

Real Time Evaluation on Physical Property of Reservoirs and Its Fluids in Deep Layer Clastic Rocks Jiyang Depression

【作者】 邓美寅

【导师】 张金亮;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 海洋地球物理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着技术的发展,深层油气藏已经成为我国东部油区的勘探重点,而该类油气层具有储层复杂、含油气性复杂、受影响因素多的特点,油气的及时发现和评价工作难度很大,现有的油气层解释符合率也较低。常规录井方法对储层和流体一般进行定性判断而难以进行定量描述。实现储层及流体的快速、准确评价是油气勘探开发工作中的重要课题。随着勘探节奏的不断加快,迫切需要通过录井在现场快速、准确地实时评价储层,但综合性的、具有较高学术水平和应用价值的现场快速评价工作目前在国内外尚属一片空白。本文针对济阳坳陷深层储层及流体的特点,以现场录井资料为基础,分区块选取井深大于3500m的井进行分析研究。首先开展了核磁共振录井方法研究,利用实时的常规录井资料和核磁共振等录井新技术,对深层储层进行快速识别和评价,在对真假油气显示和影响因素进行深入研究、校正和处理的基础上,再进行深层流体评价,并形成深层碎屑岩储层实时评价标准、方法和技术。本文主要研究内容是储层和流体实时识别与评价两大方面。对于储层实时识别及评价:在常规岩屑、岩心及井壁取心录井、钻时录井、碳酸盐岩含量录井、气测录井研究的基础上,重点进行了核磁共振录井方法研究,开展了大量的基础试验和现场应用。发现岩心/岩屑样品中存在三类核磁共振弛豫:表面弛豫、分子自扩散弛豫和流体弛豫。其中与岩石物性关系最密切的是表面弛豫。岩心/岩屑中单个孔道内弛豫可以看作是单指数弛豫,总的弛豫为这些弛豫的叠加。测试时间、样品性质如:岩性、岩样粒径、样品粒度、孔隙流体性质、润湿性、磁化率以及地层水矿化度对T2谱均有明显的影响。核磁共振T2谱中包含有丰富的油藏物理信息。根据饱和岩样T2谱的峰形位置、幅度高低、峰的形状、峰的个数可以快速识别和定性评价储层。通过直接测量和计算,可得出储层的孔隙度、可动流体及束缚流体饱和度、渗透率、孔喉半径分布等参数,实现定量评价储层。流体实时识别与评价从二个方面来开展研究:①流体识别。对于油、气层识别主要是通过对各项录井资料的研究,得出了油气层在录井资料上的响应特征,根据气测甲烷相对百分含量、罐顶气轻重烃关系及组分个数、热蒸发烃色谱的组分齐全程度、主峰碳位置及谱图形状等特征可以识别油、气层。气测组分比值是识别油气的另一主要方法。对于含水识别主要是通过核磁共振录井新鲜样T2谱和浸泡样T2谱之间的比较,判识地层是否含水。在热蒸发烃色谱录井的色谱流出曲线上表现为不可分辩物增多,基线隆起,重质成分增加;在出入口电导率录井上,得到储层含水的特征。②流体评价主要是对油层的原油性质、产层类型及产能进行研究。气测甲烷相对百分含量、定量荧光油性指数、岩石热解轻重比指数、罐顶气组分经验公式等多种方法可以应用于原油密度的评价,其中以定量荧光油性指数最简单、最可靠,应用也最广泛。i通过本文研究,(1)建立了利用核磁共振等录井新技术实时评价储层的方法,提出了新的渗透率计算公式和孔隙结构参数计算公式,实现了储层孔隙结构的快速定量评价。(2)建立了录井资料处理流程及方法,综合利用热蒸发烃色谱谱图、综合录井仪出入口电导率、核磁共振新鲜样与浸泡样对比谱图等多种方法,实现了地层含水性的实时识别与评价。(3)建立了深层碎屑岩储层流体实时评价的方法和技术系列。

