

Instructional Design of Esp Curriculum a Constructivist Perspective

【作者】 谷志忠

【导师】 陈坚林;

【作者基本信息】 上海外国语大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着中国加入世界贸易组织,成功申办和主办第29届奥林匹克运动会,中国在政治、经济、科技、文化等各领域与国际社会的交往也也日益频繁和密切。而经济全球化的迅猛发展,也让国内的合资、外资企业的数量越来越多,并对中国经济的快速增长作出了巨大贡献。市场对那些既有专业知识、又精通外语的复合型人才的需求也呈逐级攀升的态势。国内高校的ESP教育就是为培养这样的复合型人才,来满足经济增长和社会发展的需要。但目前我国高校的ESP教学研究现状并不乐观,甚至是有些令人担忧。ESP研究方法相对有些单一,视野也不够开阔,没能从根本上摆脱ESP本体研究的局限和束缚。即便在信息技术发展的如火如荼的21世纪,基于或利用计算机信息技术的ESP研究仍处于起步阶段,而ESP跨学科研究则几乎是一片空白,明显滞后于国外相关的ESP研究。鉴于国内目前ESP的教学研究现状,本文拟跳出早期ESP本体研究的窠臼,另辟蹊径,以教学设计为突破口,将ESP教学、教学设计和教育技术结合起来进行跨学科研究,并通过《外贸函电》、《商务英语》和《涉外文秘》等专门用途英语课程的学习内容分析和教学实践,重点研究如何通过教学设计,利用一定的教育信息技术来帮助ESP老师有效改进并提高他们的教学效果。为此,本文首先对国内外近50年的ESP教学研究作了一个简要的回顾,并全面梳理了我国高校目前ESP的教学研究现状,重点讨论了国内ESP的属性、课程定位以及ESP和EGP的联系等问题。笔者发现,许多高校对ESP的认识较为模糊,对ESP的教学科研也不够重视,这在一定程度上阻碍了国内ESP教学健康、有序地向前发展。为了更清楚地阐述ESP教学改革的必要性,笔者分别从宏观和微观两个方面展开讨论,进行了深入、细致地分析论证。从宏观方面来说,进行ESP教学改革主要基于以下三个原因,即1)顺应国家制定宏观语言战略、提升中国国际竞争力的需要;2)ESP教学改革是我国经济、社会不断向前发展的需要; 3)ESP教学改革也是我国高等教育发展的需要。进行ESP教学改革,除了有宏观方面的三个原因之外,还有ESP教学过程当中几个具体的微观因素,具体表现在以下六个方面:1)ESP指导思想有误,重视基础英语教学,轻视ESP教学;2)课程设置不尽合理,课时相对不足;3)ESP教学模式落后,教学手段单一;4)ESP教材使用混乱,质量不高;5)ESP师资力量薄弱,梯队建设亟待加强;6)ESP教学组织松散、管理混乱。在剖析ESP教学存在的问题以及产生的原因之后,笔者接着讨论了目前ESP教学改革的可行性,主要有三个方面的强有力的支持和保障:高等教育主管部门的大力支持、ESP教学各界对教学改革认识统一、信息技术的保障。然后,笔者尝试提出了明确ESP课程定位、加快ESP教材开发、强化ESP师资培训和建立ESP网上资源库等四点应对策略。在明确ESP教学改革方向之后,笔者以教学设计为突破口,结合《外贸函电》、《商务英语》和《涉外文秘》等专门用途英语课程的教学实践,着重讨论了ESP的需求分析(具体包括学习需求分析、学习内容分析和学习者分析)、ESP教学设计模式(具体包括以教师为中心、以学生为中心和以教师为主导、学生为主体)和ESP教学设计的原则(具体包括真实性原则、主体性原则和开放性原则三大原则)。最后笔者以《涉外文秘》课程为例,在建构主义理论的科学指导下,详细探讨了建构主义教学理念(主要包括建构主义的知识观、学习观和师生观),ESP建构主义教学设计(主要包括ESP学习环境设计、ESP学习资源设计和ESP协作学习)以及《涉外文秘》课程教学设计案例(主要包括《涉外文秘》课程教学设计的准备、实施和反思),并得出结论认为,建构主义理论指导下的《涉外文秘》教学设计——抛锚式教学法可以让学生更积极主动地参与到学习过程当中,提高他们解决现实世界当中问题的实际能力,能更好地让他们为未来的工作做好准备。在研究过程当中,笔者发现进行ESP课程的教学设计研究并非易事,主要存在以下几个问题:首先,教学设计对教师的信息素养要求较高。ESP的教学设计,尤其是在学习资源设计环节,需要ESP教师利用计算机网络对大量的文本、音频和视频信息进行搜索、筛选、编辑和加工。可以说,ESP教师的有限的信息素养是制约教学设计的运用和推广的一个瓶颈,如何为ESP教师进行及时、有效的信息技术培训是ESP教学设计今后有待研究的一个重要问题。其次,ESP课程的教学设计对教室的教学硬件设施要求较高。ESP教师要给学生创设目标情境,至少要求需要使用一个多媒体教室。但很多高校,尤其是经济欠发达地区,由于对ESP课程重视程度不够,或因为资金短缺,甚至连多媒体教室都无法保证。毫无疑问,改善ESP教室的计算机多媒体教学硬件设施并保障它们的良好运行也是ESP教学设计必须面对的一个实际问题。最后, ESP课程的班级规模太大,学生人数太多,无法保证ESP教师的教学设计有效实施,ESP课程所倡导的“以学习者为中心”只能成为一句漂亮的口号。如何解决班级规模过大和师资严重匮乏的矛盾,也是ESP教学设计研究者必须面对的一道难题。总的说来,笔者结合《外贸函电》、《商务英语》和《涉外文秘》等专门用途英语课程的教学实践,对ESP跨学科研究进行了积极有益的探讨,希望本研究能在一定程度上为其它ESP课程的教学实践者和科研人员带来一点启示或借鉴。但更为重要的是,笔者希望通过本文的讨论,能引起教育界和学术界对专门用途英语教学跨学科研究的更多关注和重视,促进国内高校ESP课程健康、有序地发展和建设,以便培养出更多既有专业知识又有较高英语水平的高层次复合型人才,更好地应对经济全球化、参与国际竞争的新挑战。

