

Study on the Influence of Film Hole Configuration on Turbine Blade Film Cooling

【作者】 戴萍

【导师】 林枫;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工程大学 , 动力机械及工程, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 提高透平进口温度是改善燃气轮机性能和提高其经济性的重要途径,但却受到叶片材料耐热性能的限制,因此必须采取有效的冷却措施对涡轮叶片加以保护,使其免受高温腐蚀或损伤。在众多的冷却技术中,气膜冷却已被广泛地应用于压气机、燃烧室尤其是涡轮上,成为发动机热端部件的主要冷却方式之一,它通过在高温部件表面开设槽缝或小孔,将冷却介质以横向射流的形式注入到主流中。在主流的压力和摩擦力的作用下,射流弯曲并覆盖于高温部件表面,形成温度较低的冷气膜,从而对高温部件起到隔热和冷却的作用。气膜冷却效果主要受气膜孔的几何结构(包括气膜孔的喷射角度、孔径大小、孔长与孔径比、孔的间距、孔出口的形状等)、叶片的几何参数和气膜孔的气动参数等因素的影响。许多研究表明,射流出口处速度分布很不均匀,流场结构复杂,不同气膜孔结构对气膜的附壁性、横向覆盖宽度、纵向覆盖长度及对孔口下游的冷却效果都有很大的影响。因此,详细了解不同气膜孔孔口的流场流动特性及传热机理对燃气轮机叶片设计和实际气膜孔的优化设计起着至关重要的作用。目前,国内外对圆柱孔研究的较多,对其它孔形的研究和对比相对较少,近几年,有学者尝试采用缩放槽缝孔、月牙孔以及开槽孔等新型孔来对气膜孔的结构进行优化,得到了较好的气膜冷却效果和孔口气动性能。本课题采用数值模拟的方法研究了圆柱孔、前向扩张孔、月牙孔、开槽前向扩张孔、缩放槽缝孔以及具有不同横向槽尺寸的气膜孔,在射流下游处及展向上的气膜冷却效率及流场分布,并将几种孔形的计算结果进行了详细地对比分析,揭示了新型气膜孔结构强化冷却的原理。针对缩放槽缝孔,进一步详细研究了孔长与孔径比、气膜孔间距与孔径比和冷气入射角度对其冷却效率的影响。另外,本文对前缘有两排气膜孔的对称涡轮叶片进行了数值模拟研究,并与试验数据进行了比较,详细分析了叶片前缘滞止区附近复杂的流场特征和冷却特性以及喷射角和孔间距对气膜冷却效率的影响。本文的主要研究内容和结论如下:(1)应用两层k ?ε湍流模型对涡轮叶片气膜冷却进行数值模拟,采用多重网格方法对计算程序加速,利用微分方程建立贴体坐标系的网格生成方法生成了气膜孔射流区域的三维网格,通过算例验证,计算程序对冷却孔平板气膜冷却及叶片前缘气膜冷却的主要流动特征与冷却特性具有良好的模拟能力。(2)模拟计算了月牙孔、缩放槽缝孔在射流下游处及展向上的气膜冷却效率及流场分布,并与常规圆柱孔进行了对比分析,深入分析新型孔提高气膜冷却效率的原理。计算结果表明,月牙孔的出口截面积增大,在展向使冷气向两侧扩张,孔出口形状可使冷气流与主流均匀地发生相互作用,特别是在高吹风比时,冷气可以均匀地覆盖在壁面,并且削弱了孔口附近反向涡旋对的强度,其气膜有效覆盖面积、平均冷却效率以及气膜的均匀性均好于圆柱孔和前向扩张孔。缩放槽缝孔在垂直于射流流动方向的展向是扩张的,在射流流动方向是收缩的,使得冷气流动在气膜孔内得以充分发展,流动分离现象几乎消失,流动较规则,由于其特殊的射流结构,致使在孔内发展均匀的高速气流紧贴出口底平面出流后直接冲刷表面,形成了较大的顺压力梯度,有利于消除射流在孔入口处形成的分离,使射流更易贴近被冷却壁面,并能有效地抑制反向涡旋对的产生,整体气膜冷却保护效果较好。(3)针对缩放槽缝孔,本文应用数值模拟方法进一步详细研究了孔长与孔径比、气膜孔间距与孔径比和冷气入射角度对其冷却效率的影响。结果表明,在任何吹风比下,缩放槽缝孔的冷却效率都随着孔长与孔径比的增大而增大。对于同一长径比,在气膜孔下游某位置处,孔与孔之间沿展向的冷却效率均有不同程度的增加,小吹风比时增加的幅度小,随着吹风比的增大,冷却效率增加的幅度也随之增大。在任何吹风比下,小角度喷射的冷却效率较高,并且随着吹风比的增大,小角度喷射优于其它喷射角的趋势也越来越大。孔间距较小时,在孔口附近及孔间区域会发生强烈的气膜干扰,使得孔排的作用类似于单个孔的效果,冷却气膜分布比较集中,在孔口下游近处冷却效率较高,但是气膜覆盖的区域较小。随着孔间距的增大,气膜覆盖面积增加,孔口附近的冷却效率低于小孔距,在孔下游远处发生的气膜干涉较为明显。(4)通过数值模拟的计算方法,研究了具有六种不同开槽尺寸的气膜孔在射流下游处及展向上的气膜冷却效率及流场分布,将几种开槽孔的计算结果进行了详细地对比分析,分析了横向槽的作用机理。计算结果表明,在任何吹风比下,所有开槽气膜孔沿孔排下游及展向的冷却效率均高于圆柱孔,这种趋势随着吹风比的增大而日益明显。在低吹风比时,几种开槽尺寸的冷却效率相差不大。随着吹风比的增大,不同开槽孔冷却效率的变化趋势不尽相同。不同开槽尺寸对气膜冷却性能的影响较复杂,在本文研究的条件下,具有中等开槽深度和最大开槽宽度的开槽孔,气膜孔下游较大范围内的温度处于较低水平,且孔口处射流中心轴线离壁面较近,其气膜有效覆盖面积、平均冷却效率以及气膜覆盖的均匀性都好于其它几种开槽孔,因而具有最佳的气膜冷却效果,并且孔下游及展向的冷却效率随着吹风比的增大而增大。而具有最大开槽深度的开槽孔,较低温度覆盖的范围最窄,射流抬离壁面,射流的附壁性差,因而冷却效果较差。(5)本文对叶片前缘滞止区附近双排孔喷射的复杂流场特征和冷却特性以及喷射角和孔间距对双排孔气膜冷却效率的影响进行了数值研究。结果表明,对于位于前缘滞止线附近的第一排孔,存在较大的顺压力梯度,这一较大的顺压力梯度有利于冷气流向冷气孔下游均一地发展。第二排孔冷气射流处于低压区,冷气射流在与主流相互作用的过程中,由于冷气射流对主流的阻碍,在冷气孔后部区域生成了一对旋转方向相反的旋涡,使得冷气射流抬离壁面向冷气孔下游发展。由于主流与冷气射流的掺混作用,冷气射流在向下游运动的过程中又重新贴近壁面。减小喷射角度可以减小反向涡旋对的强度和尺寸,使射流核心更易于贴近壁面,有利于冷气在壁面上的覆盖。在不同吹风比下,两排孔的冷却效率和孔间距成反比关系,即随着孔间距的增加.冷却朴立睛夕下降.相下降的幅磨不尺相同。

【Abstract】 To increase the temperature of turbine inlet is an important method for improving turbine performance and its economics. However, the inlet temperature increasing is restricted by the heat resistance ability of blade material. Therefore, some effective manners must be taken to protect the turbine blades from high temperature erosion. Among these methods, film cooling technique has been used for gas turbine blades and became a major cooling method for turbine rotor. In film cooling, cooling medium was injected to main stream in lateral jet through slots and/or little holes on the surface of high temperature turbine rotor. Under the effect of pressure and friction of the main stream, the jet curved and covered the surface of high temperature parts, and then low temperature gas film was formed, which can perform the action of isolation and cooling.The effectiveness of film cooling is mainly dependent on the shape of hole geometry, such as jet angle, hole diameter, length-to-diameter ratio, pitch, outlet configuration, blade geometry, and aerodynamic parameters. Many studies have shown the presence of uneven outlet velocity and complicated flow fields configuration, and the different film