【Abstract】 As technology advances, deep-seated oil and gas reservoirs have become the focus of exploration in the eastern part of our country, while this type of oil and gas reservoirs has features of complex reservoir, complex oil and gas bearing property and multiplied affecting factors. It has great difficulties for in time discovery and evaluation on oil and gas, and the interpretation coincidence rates for oil and gas zones are low. Conventional logging methods generally give qualitative estimation on reservoir and fluid but it is hard for them to give quantitative descriptions. Realizing fast and accurate evaluation on reservoir and fluid is an important subject of oil and gas exploration and development work. With the continual acceleration of exploration, there is an urgent need for logging to give real time evaluation on reservoirs fast and precisely on site, yet it is a blank both at home and abroad to have a comprehensive on site fast evaluation method with high academic standards and application values.Aiming at characteristics of deep layer reservoirs and fluids in Jiyang Depression, based on site logging data, we carried out analytical studies on wells with hole depth of greater than 3500m from different blocks. Firstly we carried out NMR logging method study. Using real time conventional logging data and NMR new logging technology to conduct fast identification and evaluation on deep layer reservoirs, we carried out deep researches on true and false oil and gas shows and influencing factors; under the basis of calibration and treatment, we carried out deep layer fluid evaluation to form deep layer clastic rock reservoir real time evaluation standards, methods and technologies.The main research topics are two aspects concerning real time identification and evaluation on reservoirs and fluidsFor real time identification and evaluation on reservoirs:under the basis of conventional logging for cuttings, cores and sidewall sampling, drilling time logging, carbonate content logging, and gas logging, we carried out NMR logging method studies and conducted plentiful basic experiments and field applications. It is discovered that there are three kinds of NMR relaxations in cutting samples:the surface relaxation, molecule self-diffusion relaxation and fluid relaxation, of which the surface relaxation has the closest relationship with physical properties of rocks. Single pore relaxation of cores/cuttings can be treated as single index relaxation; the total relaxation is the accumulation of these relaxations. Test duration and sample properties such as lithology, rock sample grain size, sample granularity, pore fluid property, wetting property, susceptibility as well as water salinity have significant influence on T2 spectrum. There is rich information in NMR T2 spectrum. According to the peak shape location of T2 spectrum of the saturated rock sample, amplitude height, shape of the peak, numbers of peaks, reservoirs can be fast identified and qualitatively evaluated. By direct measurement and calculation, parameters such as reservoir porosity, movable fluid and binding fluid saturation permeability and pore radius distribution can be got to realize quantitative evaluation on reservoirs.Studies on real time identification and evaluation for fluids are carried out from two aspects:(1) Fluid Identification:for oil and gas zone identification, we mainly conduct studies on various logging data to get response characters of hydrocarbon zones on logging data. According to features of gas logging methane relative percentage, tank top gas light and heavy hydrocarbon relationship and number of components, thermal evaporation hydrocarbon chromatograph component completeness, main peak carbon location and spectrum shape etc., it is possible to identify oil and gas zones. Gas logging equivalence ratio is another major method for oil and gas identification. For water-bearing identification, it is mainly through comparison of NMR logging fresh sample T2 spectrum and soak sample T2 spectrum to identify whether the formation is water-bearing. On the chromatograph elution curve’of thermal evaporation hydrocarbon chromatograph logging, undistributed substance is increased, the baseline rise up and the heavy components increase; in inlet and outlet conductivity logging, features of reservoir water content can be got. (2) Fluid evaluation is mainly conducted for carrying out studies on crude oil property, pay zone type and productive capacity. Many methods such as gas logging methane relatively percentage, quantitative fluorescent index for oiliness, rock thermal decomposition light and heavy hydrocarbon ratio exponent, and tank top gas component empirical formula can be used for crude oil density evaluation, of which quantitative fluorescent index for oiliness is the most simple, the most reliable and the most widely used one.Through studies on this subject, we (1) established a real time reservoir evaluation method based on logging new technologies such as NMR, etc., presented the new computing formula for permeability and computing formula of pore structure parameters, realizing fast quantitative evaluation on reservoir pore structures. (2) Established logging data treatment process and method, integrating a variety of methods such as thermal evaporation hydrocarbon chromatograph spectrum, comprehensive logging equipment inlet and outlet conductivity, NMR fresh sample and soak sample correlation spectrum etc to realize formation water bearing real time identification and evaluation. (3) established deep-seated clastic rock reservoir fluid real time evaluation method and technology series.

【关键词】 深层碎屑岩储层流体评价
【Key words】 Deep LayerClastic RocksReservoir FluidEvaluation

