

Economics Analysis of Land Consolidation Project

【作者】 宿胜

【导师】 史建民;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文以土地整理项目案例分析为切入点,借助于经济学、公共财政学等理论工具,采用规范与实证相结合、案例分析与调查研究等方法,对土地整理项目作了系统的描述和分析。全文分为四个部分:一是土地整理项目的一般分析(第1、2、3章),包括导论、土地整理的研究进展和土地整理政策分析;二是土地整理及其项目的宏观分析(第4章),包括土地整理的贡献以及土地整理项目的演进格局;三是土地整理项目案例研究(第5、6、7、8章),主要是运用实地搜集的7个土地整理项目案例,从投入、产出、权属调整、工程管护方面作了深入分析;四是结语(第9章),从研究结论和展望方面对全文进行了总结。通过研究,得出如下结果:第一,政策分析显示,我国已建立起较完备的土地整理政策体系。伴随着土地整理实践的展开,我国逐步形成了以耕地占补平衡为目标,以项目管理为基础,项目资金保障制度、农用地整理指标折抵激励政策和土地整理权属调整约束政策相协同的土地整理政策体系。第二,数据分析表明:我国土地整理政策的目标实现程度较高,政策绩效显著。1999年—2008年土地整理不但补充了当年因建设而占用的耕地,同时也补充了因灾损毁的耕地;基于耕地增加的粮食贡献较大。2008年全国土地整理的粮食贡献率达到2.29%,即2008年通过土地整理复垦开发相当于增加了1210.27万吨粮食。第三,通过研究我们发现,由各级国土资源部门安排并验收的土地整理复垦开发项目是我国土地整理的主体,经过十余年的快速发展,我国土地整理实现了两个重要转变:(1)土地整治的重心已由原来的土地开发项目完全转移到土地整理项目上和土地整治项目由主要追求增加农用地和耕地逐渐向追求提高农业产能的方向转变;(2)土地整理项目越来越由层级较低的项目向国家级项目集中。国家级项目在土地整理中呈强势扩张态势的经济原因不仅在于其具有显著的规模优势(其平均规模相当于省级项目的7倍、市级项目的20倍、县级项目的26倍),而且更在于它具有显著的效益优势。土地整理项目整治面积的单位投资强度从国家级项目、省级项目、市级项目到县级项目呈现依次增强态势,而土地整理项目单位投资效益从国家级项目、省级项目到市级项目和县级项目则呈现依次递减态势。第四,案例研究结果显示,虽然提倡多渠道投资,但土地整理项目资金全部来源于新增建设用地土地有偿使用费和土地出让纯收益的中央投资和地方投资。土地整理项目财政投资的一般规律是:(1)土地整理项目资金使用的计划性较强,中央投资占主导地位。中央投资实际数相当于预算数的100%,地方投资实际数相当于预算数的100.05%。分级别看,国家级项目全部为中央投资;省级项目中央投资占总投资的比重平均为37.25%,地方(省)投资占总投资的比重平均为62.75%。(2)土地整理项目资金运行是健康的。相对于土地整理项目资金来源实际数与预算数几乎一致,土地整理项目资金使用的实际数与预算数之间稍有差异。一是实际前期工作费和实际项目工程费占实际资金使用数的比重普遍高于预算,而实际竣工验收费和实际管理费及不可预见费占实际资金使用数的比重普遍低于预算。二是国家级项目相对于省级项目而言,土地整理项目资金更集中于项目工程建设。在非工程建设费用支出方面,国家级项目实际竣工验收费相对较高,前期工作费和管理费及不可预见费则相对较低。(3)项目工程费是土地整理项目资金投入的主体,单位工程量投资相互差别较大。土地整理项目工程量类别结构的状况,直接决定着单位工程量投资额的多少。(4)在项目工程量的用途上,国家级项目更集中于农田水利,而省级项目则更多地用于土地平整、田间道路、其他工程和村镇整理方面。第五,分析结果显示。土地整理项目投资效益显著。(1)伴随着农用地的增加,耕地也大幅增加,并且总体上耕地面积的增加幅度(52.94%)高于农用地的增加幅度(38.76%)。通过土地整理,耕地几乎全部被划定为基本农田,也为实施耕地保护奠定了基础。(2)土地整理显著改善了农业生产条件。土地整理显著改善了农业的灌溉条件和机耕条件。灌溉面积占耕地面积的比重由62.06%提高到96.95%;机耕面积占耕地面积的比重由78.76%提高到95.9%。同时,土地整理也改善了农业生产的环境条件,农田林网面积增加了159.18%,植被覆盖率提高了34.6个百分点。由于改善了农业生产条件,土地整理后粮食单产显著提高,粮食单产提高的幅度为26.51%。(3)土地整理项目投资的经济效益显著。土地整理项目案例静态投资收益率平均为32.92%,静态投资回收期平均为3.04年。第六,分析表明,《农村土地承包法》对土地调整的刚性约束与土地整理对土地权属调整的现实需求之间存在着潜在的制度冲突,寻求两者之间的协同对土地整理的健康发展至关重要。案例研究结果也显示,土地整理中的权属调整程序、调整原则大同小异,基本遵循的是统一的政策规定。但由于土地类型、原始权属状况以及经济发展水平不同,使不同项目区的权属调整内容及调整方式和采用的技术方法有所不同。同时,落实明确的管护主体、建立完善的土地整理工程后期管护制度、开拓多方面的管护资金筹集渠道是顺利实施土地整理项目后期管护的有效方式,建设与管护并重必将是未来土地整理项目开展的趋势,建立土地整理项目后期管护体系具有重要的实践意义。第七,规范分析表明,尽管土地整理政策的目标实现程度较高,政策绩效显著,但由于我国耕地数量约束依然是刚性的,应持续提高土地整理政策和耕地保护政策实施的强度。况且,目前我国土地整理资金的来源还限于“取之于土,用之于土”的范畴内,而“我国总体上已进入以工促农、以城带乡的发展阶段”,适应新的发展阶段的要求,开辟具有实质意义的“以工促农、以城带乡”的资金渠道应是未来的重要政策选择。

