

The Comparative Study of Seed Science and Industry Development at Home and Abroad

【作者】 成广雷

【导师】 张春庆; 夏敬源;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 种子科学与工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 种子作为人类主要的生活资料和最重要的农业生产资料,自古以来就受到人们的重视。种子科学是一门既古老又年轻的科学,早在农业发生之初的远古时期人们就开始了种子的汰劣选优、检验、加工、贮藏等的实践,但作为一门科学被系统研究还时间很短,只不过刚刚一百多年的历史。尤其在19世纪中叶以后,种子科学得到了快速的发展,需要从历史的角度对这一科学的发展进行客观的分析总结。本论文以种子科学研究内容为主线,通过收集、整理文献,明确断代依据,按照历史时序,对国内外古代、近代、现代种子科学的发展背景、重要事件、标志性人物等进行记述。系统介绍了国内外种子生物学、种子加工贮藏科学、种子检验科学的发生和发展。对国内外种子科学的发展分阶段进行了系统的比较研究,利用国内外三个文献数据库,对1950年至今的种子科学文献进行了检索处理,进行了系统的定量、定性分析,得出了相应的结论。论文研究结果对我国种子科学与产业的发展将具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。主要结论如下:1.对种子科学的发展历史提出了自己的断代依据,梳理出了种子科学确立和发展的背景、标志性人物及里程碑事件。在本研究中,将种子科学的发展历史分为古代、近代和现代三个阶段。公元1869年之前为古代这一阶段的种子科学知识主要通过有意识和无意识的经验积累和肉眼观察得出,还没有人专门从种子角度进行有目的实验研究,这一阶段为经验种子科学发展阶段。从1869年建立专业种子实验室至1980年为近代,这一阶段的种子科学研究有着明确的实验目的,研究更加系统和深入,显微镜等试验工具、物理和化学技术、动力机械等开始应用于种子科技,种子生物学研究向细胞水平微观层次和生理生化方向发展,该阶段是实验室(经典)种子科学发展阶段。1980年至今为现代,该阶段科学技术快速发展,特别是生物技术、物理、化学和其他边缘学科的渗透,为种子科学研究提供了新的方法和手段。现代种子科学研究有趋向多元和学科交叉的特点,这一阶段为现代科学技术综合应用阶段。2.通过对国内外三大数据库检索,对1950年至2009年种子科学的发展进行了系统的定量和定性分析。明确了该阶段有关国家对种子科学的贡献,研究热点和发展趋势。通过研究得知,该阶段美国对种子科学发展的整体贡献最大,发表文献数比第2位的英国高出2倍多。中国排在日本之后居第4位,其后是德国、法国、丹麦。美国在1950年以后种子科学研究一直居领先位置,上世纪80年代后占绝对优势地位。中国在1985年以前一直处于最落后地位,至1999年首次超越丹麦后开始快速发展,进入21世纪后有关种子科学的文献发表数量更是直线上升,2005年至今飞速超越德国、日本、英国居世界第2位。在国际上发表的文献数已与美国2004年发表数量相当。3.讨论了种子学科发展中存在的科研队伍不稳定、学科影响力小、没有真正的建立种子工程学科等问题,提出了自己对该学科的发展建议。主要观点有:一是种子科学需要连续性、深入性研究,呼唤终身种子科学家;二是种子科学与遗传育种学科分离后其影响力较小,需要建立学科组织,加强学科宣传、公关力度;三是种子科学作为应用性学科不能只搞生物学等基础研究,要加快与信息、机械工程等学科的交叉,建立真正的种子工程学科。4.对国内外种子产业的种子市场容量、种子出口情况及世界规模企业发展情况有关资料进行了整理和比较分析,明确了世界种子产业的发展特征及趋势。在中国种子产业发展研究中,通过对1989—2004年各大作物主产省区审定品种及2004—2007年的主要作物品种推广面积资料进行系统的比较分析,对中国的种子科研状况、研发体系及品种贡献进行了评价。

