

A Study on Marketing Environment and Tactics of Sports Clothing Industry in Pearl River Delta

【作者】 许玲

【导师】 许宗祥;

【作者基本信息】 上海体育学院 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 博士


【摘要】 本文以经济学、管理学、市场营销学、体育经济学、体育产业学等学科相关理论为基础,以珠三角知名运动服装业市场营销策略为研究对象,运用文献资料法、实地考察法、问卷调查法、专家咨询法、比较法、统计法等研究方法。对珠三角运动服装业市场宏观调研分析的基础上,深入到康威、兰狮、闪电、曼奴等具有代表性的珠三角知名运动服装企业进行实地考察与调研。通过市场调研与预测,综合分析珠三角运动服装业市场营销现状及存在的问题,把握市场信息,揭示市场潜在需求与机会,提出营销创新战略与策略,为提高企业竞争力、加强国内国际合作、促进珠三角运动服装业快速、健康发展提供指导性建议。全文为四个部分,共8章。第一部分(第1、2章)运动服装业市场营销相关理论研究。导论和研究理论基础:对研究背景、研究目的、研究假设、研究对象与方法、研究的创新点、研究路线等进行全面叙述。并对市场营销理论、4P(产品、价格、渠道、促销)理论、4C理论(消费者、成本、便利性、沟通)理论、PEST营销环境理论、SWOT分析理论、整合营销理论、“钻石模型”理论、体育营销理论等进行综述,对珠三角知名运动服装市场营销策略等相关概念进行界定。第二部分(第3、4、5、6章)从宏观、中观、微观的角度对珠三角运动服装业所处营销环境进行系统分析。(一)在宏观上,运用PEST模型(政治、经济、文化及科技等环境要素)对该产业的环境,经济全球化和金融危机带来的“危”与“机”,珠三角区域的先行先试的政策优势等进行分析,阐述了该产业机遇与挑战并存的外部宏观环境。(二)在中观上,基于钻石模型理论对该产业进行系统分析表明,珠三角区域运动服装业正处于从传统服装加工业向生产性服务业升级阶段,重视生产过程的市场研究、产品概念设计、物流配送服务、市场渠道开发、促销能力培养,具有自主知名品牌和先进营销管理能力的优势。(三)在微观上,采用访谈法、问卷调查法表明,企业内部营销管理人员综合素质不高、营销文化落后、营销战略定位不清等问题;加盟、代理商之间缺乏充分的信息沟通与分享、和总公司的合作不充分、消费者的品牌忠诚度不高、广告促销关注度下降。整体上,珠三角知名品牌运动服装业的营销管理手段和策略与现代营销相比存在明显不足。(四)对比国内外市场竞争对手(耐克、李宁),从市场营销组成要素方面进行全面对比分析,指出珠三角知名运动服装业尚处于名牌企业营销管理的初期阶段,品牌弱势、营销战略保守和营销方法传统是其营销的主要不足,必须借鉴耐克、李宁的先进营销管理,注重营销差异化,才能在激烈的市场中生存。第三部分(第7章)珠三角知名运动服装业营销战略与策略。(一)从战略的高度,对珠三角知名运动服装营销环境系统分析的基础上,提出了成本领先与差异化整合发展的新营销战略。(二)采用宏观经济学的回归方法,构建我国参与体育锻炼居民运动服装年消费预测模型,定量预测未来城乡参与体育锻炼居民运动服装消费市场规模;从消费者行为学角度,定性预测未来运动服装消费行为总体发展趋势。(三)制定珠三角知名运动服装市场营销新策略和新模式。针对消费者个性化消费趋势不断增长、网络购物作为新时代的购物方式日渐被消费者接受等,确立“以顾客需求为导向”的现代营销观念;实施“4P+4C”的整合营销策略组合;创新“以人为本”的人文营销新理念,采用虚拟营销、绿色营销、社会营销等新模式,实现新型营销理念模式与管理方式的新融合。第四部分(第8章)结论,对本研究成果进行总结。