configuration has significant effects on the film. Therefore, it is very important to understand the flow filed feather of different hole mouth and mechanism of heat transfer for the optimum design of turbine blades and practical holes. The present studies are manly focused on cylindrical hole relatively to other types of hole. Recently, some researchers has tried to adopt novel holes, such as converged-slot hole, crescent hole, and trenched hole, in the optimum design of film holes and get better performance of cooling . In this dissertation, numerical simulation method was adopted to study cylindrical hole, forward diffused hole, crescent hole, trenched forward diffused hole, converged-slot hole and trenched cylindrical hole in film cooling effectiveness and flow fields of jet downstream and spanwise, and comparison among these holes were analyzed in detail, thereby the principle of strengthen cooling of novel hole was clarified. With regard to converged-slot hole, further study was carried out about the effect of length-to-diameter ratio, pitch-to-diameter ratio and injection angle on converged-slot hole cooling effectiveness. In addition, film cooling characteristics of a turbine blade’s leading edge with two rows cooling orifices were investigated in this dissertation. The computed results were presented in the form of effectiveness contours on the blade surface and compared with experimental results. Complicated characteristic of flow fields and cooling on the stagnation area of blade leading edge, the effect of injection angle and hole pitch on film cooling effectiveness were investigated in detail. The main content and conclusion in this dissertation were listed as follows:(1)A numerical code for the calculation of turbine blade film cooling was accomplished by the two-layer k ?εturbulence model. Coordinate system is set up by the differential equation and by adoption of the multi-block grids accelerated compute procedure. The trait of numerical code was provided with account precision high, generate grid and compute convergence rapidly, so it preferably simulated flat plate film cooling and main flow and film cooling character in leading edge of turbine blade.(2)Numerical simulation about film cooling effectiveness in downstream and spanwise and flow fields of crescent hole, converged-slot hole were carried out. Comparison between novel hole and cylindrical hole was carried out, and the principal of high effectiveness of novel hole was thoroughly analyzed. It was shown that the expanded exit of crescent hole reduced the vortex intensity especially high blowing ratio, cooling gas expanded laterally in spanwise and uniformly covered plate surface, and the interaction between mainstream and the jet uniformed duo to exit geometry of crescent hole, so film coverage, averaged film cooling effectiveness and film uniformity of crescent hole were best among the cylindrical hole and forward diffused hole. In vertical jet direction the walls of converged-slot hole diverge, and in jet direction the walls converge, so that jet in film hole enough was developed and flow separation was disappeared. Because of special jet structure of converged-slot hole, the flow accelerated from inlet to outlet made suitable pressure gratitude, so the ejected coolant film was continuous and the film didn’t lift off from blade surface. Consequently, the typical two counter rotating vortices were restrained and the film cooling protection effect was improved.