【Abstract】 As the main materials and most important agricultural production of the human,seeds have been obtaining people’s attention since the ancient times. Seed science is an old and young science. In the beginning of ancient agricultural times, people began to do practical activity about seed,such as seed selection, testing, processing and storage, etc, but as a science, it was researched in a short period, just a hundred years of history. Especially after the mid of 19th century, seed science developed very fast, we need do objective analysis and summarize it from the angle of history. This dissertation takes the scientific research of the seed as the main clue, through collecting and sorting documents, the history dividing of seed development is cleared. According to the historical sequence, The background of scientific development, important events and icon of seeds in the ancient and modern times are described and the occurrence and development of seed biology seed storage and processing , seed testing were systematic introduced at home and abroad About the scientific development of seeds at home and abroad, we do systematic comparative study in different stages. The systematic quantitative and qualitative analysis was acquired by retrieving the three databases of domestic and foreign literatures during the period 1950 and 2009 and the corresponding conclusions were obtained. The results of the paper have a certain meaning and guidance to the development of science and industry of the seeds. The main conclusions are as follows:1. The paper puts forward the history dividing of seed science development. sorting out the establishment and development background of seeds science and the important events and peole in the seed development history. In the study, the development history of seeds science was divided into three stages: the ancient, modern and contemporary times. Before A.D. 1869, We called ancient times, the seed scientific knowledge of this stage was acquired mainly through the accumulation of the experience consciously and unconsciously and macroscopic observation, no one had a special research in the seeds angle, This phase was called scientific experience seed development stage. In 1869, specialized seeds laboratory was established and we call seed modern times from 1869 to 1980, the seed scientific research of this phase has clear experimental purposes, the research was deep and systemical. Microscope, Physical and chemical technology, power machine were applied to seed technology, Seed biology research was developed toward to microcosmic level and physiological and biochemical direction. This phase is the development stage of laboratory (classical) seed science. From 1980 to nowadays is called modern times, The science and technology of seed developed rapidly in this stage, especially the biological technology, physics, chemistry and Other edge subjects was permeated in to the seed science, providing new methods and means for the scientific research of seeds. The scientific research of seeds has a tendency that toward multiple and discipline-crossing characteristics, this stage is called integrated application of modern science and technology in the seed science.2. Through retrieve three databases at home and abroad, we did the systemic quantitative and qualitative analysis about the development of seeds science from 1950 to 2009 and Clear the contribution of some countries to seeds science,and the hotspots and development trendency of this stages. Through the research, we know that America have the most contribution to seed science, The number of published literature of America is twice higher than those in UK which is in the second place about the amount of the literature .China is behind in Japan and China is the fourth, then followed by Germany, France and and Denmark. After 1950, America at the top of seed scientific research, it occupied dominated status after the 1980s. Before 1985, China always occupied the laggard status, in the 1999, China exceeded the Denmark first time and began to develop rapidly, in the beginning 21st century, the number of published literature increased straightly, and from 2005 to nowdays China exceeded Germany, Japan and UK at a very high speed, China began to occpuied the second place, China had achieved the level of America in 2004. 3. The suggestions about the discipline development is put forward aiming at the following problems, such as the instability of the research staff, the weak effects of the discipline, the lack of the genuine seed project discipline and so on. The main views are as below: Firstly, the continuous, deep study on the seed science and the perpetual seed scientist is urgently needed. Secondly, the influence of the seed science is weak when it is departed from the genetics and breeding discipline, therefore, it is suggested that the propaganda should be enhanced. The last, the genuine of the seed project discipline should be established, Simultaneously, the seed science should be integrated with the information and the mechanical engineering disciplines and the single basic research should be avoided.4. The materials about the seed market capacity, the exports of the seed and the development of the global scale enterprises are collected and compared at home and broad, and the development characters and the tendency of the seed industry are cleared. Afterward, the status and the system of the scientific research and the contribution of the approved varieties in the Chinese seed industry are evaluated by the analysis and comparison of the information about the approved varieties in the main crop production provinces from 1989 to 2004 and the extension areas of the main crop varieties from 2004 to 2007.

  • 【分类号】F312
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】2161

