

A Study on Multi-word Vocabulary in Yuan Dynasty’s Engraved Miscellaneous Dramas

【作者】 曲丽玮

【导师】 周荐;

【作者基本信息】 南开大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 本文属于汉语史的断代专书兼专类文献词汇研究。在汉语词汇发展史上,近代是一个重要的时期,它上承上古和中古,下启现代,因此近代汉语是连接古代汉语和现代汉语的重要环节。语言是一个延绵不断的发展过程,“近代汉语”虽然作为一个语言历史时期独立出来,但对于它的上下限问题仍旧没有统一的界定。元代完全处于近代的主干时期,作为近代汉语研究的对象,元代语言无疑比唐宋以及清代都更具有代表性和典型性。同时,元代社会多元化的特质,也使其语言价值和地位明显优越于同属近代汉语主干部分的明代。杂剧是最能反映元代语言面貌和特点的白话文献资料,我们选择了现存最早的也是唯一一部元代刊刻的杂剧剧本《元刊杂剧三十种》作为研究对象。《元刊杂剧三十种》全书计30篇杂剧,11万余字,虽然题材广泛,语言内容丰富,口语色彩较强,作为研究元代的“同时语料”,基本真实可信,但该书在刻工、文字和语言上仍旧存在一定的不足之处。我们依据该书的原本,参考大陆和台湾三家的校勘本,尽量克服文字上的障碍,从中选取了8459个复字词语作为考察对象,并借助电脑建立了一个元刊杂剧复字词汇的封闭语料库,采用科学的计量方法对语料进行描写、分析和阐释。论文第一章是绪论部分,主要介绍选题的源起、目的、研究价值和研究现状等问题,主要说明《元刊杂剧三十种》在近代汉语中的地位以及在汉语史上的研究价值,同时还介绍了本文的研究方案、方法。论文第二章是对全书复字词汇的宏观考察。首先从计量研究入手,在意义标准为先导,语法、语音和频率标准做检验的主导思想下,将切分出的8459个复字词语作为研究对象。其次,从历时和共时的角度对全书的复字词汇系统进行描写。历时平面上,复字词汇系统包括两大部分:承古词语和新造词语;共时平面上,《元刊杂剧三十种》一书的口语词汇、宗教词汇以及外来词汇都是极具特色的词汇类聚,体现出与前代和后代不同的特点。第三章与第四章从微观上考察复字词汇的结构类型及结构关系。近代新造词语最能体现近代汉语的特点,另外,《元刊杂剧三十种》中双字格新词语数量最多,因此第三章是本文的研究重点,本章考察了双字新词语10种基本结构类型以及相应的结构关系。第四章在前一章的基础上考察了三字新词语和四字新词语的结构。随着元朝社会商品经济的发展、对外交流的增加以及人们思维水平的提高,人们在交际中需要表义更加精确的形式来表达丰富的概念。三字词语和四字词语正是在双字词的基础上,拓展了词的形式,将新的复杂概念表达得更加准确,适应了人类交际交流对语言发展的要求。较之于中古时期,元刊杂剧中的三字新词语、四字新词语在数量上都有显著增加,内容也更加丰富。其中,三字新词语与普通民众的生活更加接近;四字新词语中的骈俪化四字词语数量尤为突出,在其影响下,元刊杂剧的语言中出现了能产力较强的待嵌格式,具有同义类聚成员丰富的特点。第五章讨论元刊杂剧中新义的演变问题,包括从古代汉语中演变而来和在现代汉语中继续发展两个部分,本章也是论文研究的重点之一。古代汉语中的词义通过引申及虚化的途径进入近代汉语词汇系统,成为近代汉语中的新意义。词义是不断变化发展的系统,随着社会的发展变化,近代的词义发展至今天,一些具有时代特色的意义随着人们认识的深入发展和所反映客观事物的消失而消亡,一部分意义与新的词语形式结合发生易位,相对于原来的词语,我们都称之为义位消失;另外一部分意义或者直接沿用到现代汉语中,或者发生了扩大、缩小和转移的变化,我们都称之为义位保留。通过考察《元刊杂剧三十种》中的近代双字新词语的词义在历时中的演变情况,我们可知:近代新词语具有典型的时代特征,与古代、现代汉语词汇之间存在明显差异,它们各自保持了独立的语言特征;同时近代新词新义具有旺盛的生命力,近代词汇在形式和内容上的特点一定程度上影响了现代汉语的造词、构词以及口语化风格。第六章描写了《元刊杂剧三十种》中的特殊词汇,从词义风格色彩的角度将元刊杂剧中与词的功能、地位相当的固定短语分为雅语和俗语两大类。“雅语”中的主要成员是成语,也包括一些语意不俗的名言、格言和警句等单位。俗语包括谚语、惯用语和歇后语三种类型,其典型形式是多字构成的句子。俗语的数量远远超雅语,这也是元刊杂剧语言通俗的原因之一。作为专书中的特殊词汇,元刊杂剧中的雅语和俗语具有类型单一集中、结构灵活、修辞方式多样的特点。最后是结语部分,通过对《元刊杂剧三十种》一书复字词汇的梳理和考察,我们得出如下结论:一、词汇聚合丰富。从历时平面上看,元刊杂剧中承古词语,也有近代新生词语,从共时平面上看,除常用的普通词语外,还有个性鲜明的口语词、宗教词语和外来词语。二、元代时,为广大普通百姓接受的外来词语主体仍是伴随佛教文化进入汉语词汇系统的梵语外来词。在汉族中下层人民的日常生活中,作为统治者语言的蒙古语所占比重微乎其微。这一点与明刊杂剧所反映出的明代语言有显著差异。三、词语生成能力增强,结构类型和关系丰富,构词法发展完备,双字格作为强势构词格式的倾向明显。四、词汇系统承古纳新,富有活力。五、口语色彩浓厚。《元刊》是能够体现元代语言特点的近代白话材料。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on the dating of Chinese language history as well as on the study of a specialized type of vocabulary in documents. In the developmental history of Chinese vocabulary, the most important period is modern period, which connects upper-ancient Chinese language and mid-ancient Chinese language with present-day Chinese language. Language development undergoes a continuous process. Even though "modern Chinese language" stands out as an independent period in history, yet there is no definite standard to classify its upper and lower limits. Yuan Dynasty falls into the central period of modern history, and as a research subject of modern Chinese language, the Chinese language in Yuan Dynasty is more suitable to be studied than the Chinese language in Tang Dynasty, Song Dynasty and Qing Dynasty. Meanwhile, the multiple social properties make the Chinese language in Yuan Dynasty better in linguistic value and social status than it in Ming Dynasty.The document best showing the language features of Yuan Dynasty is the miscellaneous drama, and the earliest and the only miscellaneous drama is "30 Types of Yuan Dynasty’s Engraved Miscellaneous Drama", which is chosen as the research subject. As a kind of "instantaneous