

【作者】 李平英

【导师】 胡继连;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 近年来随着我国经济的飞速发展,我国主要农产品总量基本实现平衡,农产品的供求已由量的增加逐步转向质的提高。在解决温饱问题以后,人们不再满足食物数量,而是在追求食物安全,甚至更高质量的食物。农产品是人们主要的食物或食物来源,农产品质量问题不仅关系着城乡居民的健康,而且关系着我国农产品的国际市场竞争力,农产品质量管理研究逐渐成为研究的热点。虽然农产品质量管理问题已经引起学术界的广泛关注,政府部门作为制度提供者也建立起相应的质量制度体系,但我国农产品质量问题并没有从根本上得到解决,甚至没有解决最低层次的农产品质量安全问题。原因在于现有质量控制制度与以家庭承包责任制为核心的农业经营制度有许多不适应之处,主要体现为农业小规模分散经营固有的特征不能适应质量管理体系的要求。本论文运用主流产业组织理论的SCP(Structure结构—Conduct行为—Performance绩效)范式研究我国农产品质量管理问题。按照这一理论假设,产业组织结构直接影响和决定产业内部各个经营主体的经营行为,市场中经营主体的行为又决定市场绩效的各个方面,质量是市场绩效之一。为了获得理想的市场绩效,即获得成本、农产品供应数量、环境保护、消费者需求等约束条件下的理想质量水平,需要通过产业组织政策来调整不合理的市场结构。本文研究的重点是利用产业组织的基本理论和分析方法,研究决定产业组织结构的农业产业组织制度对农产品质量的影响机理,进而设计适宜的产业组织制度,获得期望的农产品质量水平。论文分四个部分共七章,其结构体系和基本内容如下:(1)导论部分,即第一章。主要通过对我国农产品质量水平状况以及农产品质量对我国食品安全和农业竞争力的影响进行分析,提出研究农产品质量的必要性和现实性;对农产品质量的相关研究进展进行综述,讨论应用产业组织理论,通过农业产业组织制度调整保障农产品质量的逻辑性和可行性。(2)理论分析框架部分,即第二章。在这一章首先建立农产品质量函数,沿农产品供应链研究影响农产品质量的各种因素以及农产品质量特性;设计应用产业组织理论研究农产品质量管理的分析框架:决定市场结构的主要因素经营规模、纵向合作程度、进入壁垒和退出壁垒、产品差异化程度,都影响农产品经营主体的经营行为,进而影响质量绩效;然后沿着目标质量绩效----所需经营行为----约束经营行为的组织结构的路线,提出保障农产品质量的产业组织政策。(3)论文主体部分,包括第三章、第四章、第五章、第六章。分别讨论影响产业组织结构的主要因素(经营规模、纵向合作程度、进入壁垒和退出壁垒、产品差异化程度)在我国农产品经营领域的现状、制度约束下经营主体行为特征、经营行为对农产品质量影响、以及为实现理想农产品质量水平,需要什么样的产业组织政策调整现有的产业组织结构。(4)农业产业组织政策设计,即第七章。本部分主要基于前三部分的研究,设计能够保障农产品质量的产业组织政策。在我现阶段,家庭承包责任制仍然有存在的积极意义,但其决定的产业组织结构不利于保障农产品质量,主要体现在分散小规模经营与保障农产品质量所需要的大规模经营之间存在矛盾。如何在以家庭承包责任制为核心的农业经营制度框架下,设计适宜的农业产业组织制度是这一部分的主要任务。最后对本文研究结果进行概括总结,并提出需要进一步研究的问题和研究方向。论文主要结论:(1)我国农业基本特征是:规模经营狭小而且分散、产业内纵向联系松散、进入壁垒太低同时退出壁垒太高、产品差异化程度较低,由此决定的产业组织结构难以保障农产品质量。形成现有产业组织结构的根本原因,是以家庭承包责任制为核心的农业基本经营制度。(2)农业产业组织结构的优化必须在以家庭承包责任制为核心的农业基本经营制度框架下进行。农业产业组织结构优化的两个途径,一是横向扩大经济组织的经营规模,建立农业企业制度,以农业企业作为农产品的供应主体;二是增强农业产业链的纵向联系,产业链各节点间的合作,应该以农业企业作为基本单位,进行产业价值链管理,实现从单纯的市场交易到一体化经营的多种方式的纵向合作。(3)优化农业产业组织结构,必须有其他相关配套政策。否则,经营主体行为受现有制度约束,难以组建适度规模的农业企业,即便在外力推动下组建成功,也难以实现企业的高效经营和企业间的稳定紧密纵向合作,获得稳定预期收益。