(3)With regard to converged-slot hole, further study was developed about the effect of length-to-diameter ratio, pitch-to-diameter ratio and injection angle on converged-slot hole cooling effectiveness in this dissertation. It was found that cooling effectiveness of converged-slot hole increased along with length-to-diameter increasing for any blowing ratios. Furthermore, the film cooling effectiveness had the different degree raising along the span direction between adjacent holes within the somewhere downstream the holes for fixed length-to-diameter, and extent of rising a little at low blowing ratio, and that extent of rising for cooling effectiveness corresponding augment along with blowing ratio increasing. Results also showed that cooling effectiveness for small injection angle was very high. Furthermore, the improvement realized by the small jet angle compared to the other jet angle holes is more important at the higher blowing ratio than it is at the lower one. For short hole pitch, intensive disturbance was happened at nearby injection outlet and between two holes, and hence effect of row made single hole. It caused film cooling distributed convergence, and the improvement for cooling effectiveness realized by downstream the holes, but film coverage was poor. The broad coverage realized by the increase hole pitch, and but cooling effectiveness was low by comparison with short pitch at injection outlet. In addition, interference of film was very clear at a bit far downstream the holes. (4) Numerical simulation about film cooling effectiveness in downstream and spanwise and flow fields of six kinds of trench hole were carried out. Results of several special of trench hole were detailed analyzed, as well as the mechanism of transverse trench was thoroughly analyzed. It was shown that effectiveness in downstream and spanwise of all of trench hole was better than that of cylindrical hole at any blowing ratio, and this trend was got over evidence along with increasing of blowing ratio. Film cooling effectiveness of several kinds of trench hole was almost consistent at low blowing ratio, change trend of effectiveness of different trench hole was unlikeness along with increasing blowing ratio. The effect of trenched size on film cooling performance was very complicated. In this dissertation, temperature of trench hole with moderate depth and maximal width was very low at large-scale of film hole downstream, and jet center axes was near from wall at hole exit, so its film effective coverage, average cooling effectiveness and film uniformity were best among other cases. Furthermore, film cooling effectiveness in downstream and spanwise direction increased along with increasing of blowing ratio. However, temperature of trench hole with maximal depth was high at large-scale of film hole downstream and jet tended to lift-off wall, so film cooling effectiveness was reduced.(5)Film cooling characteristics of a turbine blade’s leading edge with two rows cooling orifices were investigated in this dissertation. Complicated characteristic of flow fields and cooling on the stagnation area of blade leading edge, the effect of injection angle and hole pitch on film cooling effectiveness were studied in detail. Results showed that the first row of orifices located nearby leading stagnation line existed suitable pressure gratitude, which was beneficial to cooling gas uniformly development towards downstream of the orifices. The second row of coolant, which is situated in a low-pressure region, created counter rotating vortex pairs at back of the coolant hole on account of coolant jet interrupting mainstream during both interaction. The net result is that coolant jet tended to lift-off surface development towards downstream of the holes. Because mainstream and coolant jet mixed, coolant tended to stay near surface again during development towards downstream of the holes. Vortex pairs were weakened in virtue of reducing injection angle, and therefore coolant jet core tended to near the surface, which was propitious to covering surface. For different blowing ratios, cooling effectiveness of two rows was opposite proportion to pitch, that is cooling effectiveness declined along with increasing pitch, and but the drop extent of efficiency was difference.


