
PS InSAR关键技术及其在矿区地面沉降监测中的应用研究

Study of Key Techniques of PS InSAR and Its Applications to Monitor Mining Land Subsidence

【作者】 陶秋香

【导师】 刘国林;

【作者基本信息】 山东科技大学 , 摄影测量与遥感, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 虽然目前世界上已有很多利用PS InSAR或D-InSAR监测地面沉降的成功实例,但该技术在地面沉降监测方面的应用还没有进入业务化运行。一方面受制于目前的数据状况,另一方面某些关键技术,如低相干SAR图像对的配准、PS点的有效识别与选取、形变量的高精度估算等还有待进一步改进和完善。本文在国家“863”高技术研究发展计划(2009AA12Z147—B子课题)和国家自然科学基金(No.40874001)等相关项目的资助下,对PS InSAR若干关键技术、D-InSAR和PS InSAR在矿区地面沉降监测中的应用进行了全面系统的研究,主要内容包括以下几个方面:(1)作为全文研究的理论基础,深入研究了星载SAR、InSAR、D-InSAR以及PSInSAR的基本原理、工作模式等,形成了实用化的数据处理流程和方法,并对它们的一些关键技术和所用算法进行了较详细的分析和研究。(2)对PS InSAR差分干涉图生成过程中的关键技术进行了系统研究,具体如下:(Ⅰ)分析和研究了基于DESCW和综合相关系数γm的公共主图像优化选取方法在一系列时序SAR图像中优化选取一幅或多幅公共主图像的原理和实用化数据处理流程。在综合考虑空间垂直基线、时间基线和多普勒质心频率基线对干涉图去相关影响的基础上,提出并实现了一种基于DESCW与三基线和最小的公共主图像优化选取方法。通过试验对两种方法进行了详细的比较和分析;(Ⅱ)深入细致地研究了SAR图像对配准的基本步骤、常用方法。针对低相干SAR图像对的配准问题,提出并实现了一种基于加权最小二乘的PSInSAR精配准新方法,给出了该方法的原理、数据处理基本步骤和实现算法,并结合具体的试验数据验证了该方法的有效性;(Ⅲ)研究和分析了外部DEM的两种获取途径和差分干涉图的生成过程。(3)对PS InSAR数据处理中永久散射体的识别与选取问题进行了深入细致的研究。主要包括:(Ⅰ)系统研究和分析了现有各种永久散射体识别与选取方法的基本原理,形成了永久散射体识别与选取的实用化数据处理流程和方法;(Ⅱ)将小波滤波理论引入到永久散射体的识别与选取中,提出并实现了一种基于小波相位分析的PS点识别与选取方法,结合具体的SAR图像进行试验,从理论和试验研究两个方面对其可行性进行了验证和分析。(4)对形变量的估计模型和算法进行了深入研究。全面系统地比较和分析了现有PS InSAR技术探测地表形变的函数模型、解算方法,总结出各种PS InSAR技术监测地面沉降的实用化数据处理流程;系统总结了基于双点差分相位分析和多种滤波方法的PSInSAR技术探测地面沉降的原理和实用化数据处理流程;结合具体的SAR图像并借助StamPS进行了形变量的估算试验。(5)以济北地区某些矿区地面沉降为研究对象,结合具体的SAR数据,开展了D-InSAR和PS InSAR在矿区地面沉降监测中的应用试验。

【Abstract】 Although there are many successful examples of applying PS InSAR or D-InSAR technique to monitor land subsidence, its application have not yet entered the running of business because of the limitation of SAR data and some key techniques, such as the coregistration of low-coherent SAR image pairs, the identification and selection of PS pixels,’ the models and methods of estimating deformations precisely, etc. Finaced by the national high technology research and development program of China (2009AA12Z147-B sub-topics) and national natural science foundation of China (No.40874001) and other related projects, this paper systematically investigates some key techiques of PS InSAR and application of D-InSAR and PS InSAR to monitor the land subsidence of mining areas. The main reseach contents include the following aspects:(1) As the theory foundation, this paper investigates the basic principles and work patterns of satellite SAR, InSAR, D-InSAR and PS InSAR, summarizes the pratical data processing flows and methods, and finally analyzes and.discusses their key techniques and algorithms in detail.(2) This paper systematically investigates the key techniques related to differential interferogram generation in PS InSAR as follows:(Ⅰ) Analyzes and investigates the principles and practical data-processing processes to optimaze and select common "master" images from a series of SAR images based on the DESCW and the integrated correlation coefficientγm Presents and implements a new method to optimize and select a common "master" image or more based on the DESCW and minimum sum of three baselines considering the impact of spacial perpendicular baselines, temperal baselines and doppler centers frequency baselines on the decorrelation of interfero grams. Finally compares and analyzes two methods through a test. (Ⅱ) Investigates the basic steps and existing available methods of the coregistration of SAR image pairs detailedly and deeply. Presents and implements a new coregistration method of PS InSAR based on weighted least squares for the coregistration of low-oherence SAR image pairs, gives the principle, basic data processing steps and algorithm of the new coregistration method and carries out a test to verify its effectiveness. (Ⅲ) Researches and analyzes two ways of obtaining external DEM and the process of differential interferogram generation in PS InSAR technique.(3) This paper investigates the identification and selection of permanent scatterers of PS InSAR comprehensively and systematically, it mainly includes:(Ⅰ) Discusses and analyzes systematically the basic principles of the existing available methods and summaries their pratical data processing procedures and methods to identify and select permanent scatterers. (Ⅱ) Introduces the wavelet filtering theory into permanent scatterers identification and selection and presents the identifying and selecting permanent scatterer pixels new method based on wavelet phase analysis, and verifies its feasibility from theoretical and experimental study with specific SAR images data.(4) This paper investigates the deformation estimation models and algorithms of PS InSAR deeply. It compares and analyzes the existing available deformation estimation models and resolving methods of PS InSAR detecting surface deformation, summarizes the practical data processing flow of existing PS InSAR techniques monitoring land subsidence, systematically sums up the PS InSAR technique based on differential phase analysis of PS pairs and a variety of filtering methods to detect land subsidence in the theory and practical data processing, finally carries out a deformation estimation test using special SAR images with the help of StamPS.(5) Taking land subsidence of in Jibei coal mining areas as the research objects, this paper carries out the tests of D-InSAR and PS InSAR monitoring the land subsidence of mining areas with the specific SAR data.