corpus", it is a reliable book for the research with 30 types of miscellaneous drama,110,000 Chinese characters, extensive subject matter, rich linguistic content and strong tendency to oral Chinese expressions even though there exist some shortcomings in the engraving skills and the usage of linguistic expressions. From the original version of the book and the other three proof-read versions of the same book in Taiwan and the Mainland,8,459 multi-word phrases are selected for the research, a closed corpus of multi-word phrases in Yuan Dynasty’s engraved miscellaneous dramas is set up with the aid of computer, and a scientific method has been adopted to describe, analyze and illustrate the corpus.Chapter 1 concerns itself with the introduction, introducing the cause, purpose, value and status quo, outline and method for the research by focusing on the role of "30 Types of Yuan Dynasty’s Engraved Miscellaneous Drama" in modern Chinese language and the research value of it in the history of Chinese language.Chapter 2 concerns itself with a macro-examination of multi-word vocabulary in the book. On the basis of meaning, grammar, phonetics and appearance frequency, 8,344 multi-word Chinese characters are selected as the research subject. Then, from diachronic and synchronic perspectives, the whole book’s multi-word vocabulary is surveyed. From the diachronic perspective, multi-word vocabulary is made up of two parts:ancient words/phrases and newly-coined words/phrases. From the synchronic perspective, the oral Chinese vocabulary, religious vocabulary and foreign vocabulary are the accumulation of words/phrases reflecting different characteristics in the former and later dynasties.Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 concern themselves with a micro-examination of multi-word vocabulary’s structural type and structural relationship. The newly-coined words in modern times can best show the feature of modern Chinese language. In "30 Types of Yuan Dynasty’s Engraved Miscellaneous Drama", the largest part of vocabulary lies in the two-word new phrases. Thus, Chapter 3 is the key chapter for the research, in which 10 types of basic structure for two-word new phrases and their corresponding structural relationship. Based on Chapter 3, Chapter 4 examines the structure of three-word new phrases and four-word phrases. With the development of Yuan Dynasty’s commodity economy, the increase of foreign exchange and the improvement of people’s way of thinking, more accurate forms of expression are needed to deliver various ideas. As a result, three-word and four-word phrases, which are suitable for accurate expression of complicated ideas, satisfy people’s needs in communication. Compared with the similar phrases in mid-ancient times, there is a remarkable increase in the number of three-word and four-word new phrases from Yuan Dynasty’s engraved miscellaneous dramas. In particular, three-word new phrases are more closely connected with the life of common people, whereas four-word phrases are rich in parallel structures. Therefore, some language forms with strong productivity come into being, and they are characteristic of synonymic accumulation.Chapter 5, one of the key chapters in this dissertation, concerns itself with the developmental history of new meanings of words/phrases in Yuan Dynasty’s engraved miscellaneous dramas. One part of the new meaning is developed from ancient Chinese language, while the other part of it continues to exist in present-day Chinese