

Research on the Technological Innovation System of Regional Industry-University-Research Cooperation

【作者】 曹静

【导师】 范德成;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 不断增强企业创新能力,加快建设国家创新体系,形成产学研结合的有效机制已经成为我国目前的基本任务。在《国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要(2006—2020年)》中,也以建立企业为主体、产学研结合的技术创新体系为突破口,全面推进中国特色国家创新体系建设,大幅度提高国家自主创新能力作为深化科技体制改革的指导思想。可见,构建以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系,是我国经济社会发展必须解决的重大课题。二十一世纪是一个区域化的世纪,区域由于能够系统的促进创新活动从而能够在促进区域经济发展、进而促进国家经济发展上发挥更大的作用,因此区域内的产学研结合变得相对重要起来,建立区域产学研结合技术创新体系已经势在必行。在对国内外区域创新系统以及产学研结合技术创新理论进行认真总结和客观评述的基础上,论文首先对区域产学研结合技术创新进行界定,进而对区域产学研结合技术创新体系进行界定并分析其特征。根据系统论的观点,对区域产学研结合技术创新体系进行要素分析,并建立结构模型。另外,还从体系各部分功能入手,建立了包含动力子系统、合作子系统、扩散子系统和环境支撑子系统四个子系统的区域产学研结合技术创新体系的模型。论文对四个子系统分别进行了详尽分析。在分析动力子系统时,首先从动力学角度对系统外动力和系统内动力进行了分析。从源动力要素、运行动力要素和环境动力要素三个方面分析了动力系统要素的构成,并建立了这些动力要素的关系模型。另外,还运用耗散结构和协同学对区域产学研结合技术创新体系动力系统进行了自组织理论分析。在合作子系统中,从产学研结合技术创新合作过程出发,分析了合作机制和合作模式。区域产学研结合技术创新的合作机制主要包括学习机制、风险预警机制、成果导入机制、知识管理机制和协同机制。区域产学研结合技术创新的合作模式主要有基于目标导向、基于主体作用和基于技术推动几种形式。扩散子系统从扩散时间和扩散空间的时空观入手,分析了区域产学研结合技术创新的扩散机理、扩散机制和影响因素。扩散机制主要包括传播机制、采用机制和学习机制。影响因素从技术创新本身、企业内部条件和外部环境进行分析。最后构建了区域产学研结合技术创新体系扩散系统模型。对环境支撑子系统主要从政府环境支撑(包括法律环境和政策环境)、金融环境支撑和服务环境支撑(包括中介环境和基础设施环境)进行了分析。最后,论文对区域产学研结合技术创新体系进行了绩效评价。在分析我国区域产学研结合技术创新现状的基础上,建立了绩效评价指标体系,构建了基于DEA的绩效评价模型,并以我国各省市自治区为样本进行了实证。根据分析和评价的结果,提出我国区域产学研结合技术创新体系发展的对策。

【Abstract】 To enhance innovation capability, accelerate construction of national innovation system and form an IUR cooperative effective mechanism have become a basic task in China. In "Long-term Scientific and Technological Development (2006-2020)", with setting up an enterprise-subject, IUR cooperative technological innovation as a breakthrough, guiding ideology is promoting the national innovation system with Chinese characteristics and increasing the capacity for independent innovation to deepen the science and technology reform. So, building an enterprise-subject, market-oriented, IUR cooperative technological innovation system must be solved for China’s economic and social development.21 century is a regional century, so IUR cooperative technological innovation become important because it can play a bigger role in promoting reginoal economic development, then promoting economic development. Establishment of regional IUR cooperative technological innovation system has been imperative.On the basis of summarizing and reviewing the regional innovation system theories and the IUR cooperative technological innovations theories, the paper first defines regional IUR cooperative technological innovation, then defines regional IUR cooperative technological innovation system and analyzes the characteristics. According to the system theory, it analyzes regional IUR cooperative technological innovation system’s factors and establishes the structure model. In addition, starting from the function of each part, regional IUR cooperative technological innovation system model is established including four subsystems--power subsystem, cooperation subsystem, diffusion subsystem and environmental support subsystem.The four subsystems are analyzed in detail. In the analysis of power subsystem,with the perspective of system dynamics it analyzes the outside and inside system power. Further, power subsystem elements are discussed from three respects--source power, run power and environmen power, then establishing model between these power elements. In addition, using self-organizing theory of dissipative structures and synergetics to analyze power subsystem of regional IUR cooperative technological innovation system.In cooperation subsystem, starting from the cooperation process of IUR cooperative technological innovation, it analyzes cooperation mechanisms and cooperation model. Cooperation mechanisms include learning mechanisms, early warning mechanisms, results into mechanisms, knowledge management mechanisms and collaboration mechanisms. Cooperation model mainly include based on object-oriented model, based on self-choice behavior model and based on technology-driven model.Thinking the diffusion time and space, diffusion subsystem analyzes principle, mechanisms and influence factors. Diffusion mechanism includes transmission mechanism, use of mechanism and learning mechanism. Influence factors include technical innovation itself factors, internal conditions factors and external environment factors. Finally, establishing diffusion subsystem model of regional IUR cooperative technological innovation system.In environment supporting subsystem, it analyzes environment mainly from government environmental support (including legal environment and policy environment), financial environmental support and service environmental support (including intermediary environment and infrastructure environment).Finally, the thesis evaluating the performance to regional IUR cooperative technological innovation system. After analyzing the status of regional IUR cooperative technological innovation in China, establishing a performance evaluation index system, the paper establishes performance evaluation model based on DEA, and demonstrates using the provinces and cities in China for the samples. According to the analysis and evaluation of the results, it proposes some countermeasures in the development of China’s regional IUR cooperative technological innovation system.