【Abstract】 This dissertation is an interdisciplinary study on the marketing tactics of renowned sports clothing industry in the Pearl River Delta. By applying the methods such as referential study, field study, questionnaires, comparison and mathematic statistics, the research is also engaged with other subject areas like economics, management, marketing, sports economics, sports industry research, etc. The study springs first from the broad exploration of sports clothing industry in PRD, and focuses mainly on the investigation of several representative and renowned brands, namely Kangwei, Drance, Spiuto, and Menlow. During the study, the author takes great efforts in analyzing the marketing strategies and existing problems in the local sports clothing industry through market research and prediction, with the purpose to point out the underlying needs and opportunities of the present market, to make more creative marketing strategies and tactics, and to accelerate the healthy development of sport clothing industries in PRD.The dissertation consists of four parts (eight chapters).Part I (the first two chapters):Reviews of relevant theories concerning the marketing tactics in sports clothing industry.This part offers a comprehensive introduction of the backgrounds of study, the study objectives, hypotheses, objects of study and methodology, the framework and creations. Moreover, it also includes a comprehensive review of marketing tactics theories,4P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) theory,4C(Customer, Cost Convenience, Communication) theory, PEST(the political, economic, social and technical elements) marketing environment theories, SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) theory, Integrated Marketing theories, Diamond Model theory, and sport marketing theories. Key words and concepts concerning the marketing tactics theories in PRD sports clothing industry are also defined in this part.Part II (chapter three to six):The systematic analyses of the marketing environment of PRD sports clothing industry from the perspectives of macro, meso and micro approaches.1. Concerning the outside (macro) environment, the present and future situations of the industry are examined and predicted through the usage of PEST model. According to the author, several elements compose the macro environment of the industry which is manifested as the mingling of chances and challenges:the scientific development as the guiding theory of China’s social development; the risks and chances resulting from the global economy and financial crisis; the advantages of the Pilot Policy in the PRD area, etc.2. In the perspective of meso economy, the industry, through the systematic analysis based on the Diamond Model theory, is in the process of shifting to producing service industry from the traditional clothing models. This implies that the industry should focus more on market research, concept design of the products, logistics and distribution, market development, the training of sales proficiency, etc. The more important in the future lies in coining and developing the self-independent brands, and in breeding an advanced marketing and management abilities.3. In examining the micro marketing situation inside the industry through questionnaires, we find several problems existing in the marketing staff: comparatively low capability, backward marketing cultural consciousness, and unclear marketing positioning. Another main problem lies in the cooperation between the headquarters and the local agents:they seldom share adequate information communication. On the other hand, problems are also found on the part of consumers. Researches show that average consumers’expense on sports clothing is low, together with low loyalty on a certain brand and less attention on advertising. Other elements also work to worsen the situation such as the rising tendency of people’s individual consumption, and the internet shopping gradually accepted by the public. On the whole, the marketing strategies and tactics of the sports clothing industry in PRD prove to be inappropriate in contemporary economic and business situation.4. Compared with other national and international competitors (such as NIKE and LINING), the marketing elements of PRD sports clothing industry are still on the premium and lower stage in the marketing management of renowned brands. Their prime weaknesses lie in the low fame of brands, old or conservative marketing tactics and methods. Therefore, they are suggested to learn and borrow the advanced method of marketing management in order to obtain the competitive ability in the challenging market.Part III (chapter seven) Solutions and suggestions in terms of marketing strategies and tactics of renowned sports clothing industry in PRD area.1. Through the systematic analyses of the marketing environment of renowned sports clothing industry using the SWOT theory, we suggest applying the new marketing strategies:foregrounding the advantage of low cost; and the new development model of differentiated integration.2. It is necessary to construct the annual consumption prediction model of China’s sports clothing through the application of regression method in macro economy, in an attempt to predict the size of consumption market in the future. It is also practically helpful to predict the general development tendency of the sports clothing consumption behavior from the perspective of consumers’behavior.3. A new marketing tactics as well as a new model should be set up for the renowned sports clothing industry in PRD. A modern marketing concept of focusing on the customers’ needs; "4P+4C" Integrated marketing tactics; an individual-centered humanitarian marketing concept; the adoption of virtual marketing, green marketing, society marketing models; the integration of new marketing idea models and management modes.Part IV (Chapter eight) Conclusion:the tentative findings as well as the limitations; further studies in the future.

  • 【分类号】F274;F426.86
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】4322
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