

Theory of Marxist Intellectuals

【作者】 王东

【导师】 徐晓风;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 马克思主义经典作家在构建科学社会主义理论体系的同时,对当时的知识分子的阶级属性、地位与作用和具体措施等问题花费了大量笔墨来加以研究。在马克思、恩格斯看来,知识分子是个历史的概念,是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段的必然产物。在马克思恩格斯的有关知识分子内容的著作中,他们从唯物主义的视角,以生活来源、经济地位这把尺子作为划分阶级属性的标准,也就是说,划分阶级的依据,只能是人们的经济地位,即对生产资料的占有关系和剥削关系,这是唯一合乎科学的依据。马克思恩格斯用这种阶级分析方法,得出的结论是非常符合实际的。在马克思、恩格斯看来,科学知识是推动历史前进的决定力量。科学技术知识是生产力,而生产力最关键最重要的因素是人,是依靠和发展掌握科学技术的知识分子。因此说,知识分子的社会地位和社会作用是巨大的。马克思恩格斯关于知识分子的理论问题提出以后,更在社会实践中得以应用,指出在无产阶级争夺领导权和未来共和国的建设中必须建设一支数量充足的真正的马克思主义知识分子的队伍。坚决克服排斥知识分子的倾向,坚决反对把他们拒之门外。而要对他们进行客观的实际的分析,不看家庭出身,社会关系是否复杂,更看重自己的现实表现。对转过来的资本主义社会中的知识分子要采取团结教育政策加“盐酸”溶化他们。万不得已情况下,采取收买旧社会知识分子身份和威慑办法来为我方服务。这些方法是符合客观实际的,体现了一切从实际出发、具体问题具体分析原则,是符合辩证法思想,对马克思主义知识分子理论体系的建立起到了奠基作用。对于知识分子的社会地位及作用方面,列宁更是在继承马克思恩格斯留给后世的这一宝贵精神财富的基础上,更加注重知识分子的作用。他认为,没有进步的知识分子参加革命,就不会产生无产阶级的科学理论,也就不能组成先进的政党,更不能把马克思主义理论深入到工农群众中去,也就不能调动工人阶级的积极性,提高工人阶级的思想觉悟。要建设共产主义,就必须掌握科学与技术,劳动者只有掌握了最新的科学技术文化知识,才能真正成为发展生产力的开拓者和承担者,才能创造出巨大的财富。在无产阶级政党的知识分子政策上,列宁的知识分子理论是形成初步体系的,是具有开创性的历史贡献的。但由于时代条件的限制,列宁的知识分子政策不可避免地带有历史的局限性。混淆了知识分子的阶级属性和政治归属问题,把他们确定为资产阶级或小资产阶级知识分子,给他们以不应有的政治待遇,伤害了一部分参加革命知识分子的心。在领导中国革命、建设和改革的过程中,中国共产党对知识分子的阶级属性是小资产阶级的知识分子,然后是劳动人民的知识分子,再然后是工人阶级知识分子的认识变化的过程。中国共产党很重视知识分子的地位和作用。在对待知识分子问题上有许多成功的经验,但是也经历了曲折和失误,留下了深刻教训。科学技术是第一生产力,这是马克思、恩格斯、列宁从来没说过的话。改革开放以来,尊重知识、尊重人才在中国已经形成了普遍风气。江泽民全面贯彻邓小平的知识分子理论,提出了“四个尊重”。并全面落实“科教兴国”战略和“人才强国”战略。在知识经济飞速发展的今天,胡锦涛提出创新型人才理念。这是对马克思主义知识分子理论的继承和发展,对于做好当代的知识分子工作,推动全社会尊重知识、尊重知识分子、促使知识分子在社会主义改革开放和现代化建设中发挥聪明和才智,起到了积极的作用,并且已经形成了马克思主义知识分子的科学系统的理论体系。

