit and the intensification of the administration of systems, not only the completion, we should ensure an effective functioning of a democratic and scientific government policy-making mechanism in order to enhance the quality of local government policy-making and push local governing toward righteousness, and this is a necessary prerequisite for China to regain a miracle in its development. Besides fully perfecting the arrangement of formal systems and continuously reinforcing system construction, a question that needs to be further discussed is how to foster the spirit, which suits the systems that forces local governments to optimize their policy-making mechanism and which ensures such systems to function effectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期

