

Hong Kong Sport-Past Evolution, Present State and Future Development Trend

【作者】 杨华照

【导师】 肖焕禹;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 随着体育在现代社会中的地位和作用的日益突出,及其对增强民族认同和凝聚民心士气的巨大潜力的不断显现,以及中国近年来在国际赛场上所取得的举世瞩目的体育成绩,都促使了香港的体育事业的快速发展。今天,当我们审视香港近百年的体育文化的传播历史轨迹时,我们看到,无论是历史性地获得奥运金牌,还是频频在亚运会和全运会的赛场上摘金夺银,都显示出香港体育发展的迅猛势头。而这其中,固然有巨大的经济力量作为支持,更重要的则是,在这个多元文化聚集的国际化都市背后有一个强大民族精神作为支撑。研究香港市民社会形态下的体育沿革、体育体制和运作模式,梳理这一具有地域特征的体育发展脉络,揭示其发展规律,寻求其当代的社会价值和未来的发展取向则将成为这个时代的责任和使命。本研究运用文献资料、深度访谈、案例研究、问卷调查等研究方法,注重理论研究和实证研究相结合,从历史学、社会学、文化学角度审视香港体育发展历程和现状,就香港体育的未来发展提出建设性意见。通过研究,得出以下结论:1十九世纪中叶至1997年,香港体育经历了体育引进、传入、快速独立发展三个阶段,体育属典型的西方体制,受英国影响较深。上世纪50年代以来,香港体育发展逐渐加速,这种社会、经济与体育的相互需要和支持,是香港体育得以发展的社会原因。回归大陆后,实行一国两制,香港体育仍主要由体育社团组织管理。港府主要以其体育政策、经费投入对体育的发展施加调控和影响。2香港体育不可避免地要受到西方思想文化的影响,特别是早期的体育活动和体育基础教育。同时香港的地缘始终与中国内地有密不可分的关系,香港体育与中国传统体育关系密切。香港体育处在香港这个中西文化的交汇点上,既从西方现代体育的发展经验中吸取营养,又有中国传统文化的显著影响,从内地的体育发展中得到很多启迪。3香港作为中国独特的市民社会,无论在体育体制还是在竞技体育和大众体育的发展方面,都深深的打上了市民体育的烙印,呈现出社会办体育的基本模式。香港市民参与体能活动调查显示香港市民体能活动量确有增加的趋势,但现时有超过一半(51.4%)的市民其体能活动量未能达至「基础指标」4香港体育运动的发达,源于20世纪初期很多本地华人体育社团的成立。从英国占领及管辖香港的150年间,体育便是由民间组织自发组织起来,香港体育组织机构是公司化运作方式。港协暨奥委会,(Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China)是代表香港的体育组织,属国际奥林匹克委员会成员,负责筹组香港代表团参加世界性大型运动会,香港体院作为训练、科研中心,促进了香港竞技体育职业化、专业化的进程。5香港学校体育历来受到教育界和体育界的关注。但是香港寸金尺土,学校体育没有扩展空间,体育场地、设施严重不足,多年来受到广泛批评,迄今无实质解决办法。学生在身体发展上及社交上处于劣势。6香港体育产业更多地依托于国际体育用品市场,而不是依托香港当地体育参与活动带动的经济活动。香港各大型体育总会是以不牟利机构注册,盈余所得全部用在香港体育赛事推广发展上,近年此方面发展蓬勃,前景大好。7现在的香港体育界,已经有不错的根基。香港体育经费主要来自政府拨款,同时得到大量商业赞助。对外交流频繁,80年代中以来,香港竞技体育水平提高较快。香港体育学院的香港精英运动员培训中心,成立以来为香港竞技体育的发展做出了突出贡献。1997年回归后基本维持现行体育政策、体育组织机构不变,重视大众体育、竞技体育的进一步发展和提高,致力于加强学校体育、体育科教工作,进一步拓展经费筹措渠道。