language. Words/phrases in ancient Chinese language enter into modern Chinese language with new meanings by means of extension, transference and abstracting. With the development of society, the meaning of words/phrases tends to change in two directions:One direction is to the disappearing of the meanings with strong social characteristics or to the transferring of the meanings by combining with new words/phrases; the other direction is to the continuation of the meanings into present-day Chinese language, or to the expansion and contraction of the original meanings.By exploring the developmental history of meanings of the two-word new phrases in the book, it is concluded that the new words/phrases in modern Chinese language bear the distinctive feature of the society, which is remarkably different from the vocabulary in ancient Chinese language and present-day Chinese language. Meanwhile, the new words/phrases with new meanings in modern Chinese language are of great vitality, so that they exert a certain influence on present-day Chinese language’s word-coining, word-building and the colloquial style of words no matter whether the influence is in formation or in content.Chapter 6 concerns itself with the examination of certain special vocabulary. From the perspective of semantic style, the set phrases in the book are divided into two types in accordance with their function and status:elegant language and popular language. "Elegant language" is mainly made up of idiomatic expressions, including certain famous sayings, maxims and epigrams, with elegant meanings, while "popular language" is composed of proverbs, established usage and allegorical sayings, which is largely formed by sentences made up of multiple words. The number of popular language is far more than that of elegant language, which is one of the reasons why the language in Yuan Dynasty’s engraved miscellaneous drams is popular. As a special type of vocabulary, the elegant language and popular language in Yuan Dynasty’s engraved miscellaneous dramas are simple in types, flexible in structure and variable in rhetorical devices.The last chapter serves as the conclusion. By organizing and examining the multi-word vocabulary in the book, it is concluded that:(1) The vocabulary is rich in variety. From the diachronic perspective, in this book there exist ancient Chinese words/phrase and new words/phrase in modern Chinese language, whereas from synchronic perspective, apart from commonly-used words/phrases there exist colloquial words/phrases with distinctive features, religious words/phrases and foreign words/phrases; (2) In Yuan Dynasty, the foreign words/phrases universally accepted by the public are those from Buddhism, while Mongolian language used by the rulers only plays a minor role in the daily life of common people, which is clearly different from the status of the language in Ming Dynasty’s engraved miscellaneous drams; (3) There are various structural types and relationships, a complete word-building system and a strong tendency to two-word words/phrases; (4) Some words/phrases are carried down from ancient Chinese language, some are newly coined, some are active, and some are of great vitality; (5) The vocabulary is of strong colloquial style. In brief, "30 Types of Yuan Dynasty’s Engraved Miscellaneous Drama" is a modern vernacular material that manifests Yuan Dynasty language feature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南开大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 07期