【Abstract】 With China’s entry into the WTO and the successful bidding and hosting the 29th Beijing Olympic Games, China is getting more and more actively involved in all kinds of political, economic and cultural exchanges with the international communities. With the further expansion of economic globalization, more and more joint ventures and foreign-funded companies are also established in China and have made significant contributions to boosting China’s economy. And in the job market there is an increasing demand for talents who not only possess all the necessary expertise, but also have a good command of English.ESP education in China’s colleges and universities is supposed to prepare our students to meet the needs of economic growth and social developments. However, the current situation of ESP teaching is kind of worrying, instead of being optimistic as people have expected. ESP research method and scope is rather simple and narrow, basically restricted and confined to ESP ontology. Even in this information age, computer-based ESP research is still limited and interdisciplinary research is almost blank. Given the serious situation, this author jumps out of trap of ESP ontology and conducts an interdisciplinary research by integrating ESP teaching, instructional design and education technology, hoping to help ESP practitioners improve their teaching effect with the assistance of instructional design and information technology.Therefore, this author first briefly reviews the ESP teaching and research, both home and abroad in the past 50 years, and then gives a detailed discussion and analysis of current ESP teaching in China, especially about ESP essence, ESP curriculum positioning, and difference between ESP and EGP, only to find that ESP teaching never gets its due attention in many colleges and universities. This author proposes to reform ESP teaching and elaborates on the necessity, feasibility and possible directions of this reform. There are both macro and micro reasons why this reform is necessary. Three macro reasons: to comply with our nation’s macro language strategy and promote China’s international competition; to meet the needs of economic growth and social developments; and to keep pace with China’s higher education reform. And six micro reasons: wrong ideology about ESP teaching; inappropriate ESP curriculum; backward teaching patterns; poor quality ESP textbooks; weak ESP teaching faculty; and loose ESP teaching organization. The ESP teaching reform is feasible for the following 3 reasons, namely 1) support from higher education; 2) general agreement from most ESP practitioners; 3) guarantee and support from information technology. Finally this author outlines 4 possible coping strategies for this reform: specifying ESP courses positioning, quickening the steps for ESP books development, enhancing ESP teachers training and setting up online ESP information bank.Having instructional design as ESP teaching’s breakthrough, this author, on the basis of his teaching practice of Business Correspondence for Foreign Trade,Business English and English for Secretaries, discusses ESP needs analysis (learning needs analysis, content analysis and learner analysis) and ESP instructional design models (teacher-centered, learner-centered, teacher-led & learner-centered) in great detail, and outlines 3 principles (authenticity, openness and learner-centered) for ESP instructional design. Finally this author, under the guidance of constructivism theory and using English for Secretaries as an example of instructional design, further explores ESP instructional design from a constructivist perspective by addressing some key issues like constructivism teaching concept (knowledge, learning process, teacher and students), ESP constructivism instructional design (learning environment design, learning resources design and collaborative learning) and concludes that anchored instruction is especially effective in getting students actively involved in the learning process, improving their practical abilities in solving real world problems and preparing them better for their future jobs.There also exist some problems throughout this research. Firstly, ESP teachers need a lot of information literacy for the instructional design, especially during the process of designing learning resources when ESP teachers need to search and sort out useful information from huge amount of texts, sounds and videos. Besides that, they also need to tailor accordingly to the unique needs and requirements of the students by editing some authentic materials, which involves a lot of computer work and skills, and very demanding for most ESP teachers. It’s not exaggerating to say that information literacy is the bottleneck for the application and popularization of instructional design. Obviously, timely and effective information technology training is of paramount importance for all the ESP teachers. Secondly, teaching ESP needs at least a multimedia classroom to simulate a target situation, but due to the lack of attention to ESP teaching or short of fund, a multimedia classroom is more often than not, hardly guaranteed, and particularly in some underdeveloped areas. What’s more, technical support and maintenance, which is also a must to ensure ESP teaching to go smoothly and is often neglected or totally forgotten, is another big problem. Finally, the size of most ESP classes or the number of students in each class is just too large for effective or efficient instructional design. And“learner-centered”is just a beautiful slogan. Therefore, how to deal with the conflict between class size and insufficient ESP teaching faculty is another big issue that all ESP instructional designers have to confront and learn to tackle.To sum up, this interdisciplinary research, based on some teaching practice of Business Correspondence for Foreign Trade , Business English and English for Secretaries, has some referential significance for other ESP courses to some extent. But more importantly, this author hopes, through the discussion of this dissertation, to arouse more attention to and interest in ESP interdisciplinary research from the higher education administration and academia, and to promote a healthy, orderly development of ESP teaching, preparing our students better for the new challenge of economic globalization and international competition.

  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】59
  • 【下载频次】9915

