

A Research on Rural Education and Economic Development

【作者】 刘文菁

【导师】 田建国;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 农业经济与管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国有13多亿人口,其中7亿多在农村,农村、农业和农民问题是事关我国经济社会发展的重大问题。“三农”问题的核心是农村经济发展问题,而农村经济发展的关键在于农村的教育。新形势下,研究农村教育和经济协调发展问题,既是落实科学发展观的需要,也是我国农村发展内在规律的本质要求。关于农村教育的概念,国内外学者作了大量的研究和讨论,目前已基本达成共识,即农村教育是包含了基础教育、职业教育和成人教育的框架体系,并被认为是一个历史的范畴,是城乡二元结构时期的产物。但是,农村教育也有自己内在的发展规律和表现特征,农村教育的发展既是农村经济社会发展的本质要求,也是农村经济社会发展的基础和推动力。人力资本理论的诞生,使人们认识到了人力资源在经济发展中的作用,进而促生了人们对教育与经济发展关系的研究。国内外的研究表明,人力资本逐渐替代物质资本成为推动经济发展的主要力量,因此,发展教育是保持经济可持续发展的有效手段。农村教育和经济作为农村社会的两大主要系统,二者之间的协调发展既可以推动农村社会不断发展进步,也可以促进农村社会功能的增强和结构的优化。因此,农村教育和经济的协调发展是解决农村问题的关键所在。通过对我国不同地区之间、城乡之间教育和经济发展协调性的分析,可以看出,影响我国农村教育与经济协调发展的因素既有外部的(诸如国家和地区的相关政策等),也有内部的(诸如不同结构的家庭对教育的投入等)。通过对我国农村教育与农村经济的实证分析验证了人力资本对经济的巨大推动作用。农村教育既然是特定历史时期的产物,那么,对于农村教育与经济协调发展研究的内容,在不同国家的不同发展时期其发展的侧重点也不同。目前来说,发达国家更侧重于农村职业教育的研究;发展中国家侧重于农村基础教育的研究;欠发达则侧重于成人教育的研究。通过对我国农村教育与经济协调性的现状分析和国外农村教育与经济协调发展经验的借鉴,结合我国的具体实际,大力发展农村教育是促进我国农村教育与经济协调发展的唯一措施。

【Abstract】 China has more than 13 million people, of which more than 7 million people in rural areas, rural areas, agriculture and farmers is a matter of economic and social development of China’s major problems. "Three Rural Issues" is the core of the issue of economic development in rural areas, and rural economic development lies in education. Under the new situation, research in rural education and economic development issues, both to implement the scientific concept of development needs, but also the development of China’s rural nature of the inherent requirements of the law of development.On the concept of rural education, domestic and foreign scholars have done a great deal of study and discussion, has been basically reached a consensus that rural education is included in basic education, vocational education and adult education framework, and that is a historical area, urban-rural dual structure is a product of the period, however, rural education has its own inherent characteristics and performance of the law of development, the development of rural education in rural economic and social development is not only an essential requirement, but also economic and social development in rural areas of the foundation and driving force.The birth of human capital theory to raise awareness of human resources in economic development, and growth-promoting awareness of the relationship between education and economic development research, at home and abroad, studies have shown that a gradual replacement of human capital as a capital goods to promote economic development the main force, therefore, the development of education is to maintain sustainable economic development of effective means.Rural education and the economy of rural society as the two main systems, the coordinated development between the two can promote rural development and progress of society, but also can promote the strengthening of rural social function and structure optimization. Therefore, rural education and economic coordination in rural development is the crux of the matter.Between China’s different regions through education and economic development in rural areas of analysis and coordination between urban and rural areas of education and coordination of economic development analysis, we can see that the impact of China’s rural education and economic development of both external factors (such as the National and regional policies, etc.) there are internal (such as the different structures of the family’s investment in education, etc.).Rural education since it is the product of a particular historical period, then for rural education and economic development study, in different countries during the development of the focus of their development are also different. At present, the developed countries focus more on vocational education in rural areas of research, while the developing nationals focus on research on basic education in rural areas;,the less developed will focus on adult education research.China’s rural areas through the coordination of education and economic analysis of rural education and foreign economic development and learn from experience, combined with the concrete practice of China, and vigorously develop the rural education is the promotion of rural education and economic development of the only measures.

  • 【分类号】G725;F320
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1574