【Abstract】 Along with fast economic development in China, the supply and demand condition of agriculture product has changed momentously. After the gross quantity of agriculture product achieved basic balance, and the problem of adequate food and clothing has been solved, the people’s life has transformed from subsistence to a relatively comfortable life. The customers are not satisfied with the adequate quantity of food, but pursue safety even higher quality. Because the agriculture products are the main food or the materials of food for human being, the quality level agriculture product involves not only the health of people, but also the international competition strength of China, for that the study on agriculture product quality management becomes hotspot. The problem of agriculture product quality has brought about the attention of academe, and the study of academe has gotten plentiful harvest. Based on these studies, the government set up management system for agriculture product, which improves the quality level obviously, but does not solve the problem radically, even the most basic safety problem. The ultimate reason is that the quality management system does not match the household contract responsibility system, which is the core of Chinese agriculture management institution system, and the no-match exists at the natural characteristics of small scale mode determined by the household contract responsibility system can not meet the require of quality management system.This paper studies agriculture product quality problem based on SCP analytical model. The industry organization theory thinks: the industry structure decides the company’s operational behavior, the behavior decides the market performance, and the quality level is one index of the market performance. For the sake of expected market performance, namely expected quality level on the constraints of supply quantity, environment protection, customer demand, we need adjust irrational industry structure by rectifying industry organization policies. In the paper I study the working mechanism of agriculture industry organization institution influencing on agriculture product quality, then design feasible industry organization institution to achieve expected agriculture product quality level.The thesis is composed of 4 parts including 7 chapters, the framework and main contents are as following: (1) part 1 is the guide, including chapter1. The main contents of the first part include the evaluation on status in quo of agriculture product quality management and the analysis on the influence of agriculture product quality on food safety and agriculture competition strength; the summary of international and domestic research on the field of agriculture product quality management; based on the above analysis, the author discusses the logic and feasibility of study framework.(2) part 2 is the study framework, including chapter2. Firstly, the author set up the function of agriculture product quality, based on the study on the natural traits of agriculture product quality and the influencing elements along the supply chain of agriculture product; secondly, the author designs study framework applying industry organization theory: the industry structure, which is determined by industry natural traits including: the operation scale, the vertical cooperative degree, the degree of product differentiation, the barriers of entrance and the barriers of exit, affects the operational behaviors of companies, then affect the quality market performance; On the contrary, to get the expected quality level, it is required some needed operation behaviors, and the needed behaviors only occur under some kinds of industry structure; As a conclusion, to achieve the quality objectives, the set of industry organization policies which can adjust industry structure should be put forward.(3)part 3 is the main part of the thesis, including chapter3, chapter4, chapter5, and chapter6. In the four chapters, the four elements which affect industry structure (the operation scale, the vertical cooperative degree, the degree of product differentiation, and the barriers of entrance and exit) are studied respectively. The main research contents are as following: the present condition analysis; the operational behavior of economic unit under the present institutions; the behavior’s effect on agriculture product quality; and needed industry policies to guarantee agriculture product quality.(4)part 4 is the design of needed industry organization policies, including chapter7. In the part the author designs industry organization policies aimed to guarantee agriculture product quality, based on the study of the above three parts. The household contract responsibility system still has positive significance to agriculture, but the industry organization structure decided by the institution has negative affect on agriculture product quality and the main reason is that to guarantee product quality needs larger scale operation model that could not exist under the household contract responsibility system. How to design efficient agriculture organization policies under the household contract responsibility system is the main task of this part. In the end of the part the author summarizes the thesis and put forward topics need farther study.The main conclusions of the thesis are as following:(1) the natural traits of agriculture industry organization structure in China are: the scale of operation is small and separated, the vertical cooperative relationship along industry supply chain is relax, the degree of product differentiation is low, the entrance barriers are low and the exit barriers is high. The industry structure which is decided by the above traits can not guarantee agriculture product quality and the current agriculture industry structure is the result of household contract responsibility system which is the core institution of Chinese agriculture.(2)The optimization of agriculture industry structure should be under the core institution of Chinese agriculture because the household contract responsibility system has positive effect on Chinese agriculture development. There are two approaches to optimize agriculture industry structure, one is enlarging the operation scale of economic units, setting up agriculture enterprises as main agriculture product suppliers; the other one is enhancing cooperative relations among economic units along agriculture vertical supply chain, and the cooperation should be based on supply chain management among agriculture enterprise adopting varies cooperation models from market trades to vertical integration.(3) The optimization of agriculture industry structure should be supported by other related government policies. Otherwise, agriculture enterprises with reasonable operation scale can not be set up within the constraints of current institutions, even built by external forces the efficient operation within enterprise and the stable tight vertical cooperation among enterprises can not be carried out, which are the base of expected profit.

  • 【分类号】F322;F321
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1375
  • 攻读期成果