【Abstract】 While constructing the theoretical system of scientific socialism, Marxist classical writers also gave a detailed illustration of such issues as intellectuals’class attribute, status and role. According to Marx and Engels, intellectual belongs to a historical concept and is the inevitable outcome of the development of human society. In their works, they explicated systematically the issue of intellectuals’class attribute. From the perspective of materialism, they employed the source of income and economic status as a standard to divide class, which means that the division of class attribute is based solely on people’s economic status -- the possession and the exploitation of the means of production. By applying this division, Marx and Engels drew some objective and true conclusions. In their eyes, scientific knowledge is the decisive force pushing history forward, in other words, knowledge of science and technology are primary productive forces. However, the most critical factor in developing productive forces is human beings. Intellectuals play a key role in society and the development of productive forces depends largely on intellectuals. With the proposal of the basic theory of intellectual and its application to social practice, Marx and Engels pointed out that a team of real Marxist intellectuals in a large quantity must be set up in proletariat’s competition for leadership and construction of a republic. We, with determination to overcome the tendency to reject intellectuals, should give intellectuals an objective and practical analysis and pay more attention to their actual behavior, no matter what background they have and how complicated their social relations are. To those intellectuals who come over from Capitalist society, policies of union and education should be both exerted to cultivate them. Methods of buying over old society intellectuals and intimidating them into service for us can also be used out of absolute necessity. These measures are consistent with objective reality and they embody the principle of all proceeding from actual conditions and the principle of a concrete analysis of concrete problems. They are in line with dialectic thinking and play a fundamental role. However, these measures are incomplete, unsystematic and in disorder according to Marx and Engels’intellectual theory. It can be said that they merely put forward some initial theories of intellectual. For example, they made a deep analysis of the intellectual class attribute and thought most of intellectuals belong to Proletariat while they contributed few discussions about how to win actively over the proletarian intellectuals– Communist Party.Lenin inherited Marx and Engels’basic theory on intellectuals, which is the precious spiritual wealth left for us, and paid more attention to the role of intellectuals. He believes that if there were no progressive intellectuals to participate in the revolution, the proletariat would not have produced a scientific theory, and they would not be able to construct an advanced party. Furthermore, the Marxist theory won’t be thoroughly understood and used by the workers and peasants, and it could not mobilize the enthusiasm of the working class and enhance their ideological consciousness. To build communism, working people must master science and technology. Workers only to master the latest science and technology, can they truly become the pioneers of the productive force and create great wealth. As for the proletarian party policy on intellectuals, Lenin has made groundbreaking contributions to the history by forming a systematic theory. However, because of the constraints from the conditions of the times, Lenin’s policy toward intellectuals inevitably has historical limitations. It confused the class nature and political affiliations of intellectuals. The intellectuals are identified as bourgeois or petty-bourgeois intellectuals, and given undue political treatment, thus, some of those who joined the revolution were hurt .In the process of leading the Chinese revolution, construction and reformation, the Chinese Communist Party’s intellectual class property division policy has experienced the following process: the bourgeois intellectuals→the working people’s intellectuals,→the proletariat intellectuals. The Chinese Communist Party attaches great importance to the status and role of intellectuals. In the treatment of intellectuals, our party has many successful experiences, but it also experienced setbacks and mistakes, left us deep lessons.“Science and technology are primary productive forces.”this is something Marx, Engels and Lenin had never said. Since reform and opening up, respecting knowledge and respecting talent has become a common culture in China.By full implementation of Deng Xiaoping’s theory of intellectuals, Jiang Zemin proposed the "Four Respects”, and fully implemented the "Technology and Education" strategy and "Talent" strategy. Today, with the rapid development of knowledge-based economy, President Hu Jintao put forward the ideas of“Creative Talents”. This is the inheritance and development of the Marxist theory of intellectuals. This plays a positive role in doing a good work about contemporary intellectuals, and helps to promote the whole society to respect knowledge and respect intellectuals, and lead intellectuals to use their knowledge and intellects to work for the socialist reform and opening up and the construction of modernization.


