

A Research on China’s Fisheries Development Strategy under Resource and Environment Constraints

【作者】 李大良

【导师】 高强;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济与管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 渔业是典型的资源型、环境型产业,渔业资源和水域环境对于渔业发展至关重要。改革开放之后,我国渔业进入一个高速发展期。然而由于我国渔业发展长期主要依靠产量的增长和规模的扩张,生产方式比较落后,对渔业资源和生态环境的影响比较严重,资源与环境的刚性约束已成为今后长时期制约我国渔业可持续发展的主要因素。因此在资源和环境的约束条件下,研究与制定我国渔业的发展战略,实现我国渔业可持续发展的目标就显得尤为必要。基于此背景,本文围绕着我国渔业发展战略这一主题,展开了相关研究。本文的主要内容包括以下九个方面:第一部分是绪论。主要介绍本文研究的目的、意义;对国内外相关研究文献进行综述,并做出分析总结和评价;介绍本文的研究思路、研究方法和技术路线;最后阐述论文主要贡献和需要进一步研究的问题。第二部分是研究的理论基础。主要从资源经济学理论、可持续发展理论、产业经济学、发展战略理论三方面进行理论梳理与归纳,为资源与环境约束下我国渔业发展战略的制定提供理论依据。第三部分是世界及我国渔业经济发展现状。本章作为本文的宏观背景,从生产、消费、贸易三方面分析了世界渔业发展的基本情况,以及我国渔业的发展情况及其特征。第四部分是渔业发展资源环境条件的理论分析。本章首先分析了渔业发展的阶段及其特征,进而阐明资源和环境是渔业发展的基础。其次分析渔业资源和渔业环境的特征,从经济学角度分析造成渔业资源衰退和环境恶化的原因。第五部分是我国渔业资源与环境约束的原因与问题分析。本章首先分析了我国渔业资源衰退和渔业环境污染的原因,并从产业发展角度论述渔业资源衰退和环境恶化对我国渔业发展的影响。第六部分是资源与环境约束下我国渔业发展战略目标及影响因素分析。本章首先分析了渔业发展战略目标的内涵与特性,我国渔业发展战略目标的演进,在此基础上根据渔业面临的问题,以可持续发展为总目标建立了资源与环境约束下我国渔业发展战略目标体系。其次以波特的钻石模型为依据,从渔业生产要素、水产品需求、渔业产业组织结构分析、渔业相关产业发展、政府以及机遇六方面论述影响我国渔业发展的因素,为后文渔业发展战略制定作准备。第七章是资源与环境约束下我国渔业发展战略的决策。本章首先运用SWOT战略分析工具在上文渔业发展影响因素的基础上,分析资源与环境约束下我国渔业发展战略可采取的方案。其次,分析当前我国渔业发展战略制定的价值取向,即当前我国渔业发展战略应以比较优势为基础,以竞争优势为导向。最后从战略的层次性角度以及渔业发展战略的价值取向考虑,将我国渔业发展分成保障战略、基础战略和竞争战略。第八部分是发达国家和地区资源与环境约束下渔业发展的经验借鉴。主要内容是对日本、韩国和台湾地区在资源与环境约束下渔业发展经验进行整理归纳,挖掘其中的合理成分,为制定我国渔业经济发展政策提供合理性的借鉴。第九部分是资源与环境约束下我国渔业发展的政策建议。本章首先分析了产业政策的内涵与功能,其次结合渔业发展情况从产权制度、管理体制、市场流通体制、渔业合作组织、科技创新体系、投融资体制以及政府宏观调控体制等方面提出完善渔业发展的政策建议。本文取得的主要成果如下:1、系统地研究了资源与环境约束下渔业发展问题,运用经典的竞争优势理论——钻石模型,对影响我国渔业发展的主要因素进行了系统性考察,并将SWOT战略分析模型运用于我国渔业发展战略的分析和选择,为我国渔业发展战略的制定与选择提供参考。2、系统地分析了渔业资源环境约束这一问题,认为渔业资源的共享性和负外部性是造成渔业资源衰退和环境恶化的经济原因,并在此基础上分析当前我国渔业资源环境恶化的原因以及资源环境约束对我国渔业的影响。3、通过对比分析比较优势理论和竞争优势理论两大产业发展基础理论,确定我国渔业发展战略的制定应该从比较优势向竞争优势转变。并在此基础上,将资源环境约束下的我国渔业发展战略分为保障战略、基础战略和竞争战略三种,为我国渔业发展的宏观决策提供现实可行的建议。

