

Study on Equilibrium Configuration of Rural Environmental Management Power

【作者】 孟涛

【导师】 张龙军;

【作者基本信息】 中国海洋大学 , 环境规划与管理, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 改革开放以来,中国的农村经济得到了前所未有的发展,农民生活水平稳步提高,但是,在取得如此巨大的经济发展成绩的同时,农村经济发展却遇到了农村环境严重恶化的阻力。乡镇企业在生产过程中产生了大量污染物,恶化了农村环境;乡镇企业生产手段的落后给农村生态环境带来了极大的破坏,农村的脏、乱、差现象非常突出,农村生态环境正在变得严重起来。一些地方政府部门在片面追求GDP增长的绩效观点指导下,为了当地的经济效益,往往会有意无意限制使用环境管理权力,重视处罚而轻视投入,默认乡镇企业的污染行为;环保非政府组织由于自身存在法律地位、责任、职能等诸多缺陷,其监督、推动科技创新、代位诉讼等环境管理功能难以有效发挥;农民由于受自身素质水平的限制,也囿于主体地位的缺失,往往也难以对乡镇企业的污染行为以及地方政府的环境管理行为施加约束。乡镇企业外部缺乏改善环境质量的压力,内部也缺乏主动进行自愿环境管理的动机。此外,长期以来我国的环境保护管理主要以政府为主,广大农民和环保非政府组织缺乏正当的环境管理权行使条件和实践。以上一系列因素共同制约着农村生态环境管理体系的良性运作。通过对地方政府、乡镇企业、农民、环保非政府组织四方效用函数的动态分析,本文发现,地方政府往往会为了追求GDP增长而怠于对乡镇企业的环境管理;在没有环境管理成本压力的情况下,乡镇企业缺乏技术创新动机,其生产技术进步缓慢,生产行为的污染性始终存在;环保非政府组织发展受局限,介入环境管理的广度和深度不够;农民则是对环境管理工作失语,既缺乏权益规定,又缺乏知识教育和启蒙。在对环境管理权力完全掌控的情况下,地方政府选择的增长路径是有利于当期政绩的显现,并不是确保环境质量的内生最优增长路径;而环保非政府组织的介入,将有助于增强企业和农民的环境管理能动性,促使地方政府选择最优增长路径,监督乡镇企业进行清洁低害生产。在高水平和低水平超额技术投资的假设下,最优增长路径下的农村社会总福利水平终究会超过普通的增长路径,即超过非政府组织介入之前地方政府所选择的增长路径。但是,由于最优增长路径的增长优势的显露同政府任期比过于滞后,某一届或者某几届地方政府往往难以看到施行最优增长政策所带来的利益。要实现经济最优增长,必须要有完善的环境管理机制作为保障。在我国行政管理的模式下,中央政府是农村生态环境管理体系的最佳机制设计者,在中央政府所设计的环保管理体系内,广大农民和环保非政府组织具有相应的环境管理权力,并对政府环境管理行为有发言权和监督权。政府为农民和环保非政府组织创造其参与环境管理的环境和条件,在法律、资金、教育等资源方面予以扶持和引导。地方政府在中央政府所设计的绿色政绩考核以及官员升迁考核体系内,会严格遵守中央政府所制定的农村生态环境管理制度。地方政府对乡镇企业的生产行为进行严格管理,对其造成的农村生态环境污染予以处罚。非政府组织和农民具有对乡镇企业污染行为直接进行诉讼、监督的权力。此外非政府组织还会对地方政府的经济行为予以监督。这样,在多重环境管理压力下,乡镇企业必然会感受到生产排污所带来的压力,在这种压力下其必然会更加注重技术创新,引入或者自主发明更加环保的生产技术,使其生产逐步步入良性发展的轨道。目前,由于我国农村环境管理权的分布不均衡,地方政府环境管理效果不彰,农民自身教育水平的局限,对于环境保护的意识不足,环保非政府组织发展存在着诸多缺陷,乡镇企业发展环境管理不到位,农村环境管理体系难以顺畅运行。因此本文对中央政府的机制设计进行了分析,为农村环境管理体系建立提供前提保障,这样地方政府合理分配环境管理权,乡镇企业在生产经营活动中主动进行环境管理,农民的环境意识水平提高参与度增加,促进环保非政府组织发展的法律以及社会环境得以建立,形成和企业建立良好的互动合作关系,中国农村环境及农村经济的发展步入一个良性轨道,农村经济实现内生增长。本文的创新在于:首次利用定量研究方法分析了我国农村的环境管理权力配置问题,从地方政府、农民、非政府组织和乡镇企业四方面出发,构建农村环境管理权均衡配置模型,研究四者之间的均衡关系,并通过环境质量这一参数将环境管理权配置从经济内生增长角度加以论证。