【Abstract】 To the point of case study of land consolidation projects, by means of economics、public finance and other theoretical tools, combined with the empirical specification、case study and investigation, this paper made a systematic description and analysis on land consolidation project.This paper is divided into four parts:the first part is the general analysis of land consolidation project(chapter1、chapter 2 and chapter 3), which including summarize the research progress of land consolidation and make policy analysis of land consolidation; the second part is the micro analysis of land consolidation and its projects(chapter 4), which including the contribution and the involution pattern of land consolidation; the third part is the case study of land consolidation project(chapter5、chapter6、chapter7、chapter8), which mainly use the land consolidation case to make deep analysis on land consolidation project input、output、right adjustment and engineering management; the four part is the conclusion(chapter 9), which summarized the paper from study conclusion and prospects of the paper.The paper made the following conclusion through analysis:First, policy analysis shows that china has already established a relatively complete system of land consolidation policy. With the commencement of land consolidation practice, china has gradually formed a land consolidation policy system, which takes the balance of construction land and compensation of the arable land as the goal, based on project management, coordinates project finance security system、indicators of agricultural land consolidation offsetting incentives and constraints land arrangement right policies.Second, the data analysis showed that the land consolidation policy goal achieves a higher degree and policy performance is significant. The land consolidation from 1999 to 2008 not only complemented the arable land occupied by construction but also complemented the arable land which was destroyed; contribution based on the increase of arable land is great. The rate of national land consolidation contribution of grain reach 2.29%, that is to say land consolidation and reclamation in 2008 increase equivalent 1210.27 tons of grain. Third, through the study we found that the main body of land consolidation in china are land consolidation project that arranged and checked by levels of land and resources. After more than ten years rapid development, land consolidation in china achieved two important changes:fist, the focus of land regulation has been fully transferred from land development projects to land consolidation projects, and land regulation projects pursue from increasing farmland and cultivated land to improving agriculture production capacity; second, land consolidation projects more and more focus on national projects from lower-level projects. Economic reason of national project present strong expansion trend in land consolidation is not only for its significant size advantages(the average size is 7 times of provincial projects、20 times of municipal projects and 26 times of county projects), but also because it has significant efficiency advantages. Unit investment intensity of land consolidation regulation area present enhance in turn from the national projects、provincial projects、municipal projects and county projects, while the land consolidation project unit investment returns present descending trend in turn.Fourth, the case study results showed that although multi-channel investment are called for, land consolidation project all come from central investment and local investment in new construction land compensation fee and net proceeds of land transfer. The general laws of land consolidation project funding motion are:(1) the planned use of land consolidation project fund is strong, central investment is in the dominant position. The actual number of central investment equivalent to 100% of the budget number, the actual local investment number equivalent to 100.05% of the budget number. See from Classification, national projects investment all come from central government; central investment occupied 37.25% in provincial projects total investment, local investment occupied 63.75% of total investment. (2) The operation of land consolidation funds is healthy. Compare to the actual number of land consolidation project fund and its budget number was almost identical, the actual number of land consolidation fund use and its budget number were slightly different. First, the proportion of the actual fee of preparatory work