

Research on Team Software Process Modeling Methods and Process Definition Reuse

【作者】 张冰

【导师】 张汝波;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着软件的发展,人们认识到对软件产品质量起决定性作用的就是软件过程。因此,要想高效率、高质量和低成本地开发软件,必须改善软件生产过程。由此软件的生产方式开始向全球化、规模化、工业化转变,软件生产开始进入以改善软件过程为中心的软件工程时代。小组软件过程(TSP)等一系列帮助提高软件开发过程质量和效率的方法应运而生。对TSP建立过程模型,并在软件项目开发前利用该模型进行模拟仿真,能预先分析TSP实施的效果,从而帮助管理者制定决策、监督和控制项目的开发过程,最终提高软件过程质量,改进软件过程。重用已有的软件过程定义能有效地缩短过程建模的周期,提高过程建模的效率和质量,降低软件开发成本和风险。因此,对过程建模和过程重用课题的研究对于提高软件项目管理和控制能力,提升软件企业的过程能力成熟度,促进我国软件产业的发展具有重要的理论及实践意义。本文所做的工作主要体现在以下几个方面:首先,将有限自动机理论扩展后得到的时序并行自动机理论应用到软件过程建模中,建立基于时序并行自动机的小组软件过程模型,有效地实现了过程的活动规划、资源分配、进度控制。并对该过程模型进行了合理性检查,给出了模型合理性的定义和检查规则。最后通过一个实例验证了该过程模型的有效性。其次,考虑到TSP实际上就是在满足时间、费用等约束的条件下,达到低成本、短工期等目标的一种多目标优化问题,并且进化算法是一种有向随机性的智能优化方法,具有适合解决多目标优化问题的一些特性,因此提出了基于多目标进化算法的过程建模方法。详细阐述了利用该方法建模时的建模过程,并通过一个实例证明了该建模方法的有效性。再次,为了帮助过程建模人员根据项目的具体建模环境和建模需求,选择合适的建模方法,以达到最佳建模效果,研究了过程建模方法的综合评价问题。给出了软件过程建模方法的评价体系,提出了一种将模糊评价与灰色理论相结合的模糊灰色综合评价方法,该方法能充分利用专家评价信息的模糊性与灰性,对各种过程建模方法进行合理评价,使评价结果更客观、准确。最后,为了解决当前软件过程定义效率低下、定义间缺乏联系和定义维护困难等问题,在过程定义中采用过程重用机制,参照面向对象设计中类继承的思想,给出了过程继承的定义,提出了基于过程继承的软件过程定义重用方法,并给出了过程继承的实现方式。该方法通过继承已有的过程定义来对新过程进行定义,从而实现过程重用,能够避免“从零开始”进行过程定义的方式,能极大地提高定义的效率,缩减定义的费用。此外,通过过程继承能更有效反映过程定义的变化,方便过程定义实例的迁移,因而能显著增加系统的柔性并提高系统维护的效率。

【Abstract】 With the development of software,people recognize that software process plays adecisive role in software product quality.In order to develop software with high efficiency,high quality and low cost,software production process must be improved.Therefore,softwareproduction begins changing to globalization,scale and industrialization and enters into asoftware engineering era centered on software process improvement.A series of methodssuch as the Team Software Process(TSP)arose at the historic moment to promote theefficiency and quality of software development.Establishing process model to simulate TSP before software project development cananalyse the implementation effect of TSP beforehand,by which managers may makedecisions,supervise and control the project development process,and consequently advancesoftware process quality and improve software process.Reusing the existing software processdefinition Can shorten the cycle of modeling,improve the efficiency and quality of modelingand reduce the cost and risk of software development.Therefore,the research on processmodeling and process reuse has a significant meaning to improve the software projectmanagement and control capability,to advance the process capability maturity of softwareenterprise,to boost the development of software industry in China.The main achievements in this dissertation are listed aS follow:Firstly,Temporal Parallel Automata(TPA)theory expanded from the finite stateautomata theory is applied into software process modeling,thereby TSP model based on TPAis established.Activity planning,resource allocation and schedule control of software processcall be implemented effectively by the model.Definitions of soundness and verification rulesare given for soundness verification of process model.Finally,an instance is used to verifythe validity ofprocess model.Secondly,TSP which achieves low cost and short period in term of time and costconstraint is a multi—objective optimization problem and as a kind of directed stochaSticintelligence optimization method evolutionary algorithm haS some characteristics suitable forsolving multi—objective optimization problem,therefore process modeling method based onmulti-objective evolutionary algorithm is put forward.Then the modeling process of using theprocess modeling method above is described in detail.And a instance is given to prove the validity of model.Thirdly,the problem of comprehensive evaluation of process modeling methods isresearched in order to help developers choose the most appropriate modeling method basedon specific modeling environment and requirement for achieving the best modeling effect.Afuzzy—grey comprehensive evaluation method for process modeling methods is presented.Anevaluation system for software process modeling methods is given.A comprehensiveevaluation method which combines fuzzy evaluation and grey theory is proposed.Theevaluation method can make full use of fuzziness and grayness of evaluation information byexpels to make the evaluation more objective and accurate.Finally,to solve current problems,such as low definition efficiency,lack of relationsbetween definitions and difficult definition maintenance,referencing to class inheritance inObject—Oriented Design,the definition of process inheritance is given with application ofprocess reuse mechanism applied in process definition.Then software process definition reusemethod base on process inheritance and realization way of process inheritance are given.Thedefinition method defines a new process by inheriting existing process definitions which canimplement process reuse,hence avoid”from scratch”process definition,increase definitionefficiency and reduce definition cost.In addition,by inheritance changes of processdefinitions can be reflected more effectively and the transition of process definition instancesare more convenient,thereby system flexibility and system maintenance efficiency Can beincreased significantly.