【Abstract】 Since opening up to the outside world, the economy of Chinese rural area has gained a great development, the livelihood of the peasants have improved a lot compared to the past. However, while making such a huge achievement, the ecological environment of rural area meets the problem of serious deterioration. Since the number of enterprises in the rural area is huge, product technique is poor and the equipment is relatively primitive, during the production process, large amount of pollutants are poured into the rural area, thereby destroying the ecological environment of rural area. The problem of dirt, mess is very serious, compared to the city, the ecological environment pollution in the rural area is much worse.Some local government department usually imposes restrictions on using the environment Management power, with the intention of gaining a higher economic benefit. On the contrary, Environmental Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) could not effectively utilize its environment Management power, because it has many defects. Plus, peasants are not very well educated; therefore they could limit neither the pollution behavior of the rural enterprise nor the environmental Management behavior. What’s more, the environmental Management power is mostly held by local government, neither the mega peasants nor the Environmental NGO owns the proper environment Management power. The above mentioned factors together lead to a poor performance of the rural ecological environment Management system.By a dynamic analysis of the utility function of local government, rural enterprise and peasant, this thesis find that local government always ignore environmental Management, with the intention of pursuing a better economic development. When there is no environment management pressure, rural enterprise lack the motivation of initiating technology innovation, its production technique progress is slow; the pollution of its production always exists. Therefore, under the condition that local government holds all the power of environment management, the optimum development path chosen by local government is not the best path. While the inclusion of Environmental NGO could assist local government choose the best development path. Under the high level and low level technology investment, the rural social welfare level of the optimum development path will sooner or later surpass that of the common development path——that is, the path chosen by local government before inclusion of Environmental NGO.However, since the appearance of the advantage of the optimum development path lags in phase, one generation or several generation of local government could hardly see the benefit brought by it. To realize the optimum development path, profound mechanism insurance is necessary. Central government played the role of the mechanism designer. In the environment Management system designed by central government, the mega peasants have the direct power of supervising Environmental NGO, they could decide the appointment and dismiss of the NGO’s main leader. Plus, they have the power of supervising local government. Under the achievement assess system designed by central government, local government will strictly abide by the rural ecological environmental Management system designed by central government. Local government will strictly supervise the production behavior of rural enterprises, and punish them for their pollution behavior. Plus, NGO also own the right of directly punishing rural enterprise for their pollution behavior. Under multiple management, rural enterprise will feel the unprecedented anti-pollution pressure. Under such pressure, rural enterprises will recognize the importance of technology innovation, introduce or develop more environmental production technology, thereby put its production onto the right track.However, since both the education level and environmental consciousness of Chinese peasant are low and Chinese Environmental NGO itself has many defects, it’s difficult that the rural ecological environmental management system could run effectively. Therefore, after the foundation of the rural ecological environmental management system, the central government must strengthen and pay attention to the enhancement of the environmental consciousness of mega peasants, and build a good legal and social environment for the development of Chinese Environmental NGO, putting the development of Chinese Environmental NGO on the right track,and realize rural economic endogenous growth.Innovation of this dissertation lies in:For the first time, quantitative research methods are taken to analyze rural environment management authority configuration in China, to construct the equilibrium configuration model of rural environment management from the local government, farmers, non-governmental organizations and township enterprises, and research the equilibrium relationship between the four aspects; By the parameters of environmental quality, this dissertation demonstrates equilibrium configuration of environmental management from Angle of economic endogenous growth。