【Abstract】 The fishery is an industry that is typically related to resource and environment. Fisheries resources and water environment are vital to the fishery development. After the reform and opening up, China’s fisheries develops rapidly. However, it used to be mainly based on output growth and scale expansion, resulting in lagged production methods and serious negative impacts on fishery resources and ecological environment. Rigid resource and environment constraints turns to be major restricts for the sustainable development of China’s fisheries in the future. Therefore, under resource and environmental constraints, to research and formulate China’s fisheries development strategy and to realize the sustainable development is very important. Thus, this thesis carries out relevant researches about our fishery development strategy.This paper includes following nine parts:The first part is an introduction. It includes the purpose and significance of this research, the review and comment of domestic and international research literature. It also shows the research perspective, research methods and technical routes of this paper. Main contributions and further research of this paper are also introduced in this part.The second part is about the theoretical basis of this paper. Incorporating the resource and environment economics theory, sustainable development theory, industrial economics and development strategy theory, this part provides a theoretical basis to research and formulate China’s fisheries development strategy.The third part is about the status of world’s and China’s fisheries economy. As the macro-background, this chapter analyzes basic conditions of world’s and China’s fisheries development from the perspective of production, consumption, trade.The fourth part is the theoretical analysis of resource and environmental conditions of China’s fisheries. Characteristics and development stages of fisheries are demonstrated first. Characteristics of fishery resources and fishery environment are analyzed and causes for fisheries resource declinations and environment degradations are provided in the view of economics.The fifth part analyses causes and issues of environment constraints in fishery resource. It analyzes both causes of resource declination and environment pollution in China’s fisheries and their influences on China’s fishery development from the perspective of industrial development.Part six focuses on objectives and influencing factors of China’s fisheries development strategy under resource and environmental constraints. The definition and features of strategic objectives of fisheries development are provided and strategic objective evolution of China’s fisheries development is demonstrated. Based on the above analysis, the strategic objective system of China’s fisheries development is established aiming at sustainable development. Applying Porter’s diamond model, this thesis analyses influencing factors of China’s fisheries development from the fishery production factors, the demand for fisheries products, the structural analysis of fishery industry, the fishery related industries, the government and the opportunity.Part seven is about the strategic choice of China’s fisheries development strategy. Based on SWOT analysis in strategic management, it analyses both alternative strategies for China’s fisheries development and the value choice in formulating China’s fisheries development strategy. It concludes that current fisheries development strategies should be based on comparative advantages and take competitive advantages as a guide. China’s fisheries development strategy ought to be divided into security strategy, basic strategy and competitive strategy according to the strategic hierarch and the value choice.Part Eight provides experiences of fisheries development strategy of the developed. This part mainly summaries experiences of fishing industry in Japan, Korea and Taiwan and provides reasonable references to formulate China’s fisheries development strategy.Part Nine is about policies of China’s fisheries development. The connotation and function of industrial policy are defined and advices for fisheries policies are made from the perspective of the property rights system, management system, the market circulation system, fisheries cooperative organizations, scientific and technological innovation system, investment and financing system as well as government macro-control system.This paper’s main conclusions are:1. Issues about China’s fisheries development are studies systematically under resource and environment constraints. Using the classical theory of competitive advantage-Diamond model, this thesis systematically analyzes influencing factors of China’s fisheries development and applies strategic SWOT analysis model to analyze and make value choice for our fishery development strategy, providing suggestions to formulating our fisheries development strategy.2. Fisheries resource and environmental constraints are analyzed systematically. The nature of share and negative externalities of fishery resources are deemed to be economic causes for fishery resources declinations and environment degradations. This paper analyzes reasons of environmental degradation in China’s fisheries resources and influences on China’s fisheries from resource and environment constraints.3. Applying comparative advantage theory and competitive advantage theory, this paper concludes that China’s fisheries development strategy should shift from comparative advantage to competitive advantage and should be divided into security strategy, basically strategy and competitive strategy. Finally, suggestions for macro decision-making are provided to promote China’s fisheries development.