and preparatory project costs account for the actual project use funds is generally higher than the proportion of budget. The proportion of actual completion and acceptance fees and the actual management fees and unforeseen expenses account for the actual number of funds are generally lower than the proportion of the budget. Second, relative to the provincial projects, central land consolidation project funds more focus on project construction. In the non-construction expenses, the fee of national project completion and acceptance is actually relatively high, the preliminary work and management fees and unforeseen expenses are relatively low. (3)project construction cost is the main body of land consolidation fund investment, unit volume of investment in each project are greatly different; the amount of land consolidation in the status of category structure directly determines the amount of unit work investment. (4)in the amount of use on the project, national projects more focus on irrigation, while provincial projects are more focus on land leveling、field roads、other aspects of engineering and town organizing.Fifth, the analysis result showed that Land consolidation project investment benefit is significant. (1) With the increase of agricultural land, cultivated land has increased significantly, and overall the increase rate of cultivated area (52.94%) was higher than the increase rate of agricultural land (38.76%). almost all arable land was designated as basic farmland through land consolidation, which also laid the foundation for protection of cultivated land. (2) Land consolidation significantly improved the agricultural production conditions. Land consolidation significantly improved conditions for agricultural irrigation and mechanized farming conditions. The proportion of irrigated area account for cultivated area rose from 62.06% to 96.95%; the proportion of plowing area account for cultivated land area rose from 78.76% up to 95.9%. Meanwhile, land consolidation has also improved the environmental conditions of agricultural production; shelterbelt area increased 159.18%, the vegetation coverage rate increased by 34.6 percentage points. Due to the improvement of agricultural production conditions, the grain yield increase significantly, the increase range is 26.51%. (3) The economic benefits of land consolidation project investment are significant. The average static investment returns of land consolidation projects is 32.9%; the average static investment recovery period is 3.04 years.Sixth, the analysis showed that there is a system of potential conflict exists between the "Rural Land Contract Law" rigid constraints on land readjustment and land consolidation on the demand for land ownership adjustment; it is significant for land consolidation’s healthy development to seek synergy between them. Case study also showed that the ownership adjustment process and the adjustment principle are similar; they all follow the uniform policy. However, because the difference of land type、the original ownership status and level of economic development, the adjust content、fashion and technique methods of the different ownership of the project area are in different ways. Meanwhile, carry out specific main body of management and protection、establish perfect final land consolidation management and protection system、develop various channels to raise maintenance funds are effective way to the smooth implementation of final land consolidation management and protection. the future trend of land consolidation development will be to carry out both construction and management, it has important practical significance to establish late land consolidation management and protection system.Seventh, normative analysis showed that although land consolidation goal has achieved higher degree, policy performance significantly, however, as the number of cultivated land is still rigid constraints, the implementation intensity of land consolidation policies and cultivated land protection policies should be continue to improve. Besides, at present, land consolidation fund sources is still limited in the context of "taken from land, use for land", but our country has come into the stage of "industry promotes agriculture, urban area elevates rural area", to adapt the new stage requirements, opening up a meaningful fund source of "industry promotes agriculture, urban area elevates rural area" is the important future policy option.

【关键词】 土地整理项目贡献投入产出
【Key words】 land consolidationcontributioninput-output