【Abstract】 The increasingly prominent position and role of sport in modern society, its effect on enhancing national identity and its potential cohesion morale, as well as the remarkable achievements of China in sports in the international arena in recent years, prompt the rapid development of Hong Kong’s sport industry. From the historical Olympic Gold to the numerous medals in the Asian Games and the National Games of the People’s Republic of China, we can see Hong Kong sports’ huge advancement. Of course Hong Kong’s strong economic power is one of the success factors; however the crucial factor behind the success of this multi-cultural, international city is her strong national spirit.Studying Hong Kong’s sport evolution, system and mode of operation, understanding Hong Kong’s sport culture’s localized and regional feature, revealing its development pattern, and seeking its modern social value and future direction will be the key mission for this era.Through research in literatures, in-depth interviews, case studies and surveys, this paper examines Hong Kong sport’s historical development and current status in the perspectives of history, sociology and cultural studies. Thereafter, the paper puts forward constructive comments on future development of sport in Hong Kong.The studies reached the following conclusions:1. From mid-nineteenth century to 1997, the development of Hong Kong sport can be divided into three phases:introduction, import and rapid independent development. Sport was of typical western system with heavy British influence. Since the 1950s, development of Hong Kong sport gradually accelerated. The interdependent and support between society, economy and sports were the main social reason for the growth of Hong Kong Sport. After reunification with the China’s mainland, with the implementation of one country two systems, Hong Kong sports are still mainly managed by the local sports community organizations. The Hong Kong Government controls and influences sports development mainly through policy and funding.2. Hong Kong Sports, especially the early sport activities and fundamental sports education, are inevitably subject to the influence of Western ideology and culture. At the same time, Hong Kong sports are closely tied to China’s mainland due to geographic proximity with China’s mainland. Hong Kong sports, being at the point where Eastern and Western cultures met, gain experiences from modern Western sports development, while being influenced by traditional Chinese culture, with many inspiration originated from the sports development in China’s mainland.3. Hong Kong is a unique civil society in China, and as a result the image of civil sports is deeply inscribed in sports system, as well as in competitive sports and mass sports development, with a community driven sports model. A survey on the involvement of Hong Kong residents in physical activities showed that the level of physical activities engaged by Hong Kong public is on the rise; however, still over half (51.4%) of the people’s physical activity level failed to meet the "baseline indicator."4. Hong Kong Sport development originated in the early 20th century, when many local Chinese sports associations were established. During the 150 years under British rule, sports were self-organized by non-governmental organizations. Hong Kong sports organizations are being operated similar to private companies. The Sports Federation & Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, a member of the International Olympic Committee, is the representative of Hong Kong in the international sports community, and is responsible for organizing Hong Kong delegation to participate in large-scale international sporting events. The Hong Kong Sports Institute is the training, research and development center. It promotes and contributes to the development of professional competitive sports in Hong Kong.5. Hong Kong Schools Sports have always drawn attention from the education and sports community. However, with the limited land space and high land value, there is not much room for school sports to further expand. The grossly inadequate sports venues and facilities had been widely criticized throughout the years, but still no solution is in sight. This put Hong Kong’s student in a huge disadvantage in terms of physical and social development.6. The Hong Kong sport industry relies on the international sporting goods market rather than the economy driven by domestic sporting activities. All major sports associations in Hong Kong are non-profit organizations. All surplus in operation are used to promote sporting events. With the vigorous development in this area in recent years, we can expect further growth in the coming years.7. Hong Kong’s sports community nowadays has developed a good foundation. Government provides the majority of Sports funding, along with a large number of commercial sponsorship. With frequent interaction with foreign sporting community, Hong Kong’s competitive sport standard has been raising considerably since mid-1980s. The Hong Kong Elite Athletes Training Center of the Hong Kong Sports Institute has made outstanding contribution since its establishment. After the handover in 1997, the basic sports policy and structure of sporting organizations are maintained, with focus on the further development and advancement of public and competitive sports, strengthen school sports and sport science and education work, and further develop financial sources for sport funding.


