

Research of Key Technologies of Integration of Ocean Observation Data for Sensor Web

【作者】 蒋永国

【导师】 郭忠文;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋信息探测与处理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 现代海洋环境观测手段的特点是采用多种传感器、仪器及多种观测平台,对海域进行全时空、高密度、高频率的立体观测。现代海洋观测已进入从空间、海面、水下到海床基的立体观测时代。不同观测手段的数据采集、数据质控、预处理以及存储方式、产品加工、信息发布等不同,因此海洋观测网存在各类复杂的需求。针对海洋观测网的大量长期、定点、连续、大范围多要素观测数据,如何有效地实现采集、传输、存储和处理,为海洋科学研究及海洋管理提供多要素的实况数据资料,大大提升对各种海洋现象的观测能力,对现代海洋观测网的数据集成和信息服务系统建设具有重要指导意义。本文提出了面向传感网的标准统一、接口规范的海洋观测网数据集成和信息服务整体架构,在此架构下主要开展了基于XML的异构历史海洋观测数据标准化和实时海洋观测数据的海洋传感网关键技术研究。XML作为树型存储结构和支持深层次嵌套表达,具有能描述比关系型数据库结构更为复杂、更接近现实的海洋观测数据的能力,同时XML可以粒状地更新,在海洋观测数据采集、预处理、质控、元数据提取以及数据存储和维护等方面改变传统的数据构造和处理方式。传感网(Sensor Web)可以进行海洋环境要素传感器实时观测的系统描述、自动发现、数据质控、数据表达及数据获取与传输功能,通过Web发现、访问、应用所有类型的接入实时的海洋传感器观测数据资源,为构建即插即用的基于Web的实时海洋传感网提供一个标准的平台技术支撑。本文主要研究内容和成果如下:1.针对海洋观测数据采集、处理、存储、发布不同,分析国内外海洋观测数据集成和信息服务相关技术,同时针对实际海洋观测数据集成需求,提出了未来海洋观测网的数据集成和信息服务是“海洋感知网”模式,而此模式的基础是海洋传感网。2.针对海洋观测网的大量长期、定点、连续、大范围多要素的海洋观测数据,提出了标准统一、接口规范的海洋观测网数据集成与信息服务整体架构,在此架构下主要研究基于XML的异构历史海洋观测数据标准化和实时海洋观测数据的海洋传感网技术,并提出了相应的设计思路。3.对已有的异构历史海洋环境观测调查数据进行了科学分类,然后通过提取各类海洋环境观测数据的数据元(Data Element),通过聚合数据元或数据元的集合映射为XML Schema,从而制定了各类海洋环境观测数据的XML Schema标准。同时制定了基于XML的海洋信息元数据标准,支持原始数据文件、标准数据集、数据表、数据库和数据仓库等各类数据状态级别,并在此标准基础上设计实现了海洋元数据目录服务系统。4.针对国家、省市节点多级海洋业务部门内部及之间海洋基础数据、海洋空间数据和海洋业务数据等的共享、分发和整合,设计并开发了基于异步消息模式的海洋数据交换平台,采用“中心—代理”多层树状传输体系架构,两者分担不同角色,共同完成海洋数据交换。5.按照层次化设计思路进行设计和构建海洋传感网的层次结构模型,采用SOA架构,各类海洋传感器具体应用服务作为Web服务,以标准的服务注册过程来注册该服务,设计并实现了海洋传感器数据源层、海洋传感器数据层、海洋传感器Web服务层、海洋观测应用层的海洋传感网原型系统。

【Abstract】 Modern observations of ocean environment is characterized by means of using a variety of sensors, instruments and many observation platforms, which are all space-time, high-density, high frequency of stereographic observation of the sea area. Modern ocean observation has entered the era of three-dimensional observation, which is from space, sea surface, underwater to seabed-based. Different observation methods have great difference in data collection, data quality control, preprocessing and storage, product processing, information dissemination and so on, so the Ocean Observational Systems have the various needs. According to the large number of long-term, in-situ, continuous, large-scale multi-element observation data of the Ocean Observational Systems, how to effectively acquire, transfer, store and process data, which will provide multi-element live data for the marine science research and ocean management. Certainly, this will greatly enhance the observation capability of the variety of ocean phenomena, which has an important significance in system construction of data integration and information service of the Ocean Observational Systems.In this paper, for the Sensor Web, the uniform standard and specified interfaces for the Ocean Observational Systems’data integration and information services as a whole structure is put forward, in which standardization of heterogeneous historical ocean observational data based on XML and Ocean Sensor Web of real-time ocean observing data are further researched. XML, which has tree storage structure and supporting for deep-level nested expression, is able to describe ocean observational data with the capacity of more complex and closer to the reality compared with the relational database structure. At the same time, XML can be granularly updated, which change the traditional data construction and process approach in the aspects of data acquisition, pre-processing, quality control, metadata extraction, data storage, and maintenance of ocean observational data. Sensor Web has the capability of system description, auto-discovery, data quality control, data representation, data acquisition and transmission. And all kinds of real-time ocean sensor observational data resources can be found, visited and applied through the Web, which can provide the standard platform for building Web-based plug and play real-time ocean sensor web. The main research content and results of this paper are as follows:1. According to the different data acquisition, processing, storage and publish of ocean observing data, this paper gives analysis of related technologies of domestic and international ocean observing data integration and information service. while for the actual needs of ocean observation data integration, this paper puts forward the "ocean perception networks" model for future data integration and information service of the Ocean Observational Systems, which has the basis of "ocean sensor web".2. According to the large number of long-term, in-situ, continuous, large-scale multi-element observation data of the Ocean Observational Systems, the uniform standard and specified interfaces for the Ocean Observational Systems’data integration and information services as a whole structure is put forward, in which standardization of heterogeneous historical ocean observational data based on XML and Ocean Sensor Web of real-time ocean observing data are further researched, at the same time gives the corresponding design thoughts.3. Firstly, the existing heterogeneous ocean environment observational data has been scientifically classified, and then extract the Data Element of all kinds of the ocean environment observational data, next map the aggregating data element or sets of Data Elements to XML Schema, lastly, develop the XML Schema standard of ocean environmental observation data. At the same time, the metadata standard based on XML is also developed, which supports the data source of original data files, standard datasets, data table, database and data warehouse, and at the basis of the above standard, the metadata directory service system of ocean is designed and implemented.4. According to the sharing, distribution and integration of ocean basic data, ocean space data and ocean business data of multi-level nodes within the sectors of nation, province and city, the ocean data exchange platform based on the mode of asynchronous message is designed and developed, which has the multi-level tree transmission system architecture of "Center-Agent", here, the "Center" and "Agent" share the different roles together to complete the exchange of ocean data.5. The hierarchy model of Ocean Sensor Web is designed and built in accordance with the hierarchical design concept, using SOA architecture. The specific application service of various kinds of ocean sensors, as web service, is registered following the typical service registration process. The ocean sensor web prototype has been designed and implemented, including the ocean data source layer, ocean sensor data layer, ocean sensor Web service layer and ocean observational application layer.


