

Theoretical and Empirical Research on Marine Industrial Structure and Distribution

【作者】 徐敬俊

【导师】 韩立民;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 渔业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 海洋与人类活动和生产力布局的关系十分密切,海洋是人类生存发展的第二空间,是人类维持生存繁衍和社会实现可持续发展的重要基地。中国是世界海洋大国,拥有18000公里的大陆海岸线,14000公里的海岛岸线,300万平方公里的管辖海域,丰富多样的海洋资源是21世纪中华民族实现经济腾飞的重要战略支撑。但海洋产业布局的理论研究是目前海洋经济研究相对薄弱的一个领域,国内学者关于海洋产业布局的研究一直局限在较小的范围,且多属于应用研究,研究内容也不够系统和深入,基础理论欠缺是目前中国海洋产业布局研究与实践中存在的一大缺陷。海洋产业布局研究薄弱的原因之一是长期以来受“重陆轻海”思想的束缚,人们很少关注海洋,更少关注海洋产业布局问题。自20世纪90年代以来,海洋经济开始以远高于国民经济的速度增长,占国民经济的比重迅速提升,已成为推动国家和地区经济增长的重要力量。但是,由于缺乏基础理论的有力支撑和对海洋产业布局规律的正确认识,海洋产业布局应用研究成果的可信度和科学性被大大削弱,也导致海洋产业布局实践中存在着很大的盲目性和随意性;与此同时,海洋产业布局中的一些不合理、不协调因素开始显现,这些不合理的产业布局因素既影响着中国海洋产业整体效益水平的发挥,也影响着中国海洋经济的全面发展,导致海洋产业结构水平较低,区域布局不够合理,海洋环境污染加重等问题不断涌现。加强海洋产业布局规划和协调,克服区域海洋经济发展的盲目性,实现海洋经济协调、有序、可持续发展,已变得十分紧迫。因此,加强海洋产业布局研究,尤其是海洋产业布局的基础理论研究,探寻海洋产业布局演化的一般规律,为海洋产业布局实践提供科学指导,已成为我国海洋经济学者义不容辞的责任。勿容置疑,海洋产业布局在许多方面与陆地产业是相通的,包括劳动的地域分工、产业的集聚与扩散等,但这些现象或规律背后往往隐藏着迥然不同的运行机制,从而导致同一规律在陆地产业布局和海洋产业布局中有着十分不同的表现形式,因此,海洋产业布局理论的研究决不是陆域产业布局的有关理论的简单“嫁接”。在中国海洋经济发展面临重大历史转折的关键时期,本论文以海洋产业布局的基本理论问题为研究对象,在综合参考国内外有关研究成果的基础上,针对海洋产业经济与陆域产业经济的不同特点,充分借鉴传统产业布局的相关理论,综合运用理论研究与实际相结合、个量研究与总体研究相结合、定性研究与定量研究相结合、动态研究与比较动态研究相结合的方法,通过阐释海洋产业布局的内涵与外延、海洋产业的区位选择、产业布局调整与产业结构变化的互动过程以及资源、环境、文化、政治、经济等因素影响海洋产业布局的内在机制、海洋产业布局优化的基本模式及陆海经济一体化发展等一系列重大理论问题,总结海洋产业布局的一般规律,并举例加以佐证,基本勾勒出了中国海洋产业布局的基本理论框架和政策体系,期望为今后学者们进行更加深入的研究提供些许借鉴。

【Abstract】 The production activities of human being have closer relationships with ocean and marine. Ocean and marine will be the next space for human being to surviving and developing, and it is also the base of maintaining live for human being society. China is one of important ocean states in the world; the mainland coastline of China is about 18000 km, and island shoreline is about 14000 km, the realm of ocean and marine is about 300 million square kilometers. The rich and diversity resources from ocean and marine will be the important support for China to implement the strategy of economic take-off in 21st century. But unfortunately, the theory of marine industrial structure and distribution is a weak point for the study of marine economy. The research of marine industrial structure and distribution is almost applied range for domestic scholars, and the content of many applied research could not be a system one. At the same time, as the marine industrial structure and distribution unreasonable, uncoordinated factors emerge that influence both the overall performance level of the Chinese marine industry, but also the overall development of Chinese marine economy, resulting in the level of marine industrial structure and distribution is low, the regional distribution is not reasonable, the problems of exacerbated environmental pollution of marine were emerged and became worse. We need the fundamental research and practice for marine industrial structure and distribution.As the increasing rate of marine economy is faster than the rate of national economy since the 20th century 90, marine economy has become the new engine of economic growth. However, due to the lack of support of a strong theoretical research of marine industrial structure and distribution, which lead to unrealistic and unreasonable industry practice.In order to overcome the above shortcomings in the developing of marine economy, the exploring and evaluating to the general theoretical and empirical research on marine industrial structure and distribution is a very important task, as which will provide a scientific guidance for practice. The economists who involve in marine economy should undertake the bounden duty.There are obvious different features between marine industry economy and land-based industry economy, and therefore, the theory of marine industrial structure and distribution could not graft on the theory of land-based industry economy in a simply way. At the moment of marine economic in China facing major historical turning point of the critical period, this thesis tries to find out the general theory of marine industrial structure and distribution on the basis of explanation of the layout of the marine industry connotation and denotation, the way of marine industry location selection, the interactive process of industrial restructuring and changes. The thesis summarizes the frame work and policy system for China in developing marine economy according to the different affections of environmental, cultural, political, and economic and other factors that affect the marine industrial structures and distributions.


