

The Research of the Arctic Ecosystem Protection Law

【作者】 杨凡

【导师】 刘惠荣;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 北极作为一个统一的区域性生态系统,主要的特征是脆弱性和较弱的自我修复及调节能力。北极自然条件恶劣,生态资源匮乏,人口承载力低;在受到外界干扰时,极易发生生态变化甚至突变,并失去生物再生能力,使得生态进一步恶化。由于北极地区对于全球其他地区的气候变化具有放大作用,北极变暖的速度比全世界平均变暖的速度快两倍。北极地区的生态系统发生的变化,对北极的大气、海洋、海冰、冰盖、积雪、永冻土以及当地的物种种类和数量、食物链、生态系统以及人类社会都产生了影响。北极的海洋冰层萎缩、冰川融化、植被发生变化,其中冰层融化将造成海平面上升;而不易分解的有机污染物(POP)长久存在于环境中,并堆积在寒冷的区域,从那里进入海洋和陆地生态系统,进而进入食物链。总之,两极地区不但对环境发展有重大影响,而且直接关系到全球生物多样性及人类的生存。有迹象表明北大西洋洋流带的深层冷水环流可能已经减慢,这可能会促成全球气候体系发生突变。解决环境压力的深层次措施经常会触及到那些能够影响政策取向的大集团的既得利益。解决问题的唯一方法是将环境问题从决策边缘转移到决策中心。由于北极生态系统所具有的国际性和共享性特点,当前联合国机构、非政府组织、北极八国以及北极圈外国家都已经开始重视,但各国对北极开发的认识、技术和政治等问题上存在差异,使得北极生态系统仍然存在许多问题有待解决。现有的与北极生态保护有关的国际法律制度是以联合国海洋法条约、国际环境条约、斯匹次卑尔根群岛条约以及北极地区国家法律为主要框架的,但现有北极法律缺失“生态”理念、北极生态保护以“软法”为主、并且保护北极生态的法律制度存在空缺,缺乏整体观、北极诸多环境法律存在于不同法域,呈现出不成体系性。而以生态整体观的方法来整合现有的保护北极生态的法律,充分考虑保护北极生态系统各个成分的法律之间的联系和协调,并由生态学规律引申出北极生态保护法律原则,最终形成对北极生态进行整体保护的法律制度在目前是现实可行的。现有各观点对解决北极生态法律争端的现实作用不足,本文建设性的以国际法不成体系剖析和解决北极生态保护的法律冲突,最终形成从北极生态保护的全球性框架公约、北极生态保护的区域性法律以及北极生态保护的国内立法三个层次构建保护北极的生态法律,并提出未来北极区域性生态法可以考虑扩展“北极环境战略”的生态保护内容,增强其执行力,赋予北极理事会执行的权力,从而促进和加强北极生态系统的保护。如何保证充足的资金,选择适当的资金机制,为各方履行承诺提供坚实的物质基础是所有公约在实施中所面临的不可忽视的问题。资金机制发挥了平衡器的作用,使各国的利益要求都得到了一定的体现。总体来说,本文认为北极生态保护的资金机制可以从生态保险制度、生态基金制度、生态金融制度三个方面对北极生态保护法律的资金机制进行构建。

【Abstract】 The arctic as a unity of regional ecosystem, the main characteristic is vulnerability and weaker self-healing and adjust ability. The arctic natural conditions and ecological resource scarcity, population capacity is low; In the external disturbance, vulnerable to ecological change, and even mutations biological regeneration, makes the ecology worsen. The WWF report says 2008, climate change, published in the arctic might influence than expected more and faster. The arctic climate warming trend is more obvious than in the area, because the acquisition of the arctic for other regions of the world’s climate change has amplification. Report says, the arctic all system are in change, the arctic sea ice of the atmosphere, ocean, ice and snow, permafrost, and local species and quantity, food, ecological system and human society.The UN environment programme in GEO-4 report:the polar regions, not only has a great impact on environment and development, but also directly related to global biodiversity and the survival of mankind. There are signs that the deep ocean currents in the north Atlantic with cold water circulation may have slowed. This could mutate to global climate system. The arctic warming faster than the world average warming twice as fast, causing sea ice atrophy, glaciers, vegetation changes. Although most industrialized countries have banned easy decomposition of organic pollutants (POP) production and use, but still exists for POP up in the environment, and may, in cold region from there into the sea and land ecological system, and then into the food chain.To solve the environmental pressure often reach deeper measures that could affect the group policy tropism of vested interests. The only way to solve the problem of environmental problems are transferred from the edge of decision making decision. As the arctic ecosystem of international and domestic characteristics, the UN agencies and non-governmental organizations, the Arctic Circle and the g8 countries have begun. As the arctic ecosystem of international and domestic characteristics, the UN agencies and non-governmental organizations, the Arctic Circle and the g8 countries have begun, but in the arctic development of knowledge, technology and political problems that exist in the arctic ecosystem differences still exist many problems to be solved.The existing arctic ecological protection international legal system based on the international environmental treaties, spitsbergen treaty and the arctic national law as the main frame, But the existing arctic legal missing "ecological" concept, with "soft law", and the existing system of arctic ecological protection lack of overall view, the arctic environment law exists in different field, showing no system. But with the ecological method to integrate the existing protection laws, the arctic ecosystem fully consider the arctic ecosystem protection laws of various components of the contact and coordinate between, A rule of ecology and ecological protection law principle, north of the arctic ecosystem eventually form overall protection of legal system in the current is realistic. The ecological regular extends the arctic ecosystem protection laws principle, finally the formation of overall protection of arctic ecosystem in the current legal system is realistic. The existing of arctic ecosystem is lack of the real functions, this paper analysis and solve the arctic conflict of ecological protection legal.Finally formed three levels to protect the arctic:the global framework convention of arctic ecosystem protection, and regional ecological protection law of arctic, and domestic legislation construction of ecological law, and the regional ecological method can consider expansion "the arctic environment strategy", gives the arctic council executive power, in order to promote and strengthen the arctic ecosystem protection. How to ensure sufficient funds, choose appropriate funding mechanism, the promise for parties to provide the solid material base should not be ignored in the implementation of all convention. As the arctic ecosystem protection funds from ecological mechanism can insurance system, the fund system, ecological financial system from three aspects:the arctic ecological protection law of capital construction mechanism.

  • 【分类号】D996.9
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】754

